* | quran | * | 43. az-zukhruf. the embellishment      <   > 

1.  *     سورة الزخرف بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ٛــــ حم     swr+ alzKrf bsm allh alrHmn alrHym ? Hm     H M.     H. M.     Ha-Mim
2.  *     والكتاب المبين     walktab almbyn     And The Book, the clear/evident.     And the enlightening scripture.     By the Book that makes things clear,--
3.  *     انا جعلناه قرانا عربيا لعلكم تعقلون     ana j`lnah qrana `rbya l`lkm t`qlwn     We (E) made it an Arabic Koran, maybe/perhaps you reason/comprehend.     We have rendered it an Arabic Quran, that you may understand.     We have made it a Qur'an in Arabic, that ye may be able to understand (and learn wisdom).
4.  *     وانه في ام الكتاب لدينا لعلي حكيم     wanh fy am alktab ldyna l`ly Hkym     And that it truly is in The Books' mother/origin at Us (The Book's origin is at Us), height and mighty (E),wise/judicious (full of wisdom).     It is preserved with us in the original master, honorable and full of wisdom.     And verily, it is in the Mother of the Book, in Our Presence, high (in dignity), full of wisdom.
5.  *     افنضرب عنكم الذكر صفحا ان كنتم قوما مسرفين     afnDrb `nkm alXkr SfHa an kntm qwma msrfyn     Do We disregard/move from you the reminder/remembrance forgiveness/ condonation ? That (E) you were a nation (of) spoilers/neglecters.     Should we just ignore the fact that you have transgressed the limits?     Shall We then take away the Message from you and repel (you), for that ye are a people transgressing beyond bounds?
6.  *     وكم ارسلنا من نبي في الاولين     wkm arslna mn nby fy alawlyn     And how many We sent from a prophet in the first/beginners.     We have sent many a prophet to the previous generations.     But how many were the prophets We sent amongst the peoples of old?
7.  *     وماياتيهم من نبي الا كانوا به يستهزؤون     wmayatyhm mn nby ala kanwa bh ysthzWwn     And a prophet does not come to them except they were with him mocking/making fun.     Every time a prophet went to them, they ridiculed him.     And never came there a prophet to them but they mocked him.
8.  *     فاهلكنا اشد منهم بطشا ومضى مثل الاولين     fahlkna a$d mnhm bT$a wmDi mxl alawlyn     So We destroyed, (those who were) stronger than them violent destruction/attack, and the first's/beginner's proverb/example passed/expired     Consequently, we annihilated people who were even more powerful than these. We thus set the examples from the previous communities.     So We destroyed (them)- stronger in power than these;- and (thus) has passed on the Parable of the peoples of old.
9.  *     ولئن سالتهم من خلق السماوات والارض ليقولن خلقهن العزيز العليم     wlYn salthm mn Klq alsmawat walarD lyqwln Klqhn al`zyz al`lym     And if (E) you asked/questioned them: "Who created the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth?" They will say (E): "The glorious/mighty, the knowledgeable created them (B)."     If you asked them, "Who created the heavens and the earth," they would say, "The Almighty, the Omniscient has created them."     If thou wert to question them, 'Who created the heavens and the earth?' They would be sure to reply, 'they were created by (Him), the Exalted in Power, Full of Knowledge';-
10.  *     الذي جعل لكم الارض مهدا وجعل لكم فيها سبلا لعلكم تهتدون     alXy j`l lkm alarD mhda wj`l lkm fyha sbla l`lkm thtdwn     Who made/created for you the earth/Planet Earth spread/prepared, and He made/put for you in it roads/means, maybe/perhaps you be guided.     He is the One who made the earth habitable for you, and created for you roads therein, that you may follow the right way.     (Yea, the same that) has made for you the earth (like a carpet) spread out, and has made for you roads (and channels) therein, in order that ye may find guidance (on the way);
11.  *     والذى نزل من السماء ماء بقدر فانشرنا به بلدة ميتا كذلك تخرجون     walXi nzl mn alsma' ma' bqdr fan$rna bh bld+ myta kXlk tKrjwn     And who descended from the sky/space water with a measure/predestiny, so We revived/resurrected with it a dead/lifeless land, as/like that you are being brought out.     He is the One who sends down from the sky water, in exact measure, to revive dead lands therewith. Similarly, you will be resurrected.     That sends down (from time to time) rain from the sky in due measure;- and We raise to life therewith a land that is dead; even so will ye be raised (from the dead);-
12.  *     والذي خلق الازواج كلها وجعل لكم من الفلك والانعام ماتركبون     walXy Klq alazwaj klha wj`l lkm mn alflk walan`am matrkbwn     And who created the pairs/kinds all of them, and He created for you from the ship/ships and the camels/livestock what you ride/board.     He is the One who created all kinds, in pairs (male and female), and He created for you ships and livestock to ride.     That has created pairs in all things, and has made for you ships and cattle on which ye ride,
13.  *     لتستووا على ظهوره ثم تذكروا نعمة ربكم اذا استويتم عليه وتقولوا سبحان الذي سخر لنا هذا وماكنا له مقرنين     ltstwwa `li Zhwrh xm tXkrwa n`m+ rbkm aXa astwytm `lyh wtqwlwa sbHan alXy sKr lna hXa wmakna lh mqrnyn     To sit on on its backs/surfaces, then you remember/mention your Lord's blessing/goodness when you sat on it, and you say: "Praise/glory (to) who humiliated/subjugated for us this, and we were not to it overpowering/connecting (without God)."     As you rest on top of them, you shall appreciate such a blessing from your Lord, and say, "Glory be to the One who subdued this for us. We could not have controlled them by ourselves.     In order that ye may sit firm and square on their backs, and when so seated, ye may celebrate the (kind) favour of your Lord, and say, "Glory to Him Who has subjected these to our (use), for we could never have accomplished this (by ourselves),
14.  *     وانا الى ربنا لمنقلبون     wana ali rbna lmnqlbwn     And that We are to our Lord returning (E).     "We ultimately return to our Lord."     "And to our Lord, surely, must we turn back!"
15.  *     وجعلوا له من عباده جزءا ان الانسان لكفور مبين     wj`lwa lh mn `badh jz'a an alansan lkfwr mbyn     And they made/put for Him from His worshippers/slaves a part/portion (partner), that truly the human/mankind (is a) a clear/evident (insisting) disbeliever (E).     They even assigned for Him a share from His own creation! Surely, the human being is profoundly unappreciative.     Yet they attribute to some of His servants a share with Him (in his godhead)! truly is man a blasphemous ingrate avowed!
16.  *     ام اتخذ مما يخلق بنات واصفاكم بالبنين     am atKX mma yKlq bnat waSfakm balbnyn     Or He took/received from what He creates daughters, and he chose (specialized) you with sons.     Has He chosen from among His creations daughters for Himself, while blessing you with sons?     What! has He taken daughters out of what He himself creates, and granted to you sons for choice?
17.  *     واذا بشر احدهم بما ضرب للرحمن مثلا ظل وجهه مسودا وهو كظيم     waXa b$r aHdhm bma Drb llrHmn mxla Zl wjhh mswda whw kZym     And if any of them was announced good news to with what He gave to the merciful (as) an example (the daughters), his face became/continued blackened, and he is holding (his) breath/suppressed.     When one of them is given news (of a daughter) as they claimed for the Most Gracious, his face is darkened with misery and anger!     When news is brought to one of them of (the birth of) what he sets up as a likeness to ((Allah)) Most Gracious, his face darkens, and he is filled with inward grief!
18.  *     اومن ينشأ في الحلية وهو في الخصام غير مبين     awmn yn$A fy alHly+ whw fy alKSam Gyr mbyn     Is who (is) being brought up/originated in the ornament/decoration (luxuriated i.e.: girls and those effeminate and unmanly) and he is in the dispute/controversy/argument not evident/shown ?     (They say,) "What is good about an offspring that is brought up to be beautiful, and cannot help in war?"     Is then one brought up among trinkets, and unable to give a clear account in a dispute (to be associated with Allah.?
19.  *     وجعلوا الملائكة الذين هم عباد الرحمن اناثا اشهدوا خلقهم ستكتب شهادتهم ويسألون     wj`lwa almlaYk+ alXyn hm `bad alrHmn anaxa a$hdwa Klqhm stktb $hadthm wysAlwn     And they made the angels those who they are the merciful's worshippers/slaves (as) females, did they witness their creation? Their testimony/certification will be written, and they (will) be asked/questioned.     They claimed that the angels, who are servants of the Most Gracious, are females! Have they witnessed their creation? Their claims are recorded, and they will be asked.     And they make into females angels who themselves serve Allah. Did they witness their creation? Their evidence will be recorded, and they will be called to account!
20.  *     وقالوا لو شاء الرحمن ماعبدناهم مالهم بذلك من علم ان هم الا يخرصون     wqalwa lw $a' alrHmn ma`bdnahm malhm bXlk mn `lm an hm ala yKrSwn     And they said: "If the merciful willed/wanted we would not have worshipped them, none from knowledge with that (is) for them, that truly they are except lying/speculating.     They even said, "If the Most Gracious willed, we would not have worshiped them." They have no basis for such a claim; they only conjecture.     ("Ah!") they say, "If it had been the will of ((Allah)) Most Gracious, we should not have worshipped such (deities)!" Of that they have no knowledge! they do nothing but lie!
21.  *     ام اتيناهم كتابا من قبله فهم به مستمسكون     am atynahm ktaba mn qblh fhm bh mstmskwn     Or We gave them a Book from before it, so they are with it holding/seizing/ grasping ?     Have we given them a book before this, and they are upholding it?     What! have We given them a Book before this, to which they are holding fast?
22.  *     بل قالوا انا وجدنا اباءنا على امة وانا على اثارهم مهتدون     bl qalwa ana wjdna aba'na `li am+ wana `li axarhm mhtdwn     But they said: "We (E), we found our fathers on a constitution (set example), and We (E) on their tracks are guided."     The fact is that: they said, "We found our parents carrying on certain practices, and we are following in their footsteps."     Nay! they say: "We found our fathers following a certain religion, and we do guide ourselves by their footsteps."
23.  *     وكذلك ماارسلنا من قبلك في قرية من نذير الا قال مترفوها انا وجدنا اباءنا على امة وانا على اثارهم مقتدون     wkXlk maarslna mn qblk fy qry+ mn nXyr ala qal mtrfwha ana wjdna aba'na `li am+ wana `li axarhm mqtdwn     And as/like that We did not send from before you in a village/urban city from a warner/giver of notice except its luxuriated ungrateful and arrogant said: "We (E), we found our fathers on a constitution (set example), and we (E), on their tracks, we are following/imitating (their) example."     Invariably, when we sent a warner to any community, the leaders of that community would say, "We found our parents following certain practices, and we will continue in their footsteps."     Just in the same way, whenever We sent a Warner before thee to any people, the wealthy ones among them said: "We found our fathers following a certain religion, and we will certainly follow in their footsteps."
24.  *     قل او لو جئتكم باهدى مما وجدتم عليه اباءكم قالوا انا بما ارسلتم به كافرون     ql aw lw jYtkm bahdi mma wjdtm `lyh aba'km qalwa ana bma arsltm bh kafrwn     He (the messenger) said : "Even if I came to you with more guiding than what you found on it your fathers?" They said: "We (E) (are) with what you were sent with it (are) disbelievers."     (The messenger) would say, "What if I brought to you better guidance than what you inherited from your parents?" They would say, "We are disbelievers in the message you brought."     He said: "What! Even if I brought you better guidance than that which ye found your fathers following?" They said: "For us, we deny that ye (prophets) are sent (on a mission at all)."
25.  *     فانتقمنا منهم فانظر كيف كان عاقبة المكذبين     fantqmna mnhm fanZr kyf kan `aqb+ almkXbyn     So We revenged from them, so see/wonder about how was the liars'/deniers' end/turn (result).     Consequently, we requited them. Note the consequences for the rejectors.     So We exacted retribution from them: now see what was the end of those who rejected (Truth)!
26.  *     واذ قال ابراهيم لابيه وقومه انني براء مما تعبدون     waX qal abrahym labyh wqwmh anny bra' mma t`bdwn     And when Abraham said to his father and his nation: "That I am innocent from what you worship."     Abraham said to his father and his people, "I disown what you worship.     Behold! Abraham said to his father and his people: "I do indeed clear myself of what ye worship:
27.  *     الا الذي فطرني فانه سيهدين     ala alXy fTrny fanh syhdyn     Except who created me/brought me into being, so that He truly will guide me.     "Only the One who initiated me can guide me."     "(I worship) only Him Who made me, and He will certainly guide me."
28.  *     وجعلها كلمة باقية في عقبه لعلهم يرجعون     wj`lha klm+ baqy+ fy `qbh l`lhm yrj`wn     And he made it a word/expression, remaining/lasting in his sons/descendants, maybe/perhaps they return.     This example (of Abraham) was rendered an everlasting lesson for subsequent generations; perhaps they redeem their souls.     And he left it as a Word to endure among those who came after him, that they may turn back (to Allah..
29.  *     بل متعت هؤلاء واباءهم حتى جاءهم الحق ورسول مبين     bl mt`t hWla' waba'hm Hti ja'hm alHq wrswl mbyn     But I gave those a long life/made those enjoy, and their fathers, until the truth and a clear/evident messenger came to them.     Indeed, I have given these people and their ancestors sufficient chances, then the truth came to them, and a clarifying messenger.     Yea, I have given the good things of this life to these (men) and their fathers, until the Truth has come to them, and an apostle making things clear.
30.  *     ولما جاءهم الحق قالوا هذا سحر وانا به كافرون     wlma ja'hm alHq qalwa hXa sHr wana bh kafrwn     And when the truth came to them, they said: "That (is) magic/sorcery, and we are with it disbelieving."     When the truth came to them, they said, "This is magic, and we are disbelievers therein."     But when the Truth came to them, they said: "This is sorcery, and we do reject it."
31.  *     وقالوا لولا نزل هذا القران على رجل من القريتين عظيم     wqalwa lwla nzl hXa alqran `li rjl mn alqrytyn `Zym     And they said: "If only this the Koran was descended on a great man from the two villages/urban cities."     They said, "If only this Quran was sent down through another man from the two communities (Mecca or Yathrib) who is prominent!"     Also, they say: "Why is not this Qur'an sent down to some leading man in either of the two (chief) cities?"
32.  *     اهم يقسمون رحمة ربك نحن قسمنا بينهم معيشتهم في الحياة الدنيا ورفعنا بعضهم فوق بعض درجات ليتخذ بعضهم بعضا سخريا ورحمة ربك خير مما يجمعون     ahm yqsmwn rHm+ rbk nHn qsmna bynhm m`y$thm fy alHya+ aldnya wrf`na b`Dhm fwq b`D drjat lytKX b`Dhm b`Da sKrya wrHm+ rbk Kyr mma yjm`wn     Are they apportioning/dividing/making fate (of) your Lord's mercy, We (E) apportioned/divided/fated between them their livelihood in the life the present/worldly life, and We raised some of them over/above some steps/stages/degrees, for some to take some of them making fun/ridiculing, and your Lord's mercy (is) better than what they gather/collect.     Are they the ones who assign your Lord's mercy? We have assigned their shares in this life, raising some of them above others in ranks, in order to let them serve one another. The mercy from your Lord is far better than any material they may hoard.     Is it they who would portion out the Mercy of thy Lord? It is We Who portion out between them their livelihood in the life of this world: and We raise some of them above others in ranks, so that some may command work from others. But the Mercy of thy Lord is better than the (wealth) which they amass.
33.  *     ولولاان يكون الناس امة واحدة لجعلنا لمن يكفر بالرحمن لبيوتهم سقفا من فضة ومعارج عليها يظهرون     wlwlaan ykwn alnas am+ waHd+ lj`lna lmn ykfr balrHmn lbywthm sqfa mn fD+ wm`arj `lyha yZhrwn     Were it not for that the people be one nation We would have made to who disbelieves with the merciful, for their houses/homes roofs/ceilings from silver and stairs/lifts on it they mount/ascend.     If it were not that all the people might become one (disbelieving) congregation, we would have granted everyone who disbelieves in the Most Gracious mansions with silver roofs, and stairs upon which they could climb.     And were it not that (all) men might become of one (evil) way of life, We would provide, for everyone that blasphemes against ((Allah)) Most Gracious, silver roofs for their houses and (silver) stair-ways on which to go up,
34.  *     ولبيوتهم ابوابا وسررا عليها يتكئون     wlbywthm abwaba wsrra `lyha ytkYwn     And for their houses doors/entrances and beds/sofas, on it they lean/recline on.     Their mansions would have impressive gates, and luxurious furnishings.     And (silver) doors to their houses, and thrones (of silver) on which they could recline,
35.  *     وزخرفا وان كل ذلك لما متاع الحياة الدنيا والاخرة عند ربك للمتقين     wzKrfa wan kl Xlk lma mta` alHya+ aldnya walaKr+ `nd rbk llmtqyn     And ornament/decoration, and that (E) all (of) that (is) accumulatively/collectively the life the present's/worldly life's long life/enjoyment, and the end (other life) at your Lord (is) to the fearing and obeying.     Also many ornaments. All these are the temporary materials of this lowly life. The Hereafter - at your Lord - is far better for the righteous.     And also adornments of gold. But all this were nothing but conveniences of the present life: The Hereafter, in the sight of thy Lord is for the Righteous.
36.  *     ومن يعش عن ذكر الرحمن نقيض له شيطانا فهو له قرين     wmn y`$ `n Xkr alrHmn nqyD lh $yTana fhw lh qryn     And who ignores about the merciful's reminder, We predestine/lead/assign for him a devil, so he is for him a companion/friend.     Anyone who disregards the message of the Most Gracious, we appoint a devil to be his constant companion.     If anyone withdraws himself from remembrance of ((Allah)) Most Gracious, We appoint for him an evil one, to be an intimate companion to him.
37.  *     وانهم ليصدونهم عن السبيل ويحسبون انهم مهتدون     wanhm lySdwnhm `n alsbyl wyHsbwn anhm mhtdwn     And that they truly, they prevent/obstruct them (E) from the way/path, and they think/suppose that they are guided.     Such companions will divert them from the path, yet make them believe that they are guided.     Such (evil ones) really hinder them from the Path, but they think that they are being guided aright!
38.  *     حتى اذا جاءنا قال ياليت بيني وبينك بعد المشرقين فبئس القرين     Hti aXa ja'na qal yalyt byny wbynk b`d alm$rqyn fbYs alqryn     Until if he came to Us, he said: "Oh if only between me and between you (are) the two sun rises'/easts' far distances, so how bad (is) the companion ?"     When he comes before us he will say, "Oh I wish you were as far from me as the two easts. What a miserable companion!"     At length, when (such a one) comes to Us, he says (to his evil companion): "Would that between me and thee were the distance of East and West!" Ah! evil is the companion (indeed)!
39.  *     ولن ينفعكم اليوم اذ ظلمتم انكم في العذاب مشتركون     wln ynf`km alywm aX Zlmtm ankm fy al`Xab m$trkwn     (It) will never/not benefit you today/the day if you caused injustice/oppressed, that you are in the torture sharing.359     It will not console you on that day, as transgressors, that both of you will share in the retribution.     When ye have done wrong, it will avail you nothing, that Day, that ye shall be partners in Punishment!
40.  *     افانت تسمع الصم او تهدي العمي ومن كان في ضلال مبين     afant tsm` alSm aw thdy al`my wmn kan fy Dlal mbyn     So do you make the deaf hear/listen, or guide the blind/confused, and who was in a clear/evident misguidance?     Can you make the deaf hear; can you make the blind see, or those who are far astray?     Canst thou then make the deaf to hear, or give direction to the blind or to such as (wander) in manifest error?
41.  *     فاما نذهبن بك فانا منهم منتقمون     fama nXhbn bk fana mnhm mntqmwn     So when We go away with you (We make you die), so We are from them revenging/punishing.     Whether we let you die before it or not, we will surely requite them.     Even if We take thee away, We shall be sure to exact retribution from them,
42.  *     او نرينك الذي وعدناهم فانا عليهم مقتدرون     aw nrynk alXy w`dnahm fana `lyhm mqtdrwn     Or We show you/make you understand what We promised them, so We are on them, We are capable/over powering.     Or, we may show you (the retribution) we promised for them. We are in full control over them.     Or We shall show thee that (accomplished) which We have promised them: for verily We shall prevail over them.
43.  *     فاستمسك بالذي اوحي اليك انك على صراط مستقيم     fastmsk balXy awHy alyk ank `li SraT mstqym     So hold fast/grasp with what was inspired/transmitted to you, that you are on a straight/direct road/way.     You shall steadfastly preach what is revealed to you; you are in the right path.     So hold thou fast to the Revelation sent down to thee; verily thou art on a Straight Way.
44.  *     وانه لذكر لك ولقومك وسوف تسألون     wanh lXkr lk wlqwmk wswf tsAlwn     And that it truly is a remembrance/reminder to you and to your nation, and you will/shall be asked/questioned.     This is a message for you and your people; all of you will be questioned.     The (Qur'an) is indeed the message, for thee and for thy people; and soon shall ye (all) be brought to account.
45.  *     وسأل من ارسلنا من قبلك من رسلنا اجعلنا من دون الرحمن الهة يعبدون     wsAl mn arslna mn qblk mn rslna aj`lna mn dwn alrHmn alh+ y`bdwn     And ask/question whom We sent from before you from Our messengers, did We make/create from other than the merciful gods (that) they are being worshipped?     Check the messengers we sent before you: "Have we ever appointed any other gods - beside the Most Gracious - to be worshiped?"     And question thou our apostles whom We sent before thee; did We appoint any deities other than ((Allah)) Most Gracious, to be worshipped?
46.  *     ولقد ارسلنا موسى باياتنا الى فرعون وملئه فقال اني رسول رب العالمين     wlqd arslna mwsi bayatna ali fr`wn wmlYh fqal any rswl rb al`almyn     And We had sent Moses with Our signs/evidences to Pharaoh and his nobles/group/assembly, so he (Moses) said: "That I am messenger (of) the creations all together's/ (universes') Lord."     For example, we sent Moses with our proofs to Pharaoh and his elders, proclaiming: "I am a messenger from the Lord of the universe."     We did send Moses aforetime, with Our Signs, to Pharaoh and his Chiefs: He said, "I am an apostle of the Lord of the Worlds."
47.  *     فلما جاءهم باياتنا اذا هم منها يضحكون     flma ja'hm bayatna aXa hm mnha yDHkwn     So when he came to them with Our evidences/signs, then they are from it laughing.     When he showed them our proofs, they laughed at them.     But when he came to them with Our Signs, behold they ridiculed them.
48.  *     ومانريهم من اية الا هي اكبر من اختها واخذناهم بالعذاب لعلهم يرجعون     wmanryhm mn ay+ ala hy akbr mn aKtha waKXnahm bal`Xab l`lhm yrj`wn     And We do not show them/make them understand from a verse/evidence/sign except (that) it is greater than its sister, and We took/punished them with the torture, maybe/perhaps they return.     Every sign we showed them was bigger than the one before it. We afflicted them with the plagues, perhaps they repent.     We showed them Sign after Sign, each greater than its fellow, and We seized them with Punishment, in order that they might turn (to Us).
49.  *     وقالوا ياايها الساحر ادع لنا ربك بما عهد عندك اننا لمهتدون     wqalwa yaayha alsaHr ad` lna rbk bma `hd `ndk anna lmhtdwn     And they said: "You, you the magician/sorcerer, call for us your Lord with what He promised at you, that we truly are guided (E)."     They said, "O you magician, implore your Lord on our behalf (to relieve this plague), since you have an agreement with Him; we will then be guided."     And they said, "O thou sorcerer! Invoke thy Lord for us according to His covenant with thee; for we shall truly accept guidance."
50.  *     فلما كشفنا عنهم العذاب اذا هم ينكثون     flma k$fna `nhm al`Xab aXa hm ynkxwn     So when We removed/uncovered from them the torture, then they are breaking/breaching/violating.     But as soon as we relieved their affliction, they reverted.     But when We removed the Penalty from them, behold, they broke their word.
51.  *     ونادى فرعون في قومه قال ياقوم اليس لي ملك مصر وهذه الانهار تجري من تحتي افلا تبصرون     wnadi fr`wn fy qwmh qal yaqwm alys ly mlk mSr whXh alanhar tjry mn tHty afla tbSrwn     And Pharaoh called in his nation, he said: "You my nation, is not for me ownership/kingdom (of) Egypt/(the) region, and these the rivers flow/run from beneath/below me, so do you not see/ understand?"     Pharaoh announced to his people, "O my people, do I not possess the kingship over Egypt, and these flowing rivers belong to me? Do you not see?     And Pharaoh proclaimed among his people, saying: "O my people! Does not the dominion of Egypt belong to me, (witness) these streams flowing underneath my (palace)? What! see ye not then?
52.  *     ام انا خير من هذا الذي هو مهين ولايكاد يبين     am ana Kyr mn hXa alXy hw mhyn wlaykad ybyn     Or I am better than that which He is (Moses) humiliated and nor, is (he) about to clarify/show/explain.     "Which one is better; me or that one who is lowly and can hardly speak?     "Am I not better than this (Moses), who is a contemptible wretch and can scarcely express himself clearly?
53.  *     فلولا القي عليه اسورة من ذهب او جاء معه الملائكة مقترنين     flwla alqy `lyh aswr+ mn Xhb aw ja' m`h almlaYk+ mqtrnyn     So if only bracelets from gold were thrown on him, or the angels came with him accompanying/joining.     "How come he does not possess a treasure of gold; how come the angels do not accompany him?"     "Then why are not gold bracelets bestowed on him, or (why) come (not) with him angels accompanying him in procession?"
54.  *     فاستخف قومه فاطاعوه انهم كانوا قوما فاسقين     fastKf qwmh faTa`wh anhm kanwa qwma fasqyn     So he misled/fooled his nation, so they obeyed him, that they truly were a nation (of) debauchers/dissoluters.     He thus fooled his people, and they obeyed him; they were wicked people.     Thus did he make fools of his people, and they obeyed him: truly were they a people rebellious (against Allah..
55.  *     فلما اسفونا انتقمنا منهم فاغرقناهم اجمعين     flma asfwna antqmna mnhm faGrqnahm ajm`yn     So when they made Us angry/sad, We revenged from/punished them, so We drowned/sunk them all/all together.     When they persisted in opposing us, we punished them and drowned them all.     When at length they provoked Us, We exacted retribution from them, and We drowned them all.
56.  *     فجعلناهم سلفا ومثلا للاخرين     fj`lnahm slfa wmxla llaKryn     So We made them an advance/past (precedent), and an example/proverb to the ends/lasts/others.     We rendered them a precedent and an example for the others.     And We made them (a people) of the Past and an Example to later ages.
57.  *     ولما ضرب ابن مريم مثلا اذا قومك منه يصدون     wlma Drb abn mrym mxla aXa qwmk mnh ySdwn     And when Mary's son was given (as) an example, then your nation from Him, they object/obstruct.     When the son of Mary was cited as an example, your people disregarded it.     When (Jesus) the son of Mary is held up as an example, behold, thy people raise a clamour thereat (in ridicule)!
58.  *     وقالوا ءالهتنا خير ام هو ماضربوه لك الا جدلا بل هم قوم خصمون     wqalwa 'alhtna Kyr am hw maDrbwh lk ala jdla bl hm qwm KSmwn     And they said: "Are our gods better or He?" They did not give it (the question) to you except arguing/disputing (E), but they are a nation disputing/controverting.     They said, "Is it better to worship our gods, or to worship him?" They said this only to argue with you. Indeed, they are people who have joined the opposition.     And they say, "Are our gods best, or he?" This they set forth to thee, only by way of disputation: yea, they are a contentious people.
59.  *     ان هو الا عبد انعمنا عليه وجعلناه مثلا لبني اسرائيل     an hw ala `bd an`mna `lyh wj`lnah mxla lbny asraYyl     That truly he (Jesus) is except a worshipper/slave We blessed on him and We made him an example to Israel's sons and daughters.     He was no more than a servant whom we blessed, and we sent him as an example for the Children of Israel.     He was no more than a servant: We granted Our favour to him, and We made him an example to the Children of Israel.
60.  *     ولو نشاء لجعلنا منكم ملائكة في الارض يخلفون     wlw n$a' lj`lna mnkm mlaYk+ fy alarD yKlfwn     And if We will/want, We would have made from you angels in the earth/Planet Earth they succeed/follow.     If we willed, we could have made you angels who colonize and reproduce on earth.     And if it were Our Will, We could make angels from amongst you, succeeding each other on the earth.
61.  *     وانه لعلم للساعة فلا تمترن بها واتبعون هذا صراط مستقيم     wanh l`lm llsa`+ fla tmtrn bha watb`wn hXa SraT mstqym     And that he/it truly is knowledge (E) to the Resurrection/Time of Resurrection/Hour, so do not doubt/argue (E) with it, and follow Me, that (is a) straight/direct road/way.     He is to serve as a marker for knowing the end of the world, so you can no longer harbor any doubt about it. You shall follow Me; this is the right path.     And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way.
62.  *     ولايصدنكم الشيطان انه لكم عدو مبين     wlaySdnkm al$yTan anh lkm `dw mbyn     And (let) not the devil prevent/obstruct you, that he truly is for you a clear/evident enemy.360     Let not the devil repel you; he is your most ardent enemy.     Let not the Evil One hinder you: for he is to you an enemy avowed.
63.  *     ولما جاء عيسى بالبينات قال قد جئتكم بالحكمة ولابين لكم بعض الذي تختلفون فيه فاتقوا الله واطيعون     wlma ja' `ysi balbynat qal qd jYtkm balHkm+ wlabyn lkm b`D alXy tKtlfwn fyh fatqwa allh waTy`wn     And when Jesus came with the evidences, he said: "I had come to you with the wisdom, and to clarify/explain for you some/part (of) what you differ/disagree in it, so fear and obey God, and obey me."     When Jesus went with the proofs, he said, "I bring to you wisdom, and to clarify some of the matters in which you dispute. You shall reverence GOD and obey me.     When Jesus came with Clear Signs, he said: "Now have I come to you with Wisdom, and in order to make clear to you some of the (points) on which ye dispute: therefore fear Allah and obey me.
64.  *     ان الله هو ربي وربكم فاعبدوه هذا صراط مستقيم     an allh hw rby wrbkm fa`bdwh hXa SraT mstqym     That truly God He is my Lord and your Lord so worship Him, that (is) a straight/direct way/road.     "GOD is my Lord and your Lord, you shall worship Him alone. This is the right path."     "For Allah, He is my Lord and your Lord: so worship ye Him: this is a Straight Way."
65.  *     فاختلف الاحزاب من بينهم فويل للذين ظلموا من عذاب يوم اليم     faKtlf alaHzab mn bynhm fwyl llXyn Zlmwa mn `Xab ywm alym     So the group/parties differed/disagreed from between them, so calamity/scandal to those who caused injustice/oppression from a day's/time's painful torture.     The opponents disputed among themselves. Woe to those who transgress from the retribution of a painful day.     But sects from among themselves fell into disagreement: then woe to the wrong-doers, from the Penalty of a Grievous Day!
66.  *     هل ينظرون الا الساعة ان تاتيهم بغتة وهم لايشعرون     hl ynZrwn ala alsa`+ an tatyhm bGt+ whm lay$`rwn     Do they look/watch/wonder about except that the Hour/Resurrection comes to them suddenly/unexpectedly and they do not feel/know/sense?     Are they waiting for the Hour (Day of Judgment) to come to them suddenly when they least expect it?     Do they only wait for the Hour - that it should come on them all of a sudden, while they perceive not?
67.  *     الاخلاء يومئذ بعضهم لبعض عدو الا المتقين     alaKla' ywmYX b`Dhm lb`D `dw ala almtqyn     That day, the faithful close friends some of them to some (to each other are) an enemy, except the fearing and obeying.     The close friends on that day will become enemies of one another, except for the righteous.     Friends on that day will be foes, one to another,- except the Righteous.
68.  *     ياعباد لاخوف عليكم اليوم ولاانتم تحزنون     ya`bad laKwf `lykm alywm wlaantm tHznwn     You My worshippers, (there is) no fear/fright on you the day/today, and nor you be sad/grieving.     O My servants, you will have no fear on that day, nor will you grieve.     My devotees! no fear shall be on you that Day, nor shall ye grieve,-
69.  *     الذين امنوا باياتنا وكانوا مسلمين     alXyn amnwa bayatna wkanwa mslmyn     Those who believed with Our verses/evidences and they were Moslems/submitters/surrenders.     They are the ones who believed in our revelations, and were submitters.     (Being) those who have believed in Our Signs and bowed (their wills to Ours) in Islam.
70.  *     ادخلوا الجنة انتم وازواجكم تحبرون     adKlwa aljn+ antm wazwajkm tHbrwn     Enter the Paradise you and your spouses, you rejoice/delight.     Enter Paradise, together with your spouses, and rejoice.     Enter ye the Garden, ye and your wives, in (beauty and) rejoicing.
71.  *     يطاف عليهم بصحاف من ذهب واكواب وفيها ماتشتهيه الانفس وتلذ الاعين وانتم فيها خالدون     yTaf `lyhm bSHaf mn Xhb wakwab wfyha mat$thyh alanfs wtlX ala`yn wantm fyha Kaldwn     Being circled/walked around on them with platters/plates/bowls from gold and cups, and in it what the selves lust/desire/crave it, and delights/pleasures the eyes/sights, and you are in it immortally/eternally.     Offered to them will be golden trays and cups, and they will find everything the hearts desire and the eyes wish for. You live therein forever.     To them will be passed round, dishes and goblets of gold: there will be there all that the souls could desire, all that their ayes could delight in: and ye shall abide therein (for eye).
72.  *     وتلك الجنة التي اورثتموها بما كنتم تعملون     wtlk aljn+ alty awrxtmwha bma kntm t`mlwn     And that (is) the Paradise which you were made to inherit it, because (of) what you were making/doing.     Such is the Paradise that you inherit, in return for your works.     Such will be the Garden of which ye are made heirs for your (good) deeds (in life).
73.  *     لكم فيها فاكهة كثيرة منها تاكلون     lkm fyha fakh+ kxyr+ mnha taklwn     For you in it many/much fruits, from it you eat.     You will have in it all kinds of fruits, from which you eat.     Ye shall have therein abundance of fruit, from which ye shall have satisfaction.
74.  *     ان المجرمين في عذاب جهنم خالدون     an almjrmyn fy `Xab jhnm Kaldwn     That truly the criminals/sinners (are) in Hell's torture immortally/eternally.     Surely, the guilty will abide in the retribution of Gehenna forever.     The sinners will be in the Punishment of Hell, to dwell therein (for aye):
75.  *     لايفتر عنهم وهم فيه مبلسون     layftr `nhm whm fyh mblswn     (It is) not to be weakened/subsided on them, and they are in it confused/dumbfounded.     Never will the retribution be commuted for them; they will be confined therein.     Nowise will the (Punishment) be lightened for them, and in despair will they be there overwhelmed.
76.  *     وماظلمناهم ولكن كانوا هم الظالمين     wmaZlmnahm wlkn kanwa hm alZalmyn     And We did not cause injustice/oppression to them, and but they, they were the unjust/oppressive.     It is not us who wronged them; it is they who wronged their own souls.     Nowise shall We be unjust to them: but it is they who have been unjust themselves.
77.  *     ونادوا يامالك ليقض علينا ربك قال انكم ماكثون     wnadwa yamalk lyqD `lyna rbk qal ankm makxwn     And they called: "You Malek, (let) your Lord to end/destroy on us." He said: "That you are waiting/remaining (in it)."     They will implore: "O Maalek, let your Lord finish us off." He will say, "You are staying forever.     They will cry: "O Malik! would that thy Lord put an end to us!" He will say, "Nay, but ye shall abide!"
78.  *     لقد جئناكم بالحق ولكن اكثركم للحق كارهون     lqd jYnakm balHq wlkn akxrkm llHq karhwn     We had (E) come to you with the truth, and but most of you to the truth (are) hating.     "We have given you the truth, but most of you hate the truth."     Verily We have brought the Truth to you: but most of you have a hatred for Truth.
79.  *     ام ابرموا امرا فانا مبرمون     am abrmwa amra fana mbrmwn     Or they conspired and determined a matter/affair, so We are conspiring and determining.     Have they schemed some scheme? We too are scheming.     What! have they settled some plan (among themselves)? But it is We Who settle things.
80.  *     ام يحسبون انا لانسمع سرهم ونجواهم بلى ورسلنا لديهم يكتبون     am yHsbwn ana lansm` srhm wnjwahm bli wrslna ldyhm yktbwn     Or they think/suppose that We do not hear/listen (to) their secret and their confidential talk, yes/certainly, and Our messengers (are) at/by them writing/dictating.     Do they think that we do not hear their secrets and conspiracies? Yes indeed; our messengers are with them, recording.     Or do they think that We hear not their secrets and their private counsels? Indeed (We do), and Our messengers are by them, to record.
81.  *     قل ان كان للرحمن ولد فانا اول العابدين     ql an kan llrHmn wld fana awl al`abdyn     Say: "If (there) was to the merciful a child (son), so I am the worshippers' first/beginner."     Proclaim: "If the Most Gracious did have a son, I would still be the foremost worshiper."     Say: "If ((Allah)) Most Gracious had a son, I would be the first to worship."
82.  *     سبحان رب السماوات والارض رب العرش عما يصفون     sbHan rb alsmawat walarD rb al`r$ `ma ySfwn     Praise/glory (to) the skies'/space's and the earth's/Planet Earth's Lord, the throne's Lord, from/about what they describe/categorize.     Be He glorified; He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord with the great dominion, far above their claims.     Glory to the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the Throne (of Authority)! (He is free) from the things they attribute (to him)!
83.  *     فذرهم يخوضوا ويلعبوا حتى يلقوا يومهم الذي يوعدون     fXrhm yKwDwa wyl`bwa Hti ylqwa ywmhm alXy yw`dwn     So leave them plunge into/engage in conversation (their wishful interpretation of the scriptures) and play/amuse, until they meet/find their day/time which they are being promised.     Let them blunder and play until they meet their day that is awaiting them.     So leave them to babble and play (with vanities) until they meet that Day of theirs, which they have been promised.
84.  *     وهو الذي في السماء اله وفي الارض اله وهو الحكيم العليم     whw alXy fy alsma' alh wfy alarD alh whw alHkym al`lym     And He is who (is) in the skies/space a God, and in the earth/Planet Earth a God, and He is the wise/judicious, the knowledgeable.     He is the only One who is a deity in the heaven and a deity on earth. He is the Most Wise, the Omniscient.     It is He Who is Allah in heaven and Allah on earth; and He is full of Wisdom and Knowledge.
85.  *     وتبارك الذي له ملك السماوات والارض ومابينهما وعنده علم الساعة واليه ترجعون     wtbark alXy lh mlk alsmawat walarD wmabynhma w`ndh `lm alsa`+ walyh trj`wn     And blessed who for Him (is) the skies'/space's and the earth's/Planet Earth's and what (is) between them (B)'s ownership/kingdom, and at Him (is) the Hour's/Resurrection's knowledge, and to Him you are being returned.361     Most Exalted is the One who possesses all sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and everything between them. With Him is the knowledge about the Hour (end of the world), and to Him you will be returned.     And blessed is He to Whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all between them: with Him is the Knowledge of the Hour (of Judgment): and to Him shall ye be brought back.
86.  *     ولايملك الذين يدعون من دونه الشفاعة الا من شهد بالحق وهم يعلمون     wlaymlk alXyn yd`wn mn dwnh al$fa`+ ala mn $hd balHq whm y`lmwn     And those whom they call from other than Him, do not own/possess the mediation, except who testified/witnessed with the truth and they are knowing.     None of those whom they idolize beside Him possess any power to intercede, unless their intercession coincides with the truth, and they fully know.     And those whom they invoke besides Allah have no power of intercession;- only he who bears witness to the Truth, and they know (him).
87.  *     ولئن سالتهم من خلقهم ليقولن الله فانى يؤفكون     wlYn salthm mn Klqhm lyqwln allh fani yWfkwn     And if (E) you asked/questioned them: "Who created them?" They will say (E): "God." So where/how they be lied to/turned away?     If you asked them who created them, they would say, "GOD." Why then did they deviate?     If thou ask them, who created them, they will certainly say, Allah. How then are they deluded away (from the Truth)?
88.  *     وقيله يارب ان هؤلاء قوم لايؤمنون     wqylh yarb an hWla' qwm layWmnwn     And his saying/word: "You my lord, that truly those (are) a nation not believing."     It will be proclaimed: "O my Lord, these people do not believe."     ((Allah) has knowledge) of the (Prophet's) cry, "O my Lord! Truly these are people who will not believe!"
89.  *     فاصفح عنهم وقل سلام فسوف يعلمون     faSfH `nhm wql slam fswf y`lmwn     So turn away/disregard from them, and say: "A greeting/safety/security/peace." So they will know.362     You shall disregard them and say, "Peace;" they will surely find out.     But turn away from them, and say "Peace!" But soon shall they know!