* | quran | * | 102. at-takathur. worldly gain      <   > 

1.  *     سورة التكاثر بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ٛـــــــ الهاكم التكاثر     swr+ altkaxr bsm allh alrHmn alrHym ?_ alhakm altkaxr     The multiplication distracted/diverted you.     You remain preoccupied with hoarding.     The mutual rivalry for piling up (the good things of this world) diverts you (from the more serious things),
2.  *     حتى زرتم المقابر     Hti zrtm almqabr     Until you visited the cemeteries/burial places.     Until you go to the graves.     Until ye visit the graves.
3.  *     كلا سوف تعلمون     kla swf t`lmwn     No but you will/shall know.     Indeed, you will find out.     But nay, ye soon shall know (the reality).
4.  *     ثم كلا سوف تعلمون     xm kla swf t`lmwn     Then no but you will/shall know.     Most assuredly, you will find out.     Again, ye soon shall know!
5.  *     كلا لو تعلمون علم اليقين     kla lw t`lmwn `lm alyqyn     No but if you know knowledge (of) the assurance/certainty.     If only you could find out for certain.     Nay, were ye to know with certainty of mind, (ye would beware!)
6.  *     لترون الجحيم     ltrwn aljHym     You would see/understand (E) the Hell.     You would envision Hell.     Ye shall certainly see Hell-Fire!
7.  *     ثم لترونها عين اليقين     xm ltrwnha `yn alyqyn     Then you will see/understand it (with) the assurance's/certainty's eye (visually).     Then you would see it with the eye of certainty.     Again, ye shall see it with certainty of sight!
8.  *     ثم لتسألن يومئذ عن النعيم     xm ltsAln ywmYX `n aln`ym     Then (on) that day you will be asked/questioned (E) about the blessing/goodness.     Then you will be questioned, on that day, about the blessings you had enjoyed.     Then, shall ye be questioned that Day about the joy (ye indulged in!).