* | quran | * | 17. bani isra'il. the israelites      <   > 

1.  *     سورة الاسراء  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ــــ سبحان الذي اسرى بعبده ليلا من المسجد الحرام الى المسجد الاقصا الذي باركنا حوله لنريه من اياتنا انه هو السميع البصير     swr+ alasra'  bsm allh alrHmn alrHym sbHan alXy asri b`bdh lyla mn almsjd alHram ali almsjd alaqSa alXy barkna Hwlh lnryh mn ayatna anh hw alsmy` albSyr     Praise/glory (to) who went/moved/traveled/departed by night with/by His worshipper/slave at night/nightly from the Mosque the Respected/Sacred to the Mosque the Farthest/Remotest/Most Distant which We blessed around/surrounding it, to show him/make him understand from Our verses/signs/evidences, that He is the hearing/listening, the seeing/knowing/understanding.     Most glorified is the One who summoned His servant (Muhammad) during the night, from the Sacred Masjid (of Mecca) to the farthest place of prostration, whose surroundings we have blessed, in order to show him some of our signs. He is the Hearer, the Seer.     Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things).
2.  *     واتينا موسى الكتاب وجعلناه هدى لبني اسرائيل الا تتخذوا من دوني وكيلا     watyna mwsi alktab wj`lnah hdi lbny asraYyl ala ttKXwa mn dwny wkyla     And We gave/brought Moses The Book, and We made it guidance to Israel's sons and daughters; that you do not take from other than Me a guardian/protector.     Similarly, we gave Moses the scripture, and rendered it a beacon for the Children of Israel that: "You shall not set up any idol as a Lord and Master beside Me."     We gave Moses the Book, and made it a Guide to the Children of Israel, (commanding): "Take not other than Me as Disposer of (your) affairs."
3.  *     ذرية من حملنا مع نوح انه كان عبدا شكورا     Xry+ mn Hmlna m` nwH anh kan `bda $kwra     Descendants (of) whom We carried/loaded with Noah, that he truly was a thankful/grateful worshipper/slave.     They are descendants of those whom we carried with Noah; he was an appreciative servant.     O ye that are sprung from those whom We carried (in the Ark) with Noah! Verily he was a devotee most grateful.
4.  *     وقضينا الى بني اسرائيل في الكتاب لتفسدن في الارض مرتين ولتعلن علوا كبيرا     wqDyna ali bny asraYyl fy alktab ltfsdn fy alarD mrtyn wlt`ln `lwa kbyra     And We informed/carried out/completed to Israel's sons and daughters in The Book/destiny/term,(that) you will corrupt/disorder (E) in the earth/Planet Earth twice, and you will become high and mighty (E) great height, might and dignity.     We addressed the Children of Israel in the scripture: "You will commit gross evil on earth, twice. You are destined to fall into great heights of arrogance.     And We gave (Clear) Warning to the Children of Israel in the Book, that twice would they do mischief on the earth and be elated with mighty arrogance (and twice would they be punished)!
5.  *     فاذا جاء وعد اولهما بعثنا عليكم عبادا لنا اولي باس شديد فجاسوا خلال الديار وكان وعدا مفعولا     faXa ja' w`d awlhma b`xna `lykm `bada lna awly bas $dyd fjaswa Klal aldyar wkan w`da mf`wla     So if their (B)'s first/beginning (of the two times) came, We sent on (to) you worshippers/slaves for Us of strong (severe) power/mighty, so they went through/corrupting/destroying in between and around the homes/houses, and (it) was a made/done promise.     "When the first time comes to pass, we will send against you servants of ours who possess great might, and they will invade your homes. This is a prophecy that must come to pass.     When the first of the warnings came to pass, We sent against you Our servants given to terrible warfare: They entered the very inmost parts of your homes; and it was a warning (completely) fulfilled.
6.  *     ثم رددنا لكم الكرة عليهم وامددناكم باموال وبنين وجعلناكم اكثر نفيرا     xm rddna lkm alkr+ `lyhm wamddnakm bamwal wbnyn wj`lnakm akxr nfyra     Then We returned to you the repeat/second time/repetition over them, and We extended/spread you with properties/possessions/wealths, and sons/sons and daughters, and We made you more (a larger) supportive tribe/family/group.     "Afterwards, we will give you a turn over them, and will supply you with a lot of wealth and children; we will give you the upper hand.     Then did We grant you the Return as against them: We gave you increase in resources and sons, and made you the more numerous in man-power.
7.  *     ان احسنتم احسنتم لانفسكم وان اساتم فلها فاذا جاء وعد الاخرة ليسئوا وجوهكم وليدخلوا المسجد كما دخلوه اول مرة وليتبروا ماعلوا تتبيرا     an aHsntm aHsntm lanfskm wan asatm flha faXa ja' w`d alaKr+ lysYwa wjwhkm wlydKlwa almsjd kma dKlwh awl mr+ wlytbrwa ma`lwa ttbyra     If you did good, you did good for yourselves, and if you did bad/evil/harm so for it (your selves), so if the last's/end's/other's promise came, they will cause God evil/harm (to) your faces/fronts, they will enter the Mosque like they entered it (on) the first/beginning time, and they will destroy/ruin/break (E) what they (the worshippers/slaves) rose over (with) destruction/ruin/breakage.     "If you work righteousness, you work righteousness for your own good, but if you commit evil you do so to your own detriment. Thus, when the second time comes to pass, they will defeat you and enter the masjid, just as they did the first time. They will wipe out all the gains you had accomplished."     If ye did well, ye did well for yourselves; if ye did evil, (ye did it) against yourselves. So when the second of the warnings came to pass, (We permitted your enemies) to disfigure your faces, and to enter your Temple as they had entered it before, and to visit with destruction all that fell into their power.
8.  *     عسى ربكم ان يرحمكم وان عدتم عدنا وجعلنا جهنم للكافرين حصيرا     `si rbkm an yrHmkm wan `dtm `dna wj`lna jhnm llkafryn HSyra     Maybe/perhaps that (E) your Lord has mercy upon you, and if you returned, We returned, and We made/put Hell confining/surrounding for the disbelievers.     Your Lord showers you with His mercy. But if you revert to transgression, we will counter with retribution. We have designated Gehenna as a final abode for the disbelievers.     It may be that your Lord may (yet) show Mercy unto you; but if ye revert (to your sins), We shall revert (to Our punishments): And we have made Hell a prison for those who reject (all Faith).
9.  *     ان هذا القران يهدي للتي هي اقوم ويبشر المؤمنين الذين يعملون الصالحات ان لهم اجرا كبيرا     an hXa alqran yhdy llty hy aqwm wyb$r almWmnyn alXyn y`mlwn alSalHat an lhm ajra kbyra     That truly this the Koran guides to which it is more just/direct, and it announced good news (to) the believers, those who make/do the correct/righteous deeds, that (E) for them (is) a great reward.     This Quran guides to the best path, and brings good news to the believers who lead a righteous life, that they have deserved a great recompense.     Verily this Qur'an doth guide to that which is most right (or stable), and giveth the Glad Tidings to the Believers who work deeds of righteousness, that they shall have a magnificent reward;
10.  *     وان الذين لايؤمنون بالاخرة اعتدنا لهم عذابا اليما     wan alXyn layWmnwn balaKr+ a`tdna lhm `Xaba alyma     And that (E) those who do not believe with the end (other life), We prepared/made ready for them a painful torture.     As for those who disbelieve in the Hereafter, we have prepared for them a painful retribution.     And to those who believe not in the Hereafter, (it announceth) that We have prepared for them a Penalty Grievous (indeed).
11.  *     ويدع الانسان بالشر دعاءه بالخير وكان الانسان عجولا     wyd` alansan bal$r d`a'h balKyr wkan alansan `jwla     And the human/mankind calls/prays with the bad/evil/harm (as) his call/prayer with the better/wealth, and the human/mankind was hurrying/hastening.     The human being often prays for something that may hurt him, thinking that he is praying for something good. The human being is impatient.     The prayer that man should make for good, he maketh for evil; for man is given to hasty (deeds).
12.  *     وجعلنا الليل والنهار ايتين فمحونا اية الليل وجعلنا اية النهار مبصرة لتبتغوا فضلا من ربكم ولتعلموا عدد السنين والحساب وكل شئ فصلناه تفصيلا     wj`lna allyl walnhar aytyn fmHwna ay+ allyl wj`lna ay+ alnhar mbSr+ ltbtGwa fDla mn rbkm wlt`lmwa `dd alsnyn walHsab wkl $Y fSlnah tfSyla     And We made/put the night and the daytime (as) two signs/evidences, so We wiped out/erased/eliminated the night's sign/evidence, and We made/put the daytime's sign/evidence manifest/clearly visible to the eye and understanding, to wish/desire grace/favour from your Lord, and to know the years' number, and the counting/calculating, and every thing We detailed/explained it detailing/explaining.     We rendered the night and the day two signs. We made the night dark, and the day lighted, that you may seek provisions from your Lord therein. This also establishes for you a timing system, and the means of calculation. We thus explain everything in detail.     We have made the Night and the Day as two (of Our) Signs: the Sign of the Night have We obscured, while the Sign of the Day We have made to enlighten you; that ye may seek bounty from your Lord, and that ye may know the number and count of the years: all things have We explained in detail.
13.  *     وكل انسان الزمناه طائره في عنقه ونخرج له يوم القيامة كتابا يلقاه منشورا     wkl ansan alzmnah TaYrh fy `nqh wnKrj lh ywm alqyam+ ktaba ylqah mn$wra     And every human/mankind We obliged/compelled him his action/anger in his neck (made himresponsible), and We bring out/make emerge for him (on) the Resurrection Day a Book/judgment he finds it spread/publicized.     We have recorded the fate of every human being; it is tied to his neck. On the Day of Resurrection we will hand him a record that is accessible.     Every man's fate We have fastened on his own neck: On the Day of Judgment We shall bring out for him a scroll, which he will see spread open.
14.  *     اقرا كتابك كفى بنفسك اليوم عليك حسيبا     aqra ktabk kfi bnfsk alywm `lyk Hsyba     (He is told): "Read your Book/judgment, enough/sufficient with your self today on you counting/calculating."     Read your own record. Today, you suffice as your own reckoner.     (It will be said to him:) "Read thine (own) record: Sufficient is thy soul this day to make out an account against thee."
15.  *     من اهتدى فانما يهتدي لنفسه ومن ضل فانما يضل عليها ولاتزرو وازرة وزر اخرى وماكنا معذبين حتى نبعث رسولا     mn ahtdi fanma yhtdy lnfsh wmn Dl fanma yDl `lyha wlatzrw wazr+ wzr aKri wmakna m`Xbyn Hti nb`x rswla     Who was guided, so but he guides for himself, and who misguided, so but he misguides on it (himself) and no sinner/loader/burdener carries/loads/bears another's sins/load/burden, and We were not torturing until We send a messenger.     Whoever is guided, is guided for his own good, and whoever goes astray does so to his own detriment. No sinner will bear the sins of anyone else. We never punish without first sending a messenger.     Who receiveth guidance, receiveth it for his own benefit: who goeth astray doth so to his own loss: No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another: nor would We visit with Our Wrath until We had sent an apostle (to give warning).
16.  *     واذا اردنا ان نهلك قرية امرنا مترفيها ففسقوا فيها فحق عليها القول فدمرناها تدميرا     waXa ardna an nhlk qry+ amrna mtrfyha ffsqwa fyha fHq `lyha alqwl fdmrnaha tdmyra     And if We willed/wanted that (E) We destroy/perish a village/urban city, We ordered/commanded its luxuriated ungrateful and arrogant, so they debauched in it, so the saying/words was deserved on it, so We destroyed it destructively.     If we are to annihilate any community, we let the leaders commit vast corruption therein. Once they deserve retribution, we annihilate it completely.     When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress; so that the word is proved true against them: then (it is) We destroy them utterly.
17.  *     وكم اهلكنا من القرون من بعد نوح وكفى بربك بذنوب عباده خبيرا بصيرا     wkm ahlkna mn alqrwn mn b`d nwH wkfi brbk bXnwb `badh Kbyra bSyra     And how many We destroyed/perished from the generations/peoples of eras from after Noah, and enough/sufficient with your Lord with His worshippers'/slaves' crimes, (He is) expert/experienced, seeing/knowing/understanding.     Many a generation have we annihilated after Noah. Your Lord is most efficient in dealing with the sins of His servants; He is fully Cognizant, Seer.     How many generations have We destroyed after Noah? and enough is thy Lord to note and see the sins of His servants.
18.  *     من كان يريد العاجلة عجلنا له فيها مانشاء لمن نريد ثم جعلنا له جهنم يصلاها مذموما مدحورا     mn kan yryd al`ajl+ `jlna lh fyha man$a' lmn nryd xm j`lna lh jhnm ySlaha mXmwma mdHwra     Who was wanting the present world/worldly life, We hurried/hastened for him in it what We will/want to whom We will/want, then We made/put for him Hell, he roasts/suffers/burns (in) it, blamed/made lowly, expelled/driven away.     Anyone who chooses this fleeting life as his priority, we will rush to him what we decide to give him, then we commit him to Gehenna, where he suffers forever, despised and defeated.     If any do wish for the transitory things (of this life), We readily grant them - such things as We will, to such person as We will: in the end have We provided Hell for them: they will burn therein, disgraced and rejected.
19.  *     ومن اراد الاخرة وسعى لها سعيها وهو مؤمن فاولئك كان سعيهم مشكورا     wmn arad alaKr+ ws`i lha s`yha whw mWmn fawlYk kan s`yhm m$kwra     And who wanted the end (other life) and strived/tended to it its striving/hastiness, and he is believing, so those their striving/hastiness was thanked.     As for those who choose the Hereafter as their priority, and work righteousness, while believing, their efforts will be appreciated.     Those who do wish for the (things of) the Hereafter, and strive therefor with all due striving, and have Faith,- they are the ones whose striving is acceptable (to Allah..
20.  *     كلا نمد هؤلاء وهؤلاء من عطاء ربك وماكان عطاء ربك محظورا     kla nmd hWla' whWla' mn `Ta' rbk wmakan `Ta' rbk mHZwra     Each/all We extend/spread, those and these, from your Lord's gift/grant, and your Lord's gift/grant was not forbidden/restrained.     For each one of them we provide; we provide for those and these from your Lord's bounties. Your Lord's bounties are inexhaustible.     Of the bounties of thy Lord We bestow freely on all- These as well as those: The bounties of thy Lord are not closed (to anyone).
21.  *     انظر كيف فضلنا بعضهم على بعض وللاخرة اكبر درجات واكبر تفضيلا     anZr kyf fDlna b`Dhm `li b`D wllaKr+ akbr drjat wakbr tfDyla     Look/wonder about how We preferred/favoured some of them over some, and the end (other life) (E) (is) greater steps/stages/degrees, and greater preference/favour.     Note how we preferred some people above others (in this life). The differences in the Hereafter are far greater and far more significant.     See how We have bestowed more on some than on others; but verily the Hereafter is more in rank and gradation and more in excellence.
22.  *     لاتجعل مع الله الها اخر فتقعد مذموما مخذولا     latj`l m` allh alha aKr ftq`d mXmwma mKXwla     Do not make/put with God another god, so you sit/remain blamed/lowly abandoned/deserted.     You shall not set up any other god beside GOD, lest you end up despised and disgraced.     Take not with Allah another object of worship; or thou (O man!) wilt sit in disgrace and destitution.
23.  *     وقضى ربك الا تعبدوا الا اياه وبالوالدين احسانا اما يبلغن عندك الكبر احدهما او كلاهما فلا تقل لهما اف ولاتنهرهما وقل لهما قولا كريما     wqDi rbk ala t`bdwa ala ayah wbalwaldyn aHsana ama yblGn `ndk alkbr aHdhma aw klahma fla tql lhma af wlatnhrhma wql lhma qwla kryma     And your Lord passed judgment/ordered that you not worship except (only) Him, and with the (B) parents/father and mother a goodness if the old age reaches (E) one of them or both of them at/by/near you,so do not say to them (B): "Ugh !" And do not deprive/yell at them (B), and say to them (B) a gracious/kind saying/word.     Your Lord has decreed that you shall not worship except Him, and your parents shall be honored. As long as one or both of them live, you shall never say to them, "Uff" (the slightest gesture of annoyance), nor shall you shout at them; you shall treat them amicably.     Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour.
24.  *     واخفض لهما جناح الذل من الرحمة وقل رب ارحمهما كما ربياني صغيرا     waKfD lhma jnaH alXl mn alrHm+ wql rb arHmhma kma rbyany SGyra     And be lenient/comforting/lower to them (B) the humility's/humbleness's wing/side from the mercy (be kind), and say: "My Lord have mercy upon them (B) as they (B) brought me up young."     And lower for them the wings of humility, and kindness, and say, "My Lord, have mercy on them, for they have raised me from infancy."     And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: "My Lord! bestow on them thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood."
25.  *     ربكم اعلم بما في نفوسكم ان تكونوا صالحين فانه كان للاوابين غفورا     rbkm a`lm bma fy nfwskm an tkwnwa SalHyn fanh kan llawabyn Gfwra     Your Lord (is) more knowledgeable with what (is) in your selves, if you be correct/righteous, so that He truly is to the repentant a forgiving.     Your Lord is fully aware of your innermost thoughts. If you maintain righteousness, He is Forgiver of those who repent.     Your Lord knoweth best what is in your hearts: If ye do deeds of righteousness, verily He is Most Forgiving to those who turn to Him again and again (in true penitence).
26.  *     وات ذا القربى حقه والمسكين وابن السبيل ولاتبذر تبذيرا     wat Xa alqrbi Hqh walmskyn wabn alsbyl wlatbXr tbXyra     And give/bring (to) of the relations his right/share, and the poorest of poor/poor oppressed, and the traveler/stranded traveler, and do not waste/squander, wastefully/squanderingly.     You shall give the due alms to the relatives, the needy, the poor, and the traveling alien, but do not be excessive, extravagant.     And render to the kindred their due rights, as (also) to those in want, and to the wayfarer: But squander not (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift.
27.  *     ان المبذرين كانوا اخوان الشياطين وكان الشيطان لربه كفورا     an almbXryn kanwa aKwan al$yaTyn wkan al$yTan lrbh kfwra     That (E) the wasters/squanderers were the devils' brothers, and the devil was to his Lord (an insisting) disbeliever.     The extravagant are brethren of the devils, and the devil is unappreciative of his Lord.     Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the Evil Ones; and the Evil One is to his Lord (himself) ungrateful.
28.  *     واما تعرضن عنهم ابتغاء رحمة من ربك ترجوها فقل لهم قولا ميسورا     wama t`rDn `nhm abtGa' rHm+ mn rbk trjwha fql lhm qwla myswra     And If/whenever you object/turn away (E) from them asking/desiring mercy you hope/expect for it from your Lord, so say to them: "An easy/little saying/word."192     Even if you have to turn away from them, as you pursue the mercy of your Lord, you shall treat them in the nicest manner.     And even if thou hast to turn away from them in pursuit of the Mercy from thy Lord which thou dost expect, yet speak to them a word of easy kindness.
29.  *     ولاتجعل يدك مغلولة الى عنقك ولاتبسطها كل البسط فتقعد ملوما محسورا     wlatj`l ydk mGlwl+ ali `nqk wlatbsTha kl albsT ftq`d mlwma mHswra     And do not make/put your hand chained or tied to your neck and do not spread/extend/widen it all the expansion/extension, so you sit/remain blameworthy/blamed grieving/sad.     You shall not keep your hand stingily tied to your neck, nor shall you foolishly open it up, lest you end up blamed and sorry.     Make not thy hand tied (like a niggard's) to thy neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so that thou become blameworthy and destitute.
30.  *     ان ربك يبسط الرزق لمن يشاء ويقدر انه كان بعباده خبيرا بصيرا     an rbk ybsT alrzq lmn y$a' wyqdr anh kan b`badh Kbyra bSyra     That your Lord spreads/extends the provision to whom He wills/wants, and He is capable/able, that He truly was with His worshippers/slaves an expert/experienced, seeing/knowing/understanding.     For your Lord increases the provision for anyone He chooses, and reduces it. He is fully Cognizant of His creatures, Seer.     Verily thy Lord doth provide sustenance in abundance for whom He pleaseth, and He provideth in a just measure. For He doth know and regard all His servants.
31.  *     ولاتقتلوا اولادكم خشية املاق نحن نرزقهم واياكم ان قتلهم كان خطئا كبيرا     wlatqtlwa awladkm K$y+ amlaq nHn nrzqhm wayakm an qtlhm kan KTYa kbyra     And do not kill your children fearing poverty, We provide for them and you, that truly killing them was/is a great/large sin/crime/wrong.     You shall not kill your children due to fear of poverty. We provide for them, as well as for you. Killing them is a gross offense.     Kill not your children for fear of want: We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin.
32.  *     ولاتقربوا الزنى انه كان فاحشة وساء سبيلا     wlatqrbwa alzni anh kan faH$+ wsa' sbyla     And do not approach/near the adultery/fornication, that it truly was/is an enormous/atrocious deed, and a bad/evil/harmful way/path.     You shall not commit adultery; it is a gross sin, and an evil behavior.     Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils).
33.  *     ولاتقتلوا النفس التي حرم الله الا بالحق ومن قتل مظلوما فقد جعلنا لوليه سلطانا فلايسرف في القتل انه كان منصورا     wlatqtlwa alnfs alty Hrm allh ala balHq wmn qtl mZlwma fqd j`lna lwlyh slTana flaysrf fy alqtl anh kan mnSwra     And do not kill the self that God forbade/prohibited except with the truth/right (justice), and who was killed unjustly/oppressively, so We had made for his guardian a power/authority, so he does not waste/exceed the limit in the killing/murder, that he truly was/is victorious.     You shall not kill any person - for GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. If one is killed unjustly, then we give his heir authority to enforce justice. Thus, he shall not exceed the limits in avenging the murder; he will be helped.     Nor take life - which Allah has made sacred - except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand qisas or to forgive): but let him nor exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the Law).
34.  *     ولاتقربوا مال اليتيم الا بالتي هي احسن حتى يبلغ اشده واوفوا بالعهد ان العهد كان مسؤولا     wlatqrbwa mal alytym ala balty hy aHsn Hti yblG a$dh wawfwa bal`hd an al`hd kan msWwla     And do not approach/near the orphan's property/possession/wealth except with which it is best until he reaches his maturity/strength, and fulfill/complete with the promise/contract, that (E) the promise/contract was/is questioned.     You shall not touch the orphans' money except for their own good, until they reach maturity. You shall fulfill your covenants, for a covenant is a great responsibility.     Come not nigh to the orphan's property except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength; and fulfil (every) engagement, for (every) engagement will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning).
35.  *     واوفوا الكيل اذا كلتم وزنوا بالقسطاس المستقيم ذلك خير واحسن تاويلا     wawfwa alkyl aXa kltm wznwa balqsTas almstqym Xlk Kyr waHsn tawyla     And fulfill/complete the measurement/weight if you measured/weighed, and weigh/measure with the scale/balance the balanced, that (is) best, and (a) better interpretation/explanation.     You shall give full measure when you trade, and weigh equitably. This is better and more righteous.     Give full measure when ye measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight: that is the most fitting and the most advantageous in the final determination.
36.  *     ولاتقف ماليس لك به علم ان السمع والبصر والفؤاد كل اولئك كان عنه مسؤولا     wlatqf malys lk bh `lm an alsm` walbSr walfWad kl awlYk kan `nh msWwla     And do not follow the tracks/accuse of evil deeds what knowledge is not for you with it (you have no knowledge of), that the hearing/listening, and the eye sight/knowledge, and the heart, all (of) those are/were about it questioned.     You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them.     And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of (feeling in) the heart will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning).
37.  *     ولاتمش في الارض مرحا انك لن تخرق الارض ولن تبلغ الجبال طولا     wlatm$ fy alarD mrHa ank ln tKrq alarD wln tblG aljbal Twla     And do not walk in the earth/Planet Earth showing superiority, happiness and over confidence, that you will never reach (the) end (of)/tear apart the earth/Planet Earth, and you will never reach the mountains (in) height/length (be as tall as the mountains).     You shall not walk proudly on earth - you cannot bore through the earth, nor can you be as tall as the mountains.     Nor walk on the earth with insolence: for thou canst not rend the earth asunder, nor reach the mountains in height.
38.  *     كل ذلك كان سيئه عند ربك مكروها     kl Xlk kan syYh `nd rbk mkrwha     All (of) that its bad/evil/harm was/is at God hated.     All bad behavior is condemned by your Lord.     Of all such things the evil is hateful in the sight of thy Lord.
39.  *     ذلك مما اوحى اليك ربك من الحكمة ولاتجعل مع الله الها اخر فتلقى في جهنم ملوما مدحورا     Xlk mma awHi alyk rbk mn alHkm+ wlatj`l m` allh alha aKr ftlqi fy jhnm mlwma mdHwra     That (is) from what your Lord inspired/transmitted to you from the wisdom, and do not make/create with God another god, so you will be thrown/thrown away in Hell, blameworthy/blamed, expelled/driven away.     This is some of the wisdom inspired to you by your Lord. You shall not set up another god beside GOD, lest you end up in Gehenna, blamed and defeated.     These are among the (precepts of) wisdom, which thy Lord has revealed to thee. Take not, with Allah, another object of worship, lest thou shouldst be thrown into Hell, blameworthy and rejected.
40.  *     افاصفاكم ربكم بالبنين واتخذ من الملائكة اناثا انكم لتقولون قولا عظيما     afaSfakm rbkm balbnyn watKX mn almlaYk+ anaxa ankm ltqwlwn qwla `Zyma     Did your Lord choose/purify (specialize) you with the sons, and He took/received from the angels females? That you are saying (E) a great saying/word/opinion and belief.     Has your Lord given you boys, while giving Himself the angels as daughters?! How could you utter such a blasphemy?     Has then your Lord (O Pagans!) preferred for you sons, and taken for Himself daughters among the angels? Truly ye utter a most dreadful saying!
41.  *     ولقد صرفنا في هذا القران ليذكروا ومايزيدهم الا نفورا     wlqd Srfna fy hXa alqran lyXkrwa wmayzydhm ala nfwra     And We had laid out/detailed linguistically in this the Koran, (so) they mention/remember (E), and it does not increase them except hastening away with aversion.     We have cited in this Quran (all kinds of examples), that they may take heed. But it only augments their aversion.     We have explained (things) in various (ways) in this Qur'an, in order that they may receive admonition, but it only increases their flight (from the Truth)!
42.  *     قل لو كان معه الهة كما يقولون اذا لابتغوا الى ذي العرش سبيلا     ql lw kan m`h alh+ kma yqwlwn aXa labtGwa ali Xy al`r$ sbyla     Say: "If there were/are gods with Him as/like they say, then they would have wished/desired a way/path to (the owner) of the throne."     Say, "If there were any other gods beside Him, as they claim, they would have tried to overthrow the Possessor of the throne."     Say: If there had been (other) gods with Him, as they say,- behold, they would certainly have sought out a way to the Lord of the Throne!
43.  *     سبحانه وتعالى عما يقولون علوا كبيرا     sbHanh wt`ali `ma yqwlwn `lwa kbyra     His praise/glory, and high, mighty, exalted and dignified, about what they say great height, might and dignity.     Be He glorified, He is much too exalted, far above their utterances.     Glory to Him! He is high above all that they say!- Exalted and Great (beyond measure)!
44.  *     تسبح له السماوات السبع والارض ومن فيهن وان من شئ الا يسبح بحمده ولكن لاتفقهون تسبيحهم انه كان حليما غفورا     tsbH lh alsmawat alsb` walarD wmn fyhn wan mn $Y ala ysbH bHmdh wlkn latfqhwn tsbyHhm anh kan Hlyma Gfwra     The skies/space the seven, and the earth/Planet Earth, they praise/glorify to Him, and who (is) in them, and that (E) (there is not) from a thing except (it) praises/glorifies with His praise/gratitude/thanks, and but you do not understand their praise/glorification, that He was/is clement/patient powerful and capable, a forgiving.     Glorifying Him are the seven universes, the earth, and everyone in them. There is nothing that does not glorify Him, but you do not understand their glorification. He is Clement, Forgiver.     The seven heavens and the earth, and all beings therein, declare His glory: there is not a thing but celebrates His praise; And yet ye understand not how they declare His glory! Verily He is Oft-Forbear, Most Forgiving!
45.  *     واذا قرات القران جعلنا بينك وبين الذين لايؤمنون بالاخرة حجابا مستورا     waXa qrat alqran j`lna bynk wbyn alXyn layWmnwn balaKr+ Hjaba mstwra     And if you read the Koran, We made/put between you and between those who do not believe with the end (other193life) a barrier/partition/protection, hidden/covered (invisible).     When you read the Quran, we place between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter an invisible barrier.     When thou dost recite the Qur'an, We put, between thee and those who believe not in the Hereafter, a veil invisible:
46.  *     وجعلنا على قلوبهم اكنة ان يفقهوه وفي اذانهم وقرا واذا ذكرت ربك في القران وحده ولوا على ادبارهم نفورا     wj`lna `li qlwbhm akn+ an yfqhwh wfy aXanhm wqra waXa Xkrt rbk fy alqran wHdh wlwa `li adbarhm nfwra     And We made/put on their hearts covers/protections that (E) they understand/learn/know it, and in their ears a heavy weight, and if you mentioned/remembered your Lord in the Koran alone, they turned away on their backs/ends hastening away with aversion.     We place shields around their minds, to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears. And when you preach your Lord, using the Quran alone, they run away in aversion.     And We put coverings over their hearts (and minds) lest they should understand the Qur'an, and deafness into their ears: when thou dost commemorate thy Lord and Him alone in the Qur'an, they turn on their backs, fleeing (from the Truth).
47.  *     نحن اعلم بما يستمعون به اذ يستمعون اليك واذ هم نجوى اذ يقول الظالمون ان تتبعون الا رجلا مسحورا     nHn a`lm bma ystm`wn bh aX ystm`wn alyk waX hm njwi aX yqwl alZalmwn an ttb`wn ala rjla msHwra     We (are) more knowledgeable with what they hear/listen with it, when they hear/listen to you, and when they are confidentially talking/secretly conversing, when the unjust/oppressive say: "That (E) you follow except a bewitched/enchanted man."     We are fully aware of what they hear, when they listen to you, and when they conspire secretly - the disbelievers say,"You are following a crazy man."     We know best why it is they listen, when they listen to thee; and when they meet in private conference, behold, the wicked say, "Ye follow none other than a man bewitched!"
48.  *     انظر كيف ضربوا لك الامثال فضلوا فلا يستطيعون سبيلا     anZr kyf Drbwa lk alamxal fDlwa fla ystTy`wn sbyla     Look/see/wonder about how they gave to you the examples/proverbs, so they became misguided, so they are not able (of) a way/path.     Note how they describe you, and how this causes them to stray off the path.     See what similes they strike for thee: but they have gone astray, and never can they find a way.
49.  *     وقالوا ءاذا كنا عظاما ورفاتا ائنا لمبعوثون خلقا جديدا     wqalwa 'aXa kna `Zama wrfata aYna lmb`wxwn Klqa jdyda     And they said: "Is (it that) if we were bones and debris/fragments/broken pieces are we being resurrected/revived (E) (in) a new creation?"     They said, "After we turn into bones and fragments, we get resurrected anew?!"     They say: "What! when we are reduced to bones and dust, should we really be raised up (to be) a new creation?"
50.  *     قل كونوا حجارة او حديدا     ql kwnwa Hjar+ aw Hdyda     Say: "Be stones or iron."     Say, "Even if you turn into rocks or iron.     Say: "(Nay!) be ye stones or iron,
51.  *     او خلقا مما يكبر في صدوركم فسيقولون من يعيدنا قل الذي فطركم اول مرة فسينغضون اليك رؤوسهم ويقولون متى هو قل عسى ان يكون قريبا     aw Klqa mma ykbr fy Sdwrkm fsyqwlwn mn y`ydna ql alXy fTrkm awl mr+ fsynGDwn alyk rWwshm wyqwlwn mti hw ql `si an ykwn qryba     Or a creation from what enlarges in your chests (innermosts). So they will say: "Who returns/repeats us?" Say: "Who created you/brought you into life (the) first time." So they will shake/shiver their heads to you in wonderment and say: "When/at what time it is?" Say: "Maybe/perhaps (it) becomes near/close."     "Even if you turn into any kind of creation that you deem impossible." They will then say, "Who will bring us back?" Say, "The One who created you in the first place." They will then shake their heads and say, "When will that be?" Say, "It may be closer than you think."     "Or created matter which, in your minds, is hardest (to be raised up),- (Yet shall ye be raised up)!" then will they say: "Who will cause us to return?" Say: "He who created you first!" Then will they wag their heads towards thee, and say, "When will that be?" Say, "May be it will be quite soon!
52.  *     يوم يدعوكم فتستجيبون بحمده وتظنون ان لبثتم الا قليلا     ywm yd`wkm ftstjybwn bHmdh wtZnwn an lbxtm ala qlyla     A day/time He calls (to) you so you answer/reply with His praise/gratitude/thanks, and you think/assume that truly you stayed/remained except little (you think you did not stay except little).     The day He summons you, you will respond by praising Him, and you will then realize that you had lasted in this life but a short while.     "It will be on a Day when He will call you, and ye will answer (His call) with (words of) His praise, and ye will think that ye tarried but a little while!"
53.  *     وقل لعبادي يقولوا التي هي احسن ان الشيطان ينزغ بينهم ان الشيطان كان للانسان عدوا مبينا     wql l`bady yqwlwa alty hy aHsn an al$yTan ynzG bynhm an al$yTan kan llansan `dwa mbyna     And say to My worshippers/slaves, they (should) say which it is best, that the devil spoils/urges to evil between them, that the devil was/is to the human/mankind (a) clear/evident enemy.     Tell My servants to treat each other in the best possible manner, for the devil will always try to drive a wedge among them. Surely, the devil is man's most ardent enemy.     Say to My servants that they should (only) say those things that are best: for Satan doth sow dissensions among them: For Satan is to man an avowed enemy.
54.  *     ربكم اعلم بكم ان يشا يرحمكم او ان يشا يعذبكم وماارسلناك عليهم وكيلا     rbkm a`lm bkm an y$a yrHmkm aw an y$a y`Xbkm wmaarslnak `lyhm wkyla     Your Lord (is) more knowledgeable with (of) you, if He wills/wants He has mercy upon you, and if He wills/wants He tortures you, and We did not send you (as) a guardian/protector/keeper on them.     Your Lord knows you best. According to His knowledge, He may shower you with mercy, or He may requite you. We did not send you to be their advocate.     It is your Lord that knoweth you best: If He please, He granteth you mercy, or if He please, punishment: We have not sent thee to be a disposer of their affairs for them.
55.  *     وربك اعلم بمن في السماوات والارض ولقد فضلنا بعض النبيين على بعض واتينا داؤود زبورا     wrbk a`lm bmn fy alsmawat walarD wlqd fDlna b`D alnbyyn `li b`D watyna daWwd zbwra     And your Lord (is) more knowledgeable with (of) who (is) in the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth, and We had preferred/favoured some (of) the prophets over some, and We gave/brought David a Book.     Your Lord is the best knower of everyone in the heavens and the earth. In accordance with this knowledge, we preferred some prophets over others. For example, we gave David the Psalms.     And it is your Lord that knoweth best all beings that are in the heavens and on earth: We did bestow on some prophets more (and other) gifts than on others: and We gave to David (the gift of) the Psalms.
56.  *     قل ادعوا الذين زعمتم من دونه فلايملكون كشف الضر عنكم ولاتحويلا     ql ad`wa alXyn z`mtm mn dwnh flaymlkwn k$f alDr `nkm wlatHwyla     Say: "Call those whom you claimed/alleged from other than Him, so they do not own/posses the harm's removals from you, and nor a change/movement."     Say, "Implore whatever idols you have set up beside Him." They have no power to relieve your afflictions, nor can they prevent them.     Say: "Call on those - besides Him - whom ye fancy: they have neither the power to remove your troubles from you nor to change them."
57.  *     اولئك الذين يدعون يبتغون الى ربهم الوسيلة ايهم اقرب ويرجون رحمته ويخافون عذابه ان عذاب ربك كان محذورا     awlYk alXyn yd`wn ybtGwn ali rbhm alwsyl+ ayhm aqrb wyrjwn rHmth wyKafwn `Xabh an `Xab rbk kan mHXwra     Those are those who call, they desire the means/way of approach to their Lord, which of them (is) nearer/closer, and they hope/expect His mercy, and they fear His torture, that your Lord's torture was/is cautioned/warned/feared of.     Even the idols that they implore are seeking the ways and means towards their Lord. They pray for His mercy, and fear His retribution. Surely, the retribution of your Lord is dreadful.     Those whom they call upon do desire (for themselves) means of access to their Lord, - even those who are nearest: they hope for His Mercy and fear His Wrath: for the Wrath of thy Lord is something to take heed of.
58.  *     وان من قرية الا نحن مهلكوها قبل يوم القيامة او معذبوها عذابا شديدا كان ذلك في الكتاب مسطورا     wan mn qry+ ala nHn mhlkwha qbl ywm alqyam+ aw m`Xbwha `Xaba $dyda kan Xlk fy alktab msTwra     And (there is) none from a village/urban city, except (that) We are making it die/destroying it before the Resurrection Day, or torturing it strong (severe) torture, that was/is in The Book written/inscribed/drafted.     There is not a community that we will not annihilate before the Day of Resurrection, or inflict severe retribution upon them. This is already written down in the book.     There is not a population but We shall destroy it before the Day of Judgment or punish it with a dreadful Penalty: that is written in the (eternal) Record.
59.  *     ومامنعنا ان نرسل بالايات الا ان كذب بها الاولون واتينا ثمود الناقة مبصرة فظلموا بها ومانرسل بالايات الا تخويفا     wmamn`na an nrsl balayat ala an kXb bha alawlwn watyna xmwd alnaq+ mbSr+ fZlmwa bha wmanrsl balayat ala tKwyfa     And nothing prevented/prohibited us that (E) We send with the verses/evidences except that the first/beginners lied/denied/falsified with it, and We gave/brought Thamud the (F) camel manifest/clearly visible to the eye and understanding/clear evidence, so they caused injustice with it, and We do not sent with the verses/evidences/signs except frightening.     What stopped us from sending the miracles is that the previous generations have rejected them. For example, we showed Thamoud the camel, a profound (miracle), but they transgressed against it. We sent the miracles only to instill reverence.     And We refrain from sending the signs, only because the men of former generations treated them as false: We sent the she-camel to the Thamud to open their eyes, but they treated her wrongfully: We only send the Signs by way of terror (and warning from evil).
60.  *     واذ قلنا لك ان ربك احاط بالناس وماجعلنا الرؤيا التي اريناك الا فتنة للناس والشجرة الملعونة في القران ونخوفهم فما يزيدهم الا طغيانا كبيرا     waX qlna lk an rbk aHaT balnas wmaj`lna alrWya alty arynak ala ftn+ llnas wal$jr+ alml`wn+ fy alqran wnKwfhm fma yzydhm ala TGyana kbyra     And when We said to you that your Lord took care of/was aware with the people, and We did not make the dream which We showed you except (as) a test to the people, and the tree the cursed in the Koran, and We194frighten them, so it does not increase them except great tyranny.     We informed you that your Lord fully controls the people, and we rendered the vision that we showed you a test for the people, and the tree that is accursed in the Quran. We showed them solid proofs to instill reverence in them, but this only augmented their defiance.     Behold! We told thee that thy Lord doth encompass mankind round about: We granted the vision which We showed thee, but as a trial for men,- as also the Cursed Tree (mentioned) in the Qur'an: We put terror (and warning) into them, but it only increases their inordinate transgression!
61.  *     واذ قلنا للملائكة اسجدوا لادم فسجدوا الا ابليس قال ءاسجد لمن خلقت طينا     waX qlna llmlaYk+ asjdwa ladm fsjdwa ala ablys qal 'asjd lmn Klqt Tyna     And when We said to the angels: "Prostrate to Adam." So they prostrated except Satan/Iblis, he said: "Do I prostrate to who you created (from) mud/clay ?"     When we said to the angels, "Fall prostrate before Adam," they fell prostrate, except Satan. He said, "Shall I prostrate to one You created from mud?"     Behold! We said to the angels: "Bow down unto Adam": They bowed down except Iblis: He said, "Shall I bow down to one whom Thou didst create from clay?"
62.  *     قال ارايتك هذا الذي كرمت على لئن اخرتن الى يوم القيامة لاحتنكن ذريته الا قليلا     qal araytk hXa alXy krmt `li lYn aKrtn ali ywm alqyam+ laHtnkn Xryth ala qlyla     He said: "Did I show You, that which you honoured on me, If (E), You delayed me, to the Resurrection Day, I will possess/take over (all) their descendants except little/few."     He said, "Since You have honored him over me, if You respite me till the Day of Resurrection, I will possess all his descendants, except a few."     He said: "Seest Thou? this is the one whom Thou hast honoured above me! If Thou wilt but respite me to the Day of Judgment, I will surely bring his descendants under my sway - all but a few!"
63.  *     قال اذهب فمن تبعك منهم فان جهنم جزاؤكم جزاء موفورا     qal aXhb fmn tb`k mnhm fan jhnm jzaWkm jza' mwfwra     He said: "Go/go away so who followed you from them, so that (E) Hell (is) your reimbursement, a reimbursement completed/abundant."     He said, "Then go; you and those who follow you will end up in Hell as your requital; an equitable requital.     ((Allah)) said: "Go thy way; if any of them follow thee, verily Hell will be the recompense of you (all)- an ample recompense.
64.  *     واستفزز من استطعت منهم بصوتك واجلب عليهم بخيلك ورجلك وشاركهم في الاموال والاولاد وعدهم ومايعدهم الشيطان الا غرورا     wastfzz mn astT`t mnhm bSwtk wajlb `lyhm bKylk wrjlk w$arkhm fy alamwal walawlad w`dhm wmay`dhm al$yTan ala Grwra     And harass/disturb with your voice/noise whom you were able from them, and gather/urge on them with your horses/horsemen, and your men, and share them/be a partner with them in the properties/possessions/wealths, and the children, and promise them. And the devil does not promise them except deceit/temptation.     "You may entice them with your voice, and mobilize all your forces and all your men against them, and share in their money and children, and promise them. Anything the devil promises is no more than an illusion.     "Lead to destruction those whom thou canst among them, with thy (seductive) voice; make assaults on them with thy cavalry and thy infantry; mutually share with them wealth and children; and make promises to them." But Satan promises them nothing but deceit.
65.  *     ان عبادي ليس لك عليهم سلطان وكفى بربك وكيلا     an `bady lys lk `lyhm slTan wkfi brbk wkyla     That (E) My worshippers/slaves power/control is not for you over them (you have no power/control over My worshippers/slaves). And enough/sufficient with God (as) a guardian/protector.     "As for My servants, you have no power over them." Your Lord suffices as an advocate.     "As for My servants, no authority shalt thou have over them:" Enough is thy Lord for a Disposer of affairs.
66.  *     ربكم الذي يزجي لكم الفلك في البحر لتبتغوا من فضله انه كان بكم رحيما     rbkm alXy yzjy lkm alflk fy albHr ltbtGwa mn fDlh anh kan bkm rHyma     Your Lord (is) who drives/pushes for you the ships in the sea/ocean, to desire on them from His grace/favour, that He truly was/is with you merciful.     Your Lord is the One who causes the ships to float on the ocean, that you may seek His bounties. He is Most Merciful towards you.     Your Lord is He That maketh the Ship go smoothly for you through the sea, in order that ye may seek of his Bounty. For he is unto you most Merciful.
67.  *     واذا مسكم الضر في البحر ضل من تدعون الا اياه فلما نجاكم الى البر اعرضتم وكان الانسان كفورا     waXa mskm alDr fy albHr Dl mn td`wn ala ayah flma njakm ali albr a`rDtm wkan alansan kfwra     And if the harm touched you in the sea/ocean, whom you call (was) lost, except (only) Him, so when He saved/rescued you to the shore/land, you objected/turned away; and the human/mankind was/is (an insistent) disbeliever.     If you are afflicted in the middle of the sea, you forget your idols and sincerely implore Him alone. But as soon as He saves you to the shore, you revert. Indeed, the human being is unappreciative.     When distress seizes you at sea, those that ye call upon - besides Himself - leave you in the lurch! but when He brings you back safe to land, ye turn away (from Him). Most ungrateful is man!
68.  *     افامنتم ان يخسف بكم جانب البر او يرسل عليكم حاصبا ثم لاتجدوا لكم وكيلا     afamntm an yKsf bkm janb albr aw yrsl `lykm HaSba xm latjdwa lkm wkyla     So (did) you become safe/secure that (E) he caves in with you the land's/shore's side/direction, or He sends on you a violent wind carrying pebbles and hail, then you do not find for you a guardian/protector ?     Have you guaranteed that He will not cause the land, on shore, to swallow you? Or, that He will not send upon you a tempest, then you find no protector?     Do ye then feel secure that He will not cause you to be swallowed up beneath the earth when ye are on land, or that He will not send against you a violent tornado (with showers of stones) so that ye shall find no one to carry out your affairs for you?
69.  *     ام امنتم ان يعيدكم فيه تارة اخرى فيرسل عليكم قاصفا من الريح فيغرقكم بما كفرتم ثم لاتجدوا لكم علينا به تبيعا     am amntm an y`ydkm fyh tar+ aKri fyrsl `lykm qaSfa mn alryH fyGrqkm bma kfrtm xm latjdwa lkm `lyna bh tby`a     Or (did) you become safe/secure that (E) He returns/repeats you in it once/another again? So He sends on you a severe wind that breaks every thing in its path from the wind, so He drowns/sinks you because (of) what you disbelieved, then you do not find on Us with it a victorior/follower.     Have you guaranteed that He will not return you to the sea another time, then send upon you a storm that drowns you because of your disbelief? Once this happens, we will not give you another chance.     Or do ye feel secure that He will not send you back a second time to sea and send against you a heavy gale to drown you because of your ingratitude, so that ye find no helper. Therein against Us?
70.  *     ولقد كرمنا بني ادم وحملناهم في البر والبحر ورزقناهم من الطيبات وفضلناهم على كثير ممن خلقنا تفضيلا     wlqd krmna bny adm wHmlnahm fy albr walbHr wrzqnahm mn alTybat wfDlnahm `li kxyr mmn Klqna tfDyla     And We had honoured Adam's sons and daughters, and We carried/lifted them in the land/shore, and the sea/ocean, and We provided for them from the goodnesses, and We preferred/favoured them over many from whom We created preference/favour.     We have honored the children of Adam, and provided them with rides on land and in the sea. We provided for them good provisions, and we gave them greater advantages than many of our creatures.     We have honoured the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation.
71.  *     يوم ندعو كل اناس بامامهم فمن اوتي كتابه بيمينه فاولئك يقرؤون كتابهم ولايظلمون فتيلا     ywm nd`w kl anas bamamhm fmn awty ktabh bymynh fawlYk yqrWwn ktabhm wlayZlmwn ftyla     A day/time We call every people with their leader/example, so who was given/brought his Book/judgment with his right (hand), so those read their Book/judgment, and they are not being caused injustice to/oppressed (the equivalent of) a cleft in a seed/a twine/a wick.     The day will come when we summon every people, together with their record. As for those who are given a record of righteousness, they will read their record and will not suffer the least injustice.     One day We shall call together all human beings with their (respective) Imams: those who are given their record in their right hand will read it (with pleasure), and they will not be dealt with unjustly in the least.
72.  *     ومن كان في هذه اعمى فهو في الاخرة اعمى واضل سبيلا     wmn kan fy hXh a`mi fhw fy alaKr+ a`mi waDl sbyla     And who was in this blind/confused, so he is in the end (other life) blind/confused, and more misguided (in) a way/path.     As for those who are blind in this life, they will be blind in the Hereafter; even a lot worse.     But those who were blind in this world, will be blind in the hereafter, and most astray from the Path.
73.  *     وان كادوا ليفتنونك عن الذي اوحينا اليك لتفتري علينا غيره واذا لاتخذوك خليلا     wan kadwa lyftnwnk `n alXy awHyna alyk ltftry `lyna Gyrh waXa latKXwk Klyla     And if they were about to/almost to misguide/seduce/mislead you (E) (away) from what We inspired/transmitted to you, to fabricate/cut and split on (about) Us other than it, and then they would have taken you (as) a faithful, close friend.     They almost diverted you from the revelations we have given you. They wanted you to fabricate something else, in order to consider you a friend.     And their purpose was to tempt thee away from that which We had revealed unto thee, to substitute in our name something quite different; (in that case), behold! they would certainly have made thee (their) friend!
74.  *     ولولا ان ثبتناك لقد كدت تركن اليهم شيئا قليلا     wlwla an xbtnak lqd kdt trkn alyhm $yYa qlyla     And were it not for that We encouraged/stabilized you, you would have (E) (been) almost to lean towards to them a little/small thing.195     If it were not that we strengthened you, you almost leaned towards them just a little bit.     And had We not given thee strength, thou wouldst nearly have inclined to them a little.
75.  *     اذا لاذقناك ضعف الحياة وضعف الممات ثم لاتجد لك علينا نصيرا     aXa laXqnak D`f alHya+ wD`f almmat xm latjd lk `lyna nSyra     Then We would have made you taste/experience double the life, and double the death/time of death, then you do not find a victorior/savior on (from) Us.     Had you done that, we would have doubled the retribution for you in this life, and after death, and you would have found no one to help you against us.     In that case We should have made thee taste an equal portion (of punishment) in this life, and an equal portion in death: and moreover thou wouldst have found none to help thee against Us!
76.  *     وان كادوا ليستفزونك من الارض ليخرجوك منها واذا لايلبثون خلافك الا قليلا     wan kadwa lystfzwnk mn alarD lyKrjwk mnha waXa laylbxwn Klafk ala qlyla     And if they were about to/almost to scare to drive you out from the land to bring/drive you out from it, and then they do not remain/wait behind you except little.     They almost banished you from the land to get rid of you, so they could revert as soon as you left.     Their purpose was to scare thee off the land, in order to expel thee; but in that case they would not have stayed (therein) after thee, except for a little while.
77.  *     سنة من قد ارسلنا قبلك من رسلنا ولاتجد لسنتنا تحويلا     sn+ mn qd arslna qblk mn rslna wlatjd lsntna tHwyla     A law/manner (of) whom We had sent before you from Our messengers, and you do not find for Our law/manner a change/removal.     This has been consistently the case with all the messengers that we sent before you, and you will find that our system never changes.     (This was Our) way with the apostles We sent before thee: thou wilt find no change in Our ways.
78.  *     اقم الصلاة لدلوك الشمس الى غسق الليل وقران الفجر ان قران الفجر كان مشهودا     aqm alSla+ ldlwk al$ms ali Gsq allyl wqran alfjr an qran alfjr kan m$hwda     Start/keep up the prayers to the sun's nearing setting to the night's darkness, and the dawn's Koran, that the dawn's Koran was/is being witnessed.     You shall observe the Contact Prayer (Salat) when the sun declines from its highest point at noon, as it moves towards sunset. You shall also observe (the recitation of) the Quran at dawn. (Reciting) the Quran at dawn is witnessed.     Establish regular prayers - at the sun's decline till the darkness of the night, and the morning prayer and reading: for the prayer and reading in the morning carry their testimony.
79.  *     ومن الليل فتهجد به نافلة لك عسى ان يبعثك ربك مقاما محمودا     wmn allyl fthjd bh nafl+ lk `si an yb`xk rbk mqama mHmwda     And from the night so wake up and pray with it, done above the call of duty for you, maybe/perhaps that (E) your Lord sends/resurrects you a praised/thanked position/residence.     During the night, you shall meditate for extra credit, that your Lord may raise you to an honorable rank.     And pray in the small watches of the morning: (it would be) an additional prayer (or spiritual profit) for thee: soon will thy Lord raise thee to a Station of Praise and Glory!
80.  *     وقل رب ادخلني مدخل صدق واخرجني مخرج صدق واجعل لي من لدنك سلطانا نصيرا     wql rb adKlny mdKl Sdq waKrjny mKrj Sdq waj`l ly mn ldnk slTana nSyra     And say: "My Lord enter me a truthful entrance, and bring me out (in) a truthful exit, and make/put for me from at you a victorious/supportive proof/power/authority."     And say, "My Lord, admit me an honorable admittance, and let me depart an honorable departure, and grant me from You a powerful support."     Say: "O my Lord! Let my entry be by the Gate of Truth and Honour, and likewise my exit by the Gate of Truth and Honour; and grant me from Thy Presence an authority to aid (me)."
81.  *     وقل جاء الحق وزهق الباطل ان الباطل كان زهوقا     wql ja' alHq wzhq albaTl an albaTl kan zhwqa     And say: "The truth came and the falsehood vanished/perished, that (E) the falsehood was/is vanishing/perishing."     Proclaim, "The truth has prevailed, and falsehood has vanished; falsehood will inevitably vanish."     And say: "Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish."
82.  *     وننزل من القران ماهو شفاء ورحمة للمؤمنين ولايزيد الظالمين الا خسارا     wnnzl mn alqran mahw $fa' wrHm+ llmWmnyn wlayzyd alZalmyn ala Ksara     And We descend from the Koran what it is a cure/recovery and mercy to the believers, and the unjust/oppressive do not increase except loss/misguidance and perishment.     We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers. At the same time, it only increases the wickedness of the transgressors.     We send down (stage by stage) in the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss.
83.  *     واذا انعمنا على الانسان اعرض ونأى بجانبه واذا مسه الشر كان يؤوسا     waXa an`mna `li alansan a`rD wnAi bjanbh waXa msh al$r kan yWwsa     And if We blessed on the human, he objected/turned away and he went far with his side/direction, and if the bad/evil/harm touched him, (he) was/is despairing/hopeless.     When we bless the human being, he becomes preoccupied and heedless. But when adversity strikes him, he turns despondent.     Yet when We bestow Our favours on man, he turns away and becomes remote on his side (instead of coming to Us), and when evil seizes him he gives himself up to despair!
84.  *     قل كل يعمل على شاكلته فربكم اعلم بمن هو اهدى سبيلا     ql kl y`ml `li $aklth frbkm a`lm bmn hw ahdi sbyla     Say: "Each/every makes/does on his nature/disposition, so your Lord (is) more knowledgeable with whom he is more guided (in) a way/path."     Say, "Everyone works in accordance with his belief, and your Lord knows best which ones are guided in the right path."     Say: "Everyone acts according to his own disposition: But your Lord knows best who it is that is best guided on the Way."
85.  *     ويسألونك عن الروح قل الروح من امر ربي ومااوتيتم من العلم الا قليلا     wysAlwnk `n alrwH ql alrwH mn amr rby wmaawtytm mn al`lm ala qlyla     And they ask/question you about the Soul/Spirit, say: "The Soul/Spirit (is) from my Lord's matter/affair, and you were not given from the knowledge except little."     They ask you about the revelation. Say, "The revelation comes from my Lord. The knowledge given to you is minute."     They ask thee concerning the Spirit (of inspiration). Say: "The Spirit (cometh) by command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little that is communicated to you, (O men!)"
86.  *     ولئن شئنا لنذهبن بالذي اوحينا اليك ثم لاتجد لك به علينا وكيلا     wlYn $Yna lnXhbn balXy awHyna alyk xm latjd lk bh `lyna wkyla     And if (E) We willed wanted We will take away/eliminate with what We inspired/transmitted to you, then you do not find for you with it on (against) Us a guardian/protector.     If we will, we can take back what we revealed to you, then you will find no protector against us.     If it were Our Will, We could take away that which We have sent thee by inspiration:then wouldst thou find none to plead thy affair in that matter as against Us,-
87.  *     الا رحمة من ربك ان فضله كان عليك كبيرا     ala rHm+ mn rbk an fDlh kan `lyk kbyra     Except mercy from your Lord, that (E) His grace/favour/blessing was great on you.     This is but mercy from your Lord. His blessings upon you have been great.     Except for Mercy from thy Lord: for his bounty is to thee (indeed) great.
88.  *     قل لئن اجتمعت الانس والجن على ان ياتوا بمثل هذا القران لاياتون بمثله ولو كان بعضهم لبعض ظهيرا     ql lYn ajtm`t alans waljn `li an yatwa bmxl hXa alqran layatwn bmxlh wlw kan b`Dhm lb`D Zhyra     Say: "If (E) the human/mankind and the Jinns gathered/unified on that (E) they come with similar/equal/alike (to) this the Koran, they do not come with similar/equal/alike to it, and even if some of them were to some, (were to each other) supporting/helping."     Say, "If all the humans and all the jinns banded together in order to produce a Quran like this, they could never produce anything like it, no matter how much assistance they lent one another."     Say: "If the whole of mankind and Jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.
89.  *     ولقد صرفنا للناس في هذا القران من كل مثل فابى اكثر الناس الا كفورا     wlqd Srfna llnas fy hXa alqran mn kl mxl fabi akxr alnas ala kfwra     And We had laid out/detailed linguistically to the people in this the Koran from every example/proverb, so most of the people refused/hated except (insisting) disbelief.     We have cited for the people in this Quran all kinds of examples, but most people insist upon disbelieving.     And We have explained to man, in this Qur'an, every kind of similitude: yet the greater part of men refuse (to receive it) except with ingratitude!
90.  *     وقالوا لن نؤمن لك حتى تفجر لنا من الارض ينبوعا     wqalwa ln nWmn lk Hti tfjr lna mn alarD ynbw`a     And they said: "We will never/not believe to you until you cause a water spring/well to flow/burst from the land."     They said, "We will not believe you unless you cause a spring to gush out of the ground.     They say: "We shall not believe in thee, until thou cause a spring to gush forth for us from the earth,
91.  *     او تكون لك جنة من نخيل وعنب فتفجر الانهار خلالها تفجيرا     aw tkwn lk jn+ mn nKyl w`nb ftfjr alanhar Klalha tfjyra     Or a treed garden of palm trees and grapes/fruits of the vine be for you, so you cause the rivers/waterways to flow/burst in between and round it flowing/bursting.     "Or unless you own a garden of date palms and grapes, with rivers running through it.     "Or (until) thou have a garden of date trees and vines, and cause rivers to gush forth in their midst, carrying abundant water;
92.  *     او تسقط السماء كما زعمت علينا كسفا او تاتي بالله والملائكة قبيلا     aw tsqT alsma' kma z`mt `lyna ksfa aw taty ballh walmlaYk+ qbyla     Or you drop the sky pieces on us as you claimed/alleged, or you come with God and the angels facing/from front.196     "Or unless you cause masses from the sky, as you claimed, to fall on us. Or unless you bring GOD and the angels before our eyes.     "Or thou cause the sky to fall in pieces, as thou sayest (will happen), against us; or thou bring Allah and the angels before (us) face to face:
93.  *     او يكون لك بيت من زخرف او ترقى في السماء ولن نؤمن لرقيك حتى تنزل علينا كتابا نقرؤه قل سبحان ربي هل كنت الا بشرا رسولا     aw ykwn lk byt mn zKrf aw trqi fy alsma' wln nWmn lrqyk Hti tnzl `lyna ktaba nqrWh ql sbHan rby hl knt ala b$ra rswla     Or (a) house/home from ornament/gold be for you, or you ascend/climb in the sky, and We will never/not believe to your ascent/climb until you descend on us a book we read it. Say: "My Lord's praise/glory, have I been except a human, a messenger?"     "Or unless you own a luxurious mansion, or unless you climb into the sky. Even if you do climb, we will not believe unless you bring a book that we can read." Say, "Glory be to my Lord. Am I any more than a human messenger?"     "Or thou have a house adorned with gold, or thou mount a ladder right into the skies. No, we shall not even believe in thy mounting until thou send down to us a book that we could read." Say: "Glory to my Lord! Am I aught but a man,- an apostle?"
94.  *     ومامنع الناس ان يؤمنوا اذ جاءهم الهدى الا ان قالوا ابعث الله بشرا رسولا     wmamn` alnas an yWmnwa aX ja'hm alhdi ala an qalwa ab`x allh b$ra rswla     And what prevented/forbid the people that (E) they believe when the guidance came to them, except that (E) they said: "Did God send a human, messenger?"     What prevented the people from believing when the guidance came to them is their saying, "Did GOD send a human being as a messenger?"     What kept men back from belief when Guidance came to them, was nothing but this: they said, "Has Allah sent a man (like us) to be (His) Messenger."
95.  *     قل لو كان في الارض ملائكة يمشون مطمئنين لنزلنا عليهم من السماء ملكا رسولا     ql lw kan fy alarD mlaYk+ ym$wn mTmYnyn lnzlna `lyhm mn alsma' mlka rswla     Say: "If there were in the earth/Planet Ea rth angels walking assured/secured, We would have descended on them from the sky/space an angel (as) a messenger."     Say, "If the earth were inhabited by angels, we would have sent down to them from the sky an angel messenger."     Say, "If there were settled, on earth, angels walking about in peace and quiet, We should certainly have sent them down from the heavens an angel for an apostle."
96.  *     قل كفى بالله شهيدا بيني وبينكم انه كان بعباده خبيرا بصيرا     ql kfi ballh $hyda byny wbynkm anh kan b`badh Kbyra bSyra     Say: "Enough/sufficient with God, (as) a witness/testifier between me and between you, that He truly was/is with His worshippers/slaves expert/experienced, seeing/knowing."     Say, "GOD suffices as a witness between me and you. He is fully Cognizant of His worshipers, Seer."     Say: "Enough is Allah for a witness between me and you: for He is well acquainted with His servants, and He sees (all things).
97.  *     ومن يهدالله فهو المهتد ومن يضلل فلن تجد لهم اولياء من دونه ونحشرهم يوم القيامة على وجوههم عميا وبكما وصما ماواهم جهنم كلما خبت زدناهم سعيرا     wmn yhdallh fhw almhtd wmn yDll fln tjd lhm awlya' mn dwnh wnH$rhm ywm alqyam+ `li wjwhhm `mya wbkma wSma mawahm jhnm klma Kbt zdnahm s`yra     And whom God guides so he is the guided, and whom He misguides, so you will never/not find for them guardians/protectors from other than Him, and We gather them (on) the Resurrection Day on their faces/fronts, blind, and mute, and deaf, their shelter/refuge (is) Hell, whenever (it) became humble/tranquil (subsided), We increased them blazing/inflaming.     Whomever GOD guides is the truly guided one. And whomever He sends astray, you will never find for them any lords and masters beside Him. We will summon them on the Day of Resurrection forcibly; blind, dumb, and deaf. Their destination is Hell; whenever it cools down, we will increase their fire.     It is he whom Allah guides, that is on true Guidance; but he whom He leaves astray - for such wilt thou find no protector besides Him. On the Day of Judgment We shall gather, them together, prone on their faces, blind, dumb, and deaf: their abode will be Hell: every time it shows abatement, We shall increase from them the fierceness of the Fire.
98.  *     ذلك جزاؤهم بانهم كفروا باياتنا وقالوا ءاذا كنا عظاما ورفاتا أئنا لمبعوثون خلقا جديدا     Xlk jzaWhm banhm kfrwa bayatna wqalwa 'aXa kna `Zama wrfata AYna lmb`wxwn Klqa jdyda     That (is) their reward because they (E) disbelieved with Our verses/evidences and they said: "Is (it that) if we were bones and debris/fragments, are we being resurrected/revived (E) (as a) new creation?"     Such is their just retribution, since they rejected our revelations. They said, "After we turn into bones and fragments, do we get resurrected into a new creation?"     That is their recompense, because they rejected Our signs, and said, "When we are reduced to bones and broken dust, should we really be raised up (to be) a new Creation?"
99.  *     اولم يروا ان الله الذي خلق السماوات والارض قادر على ان يخلق مثلهم وجعل لهم اجلا لاريب فيه فابى الظالمون الا كفورا     awlm yrwa an allh alXy Klq alsmawat walarD qadr `li an yKlq mxlhm wj`l lhm ajla laryb fyh fabi alZalmwn ala kfwra     Did they not see/understand that God (is) who created the skies/space and the Earth/Planet Earth (and is) capable on that (E) (He) creates similar/equal to them, and He made/put for them a term/time no doubt/suspicion in it, so the unjust/oppressive refused/hated except (insisting) disbelief.     Could they not see that the GOD who created the heavens and the earth is able to create the same creations? (That) He has predetermined for them an irrevocable life span? Yet, the disbelievers insist upon disbelieving.     See they not that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, has power to create the like of them (anew)? Only He has decreed a term appointed, of which there is no doubt. But the unjust refuse (to receive it) except with ingratitude.
100.  *     قل لو انتم تملكون خزائن رحمة ربي اذا لامسكتم خشية الانفاق وكان الانسان قتورا     ql lw antm tmlkwn KzaYn rHm+ rby aXa lamsktm K$y+ alanfaq wkan alansan qtwra     Say: "If you own/possess my Lord's safes/storages (of) mercy, then you would have held/seized (E) fear (of) the spending/expenditure (poverty), and the human was/is miserly/stingy."     Proclaim, "If you possessed my Lord's treasures of mercy, you would have withheld them, fearing that you might exhaust them. The human being is stingy."     Say: "If ye had control of the Treasures of the Mercy of my Lord, behold, ye would keep them back, for fear of spending them: for man is (every) niggardly!"
101.  *     ولقد اتينا موسى تسع ايات بينات فسأل بني اسرائيل اذ جاءهم فقال له فرعون اني لاظنك ياموسى مسحورا     wlqd atyna mwsi ts` ayat bynat fsAl bny asraYyl aX ja'hm fqal lh fr`wn any laZnk yamwsi msHwra     And We had given/brought to Moses nine evidences/signs evidences, so ask/question Israel's sons and daughters, when (he) came to them, so Pharaoh said to him: "That I, I think/suspect you (E) you, Moses, (are) bewitched/enchanted."     We supported Moses with nine profound miracles - ask the Children of Israel. When he went to them, Pharaoh said to him, "I think that you, Moses, are bewitched."     To Moses We did give Nine Clear Sings: As the Children of Israel: when he came to them, Pharaoh said to him: "O Moses! I consider thee, indeed, to have been worked upon by sorcery!
102.  *     قال لقد علمت ماانزل هؤلاء الا رب السماوات والارض بصائر واني لاظنك يافرعون مثبورا     qal lqd `lmt maanzl hWla' ala rb alsmawat walarD bSaYr wany laZnk yafr`wn mxbwra     He Said: "You had known none descended those, except the skies'/space's and the earth's/Planet Earth's Lord, evidences, and that I think/suspect you (E), you Pharaoh, (are) destroyed/cursed."     He said, "You know full well that no one can manifest these except, obviously, the Lord of the heavens and the earth. I think that you, Pharaoh, are doomed."     Moses said, "Thou knowest well that these things have been sent down by none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth as eye-opening evidence: and I consider thee indeed, O Pharaoh, to be one doomed to destruction!"
103.  *     فاراد ان يستفزهم من الارض فاغرقناه ومن معه جميعا     farad an ystfzhm mn alarD faGrqnah wmn m`h jmy`a     So he wanted/intended that (E) he harasses/scares them away from the land so We drowned/sunk him and who (is) with him all together.     When he pursued them, as he chased them out of the land, we drowned him, together with those who sided with him, all of them.     So he resolved to remove them from the face of the earth: but We did drown him and all who were with him.
104.  *     وقلنا من بعده لبني اسرائيل اسكنوا الارض فاذا جاء وعد الاخرة جئنا بكم لفيفا     wqlna mn b`dh lbny asraYyl asknwa alarD faXa ja' w`d alaKr+ jYna bkm lfyfa     And We said from after him to Israel's sons and daughters: "Reside/inhabit the land/Planet Earth, so if the ends' (other life's) promise came, We came with you (in) mixed crowds/huge gatherings."     And we said to the Children of Israel afterwards, "Go live into this land. When the final prophecy comes to pass, we will summon you all in one group."     And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, "Dwell securely in the land (of promise)": but when the second of the warnings came to pass, We gathered you together in a mingled crowd.
105.  *     وبالحق انزلناه وبالحق نزل وماارسلناك الا مبشرا ونذيرا     wbalHq anzlnah wbalHq nzl wmaarslnak ala mb$ra wnXyra     And by the truth We descended it, and by the truth it descended, and We did not send you except (as an) announcer of good news and (a) warner/giver of notice.     Truthfully, we sent it down, and with the truth it came down. We did not send you except as a bearer of good news, as well as a warner.     We sent down the (Qur'an) in Truth, and in Truth has it descended: and We sent thee but to give Glad Tidings and to warn (sinners).
106.  *     وقرانا فرقناه لتقراه على الناس على مكث ونزلناه تنزيلا     wqrana frqnah ltqrah `li alnas `li mkx wnzlnah tnzyla     And a Koran We distinguished it to read it on (to) the people on slow deliberation/comprehension, and We descended it descending.     A Quran that we have released slowly, in order for you to read it to the people over a long period, although we sent it down all at once.     (It is) a Qur'an which We have divided (into parts from time to time), in order that thou mightest recite it to men at intervals: We have revealed it by stages.
107.  *     قل امنوا به او لاتؤمنوا ان الذين اوتوا العلم من قبله اذا يتلى عليهم يخرون للاذقان سجدا     ql amnwa bh aw latWmnwa an alXyn awtwa al`lm mn qblh aXa ytli `lyhm yKrwn llaXqan sjda     Say: "Believe with it or do not believe, that (E) those who were given/brought to the knowledge, from before it, if (it) is being read/recited on them, they fall down to the chins/beards prostrating."     Proclaim, "Believe in it, or do not believe in it." Those who possess knowledge from the previous scriptures, when it is recited to them, they fall down to their chins, prostrating.     Say: "Whether ye believe in it or not, it is true that those who were given knowledge beforehand, when it is recited to them, fall down on their faces in humble prostration,
108.  *     ويقولون سبحان ربنا ان كان وعد ربنا لمفعولا     wyqwlwn sbHan rbna an kan w`d rbna lmf`wla     And they say: "Praise/glory (to) our Lord that truly our Lord's promise was made/done (E)."197     They say, "Glory be to our Lord. This fulfills our Lord's prophecy."     "And they say: 'Glory to our Lord! Truly has the promise of our Lord been fulfilled!'"
109.  *     ويخرون للاذقان يبكون ويزيدهم خشوعا     wyKrwn llaXqan ybkwn wyzydhm K$w`a     And they fall down to the chins/beards weeping and He/it (the weeping) increases them humbleness/submission.     They fall down on their chins, prostrating and weeping, for it augments their reverence.     They fall down on their faces in tears, and it increases their (earnest) humility.
110.  *     قل ادعوا الله اوادعواالرحمن ايا ماتدعوا فله الاسماء الحسنى ولاتجهر بصلاتك ولاتخافت بها وابتغ بين ذلك سبيلا     ql ad`wa allh awad`waalrHmn aya matd`wa flh alasma' alHsni wlatjhr bSlatk wlatKaft bha wabtG byn Xlk sbyla     Say: "Call God, or call the merciful, whichever you call, so for Him (are) the names the best/most beautiful (the good names), and do not publicize/declare/raise (voice) with your prayers, and do not silence/lower and hide with it, and wish/desire between that a way/method."     Say, "Call Him GOD, or call Him the Most Gracious; whichever name you use, to Him belongs the best names." You shall not utter your Contact Prayers (Salat) too loudly, nor secretly; use a moderate tone.     Say: "Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. Neither speak thy Prayer aloud, nor speak it in a low tone, but seek a middle course between."
111.  *     وقل الحمد لله الذي لم يتخذ ولدا ولم يكن له شريك في الملك ولم يكن له ولي من الذل وكبره تكبيرا     wql alHmd llh alXy lm ytKX wlda wlm ykn lh $ryk fy almlk wlm ykn lh wly mn alXl wkbrh tkbyra     And say: "The praise/gratitude (is) to God who did not take (a) child (son), and (there) had not been/is not a partner for Him in the ownership/kingdom, and (there) had not been/is not for Him (a) guardian/protector from the humbleness/weakness, and greaten/magnify Him, greatness/enlargement." 198     And proclaim: "Praise be to GOD, who has never begotten a son, nor does He have a partner in His kingship, nor does He need any ally out of weakness," and magnify Him constantly.     Say: "Praise be to Allah, who begets no son, and has no partner in (His) dominion: Nor (needs) He any to protect Him from humiliation: yea, magnify Him for His greatness and glory!"