* | quran | * | 16. an-nahl. the bee      <   > 

1.  *     سورة النحل بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ــــ اتى امر الله فلاتستعجلوه سبحانه وتعالى عما يشركون     swr+ alnHl bsm allh alrHmn alrHym ati amr allh flatst`jlwh sbHanh wt`ali `ma y$rkwn     God's order/command came so do not hurry/rush/hasten Him, His praise/glory and (He is) high, mighty, exalted and dignified about what they share/make partners (with God).     GOD's command has already been issued (and everything has already been written), so do not rush it. Be He glorified; the Most High, far above any idols they set up.     (Inevitable) cometh (to pass) the Command of Allah. seek ye not then to hasten it: Glory to Him, and far is He above having the partners they ascribe unto Him!
2.  *     ينزل الملائكةبالروح من امره على من يشاء من عباده ان انذروا انه لااله الا انا فاتقون     ynzl almlaYk+balrwH mn amrh `li mn y$a' mn `badh an anXrwa anh laalh ala ana fatqwn     He descends the angels with the Soul/Spirit from His order/command on whom He wills/wants from His worshippers/slaves, that warn/give notice, that He is, no God except Me, so fear and obey Me.     He sends down the angels with the revelations, carrying His commands, to whomever He chooses from among His servants: "You shall preach that there is no other god beside Me; You shall reverence Me."     He doth send down His angels with inspiration of His Command, to such of His servants as He pleaseth, (saying): "Warn (Man) that there is no god but I: so do your duty unto Me."
3.  *     خلق السماوات والارض بالحق تعالى عما يشركون     Klq alsmawat walarD balHq t`ali `ma y$rkwn     He created the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth with the truth, (He is) high, mighty, exalted and dignified from what they share/make partners (with God).     He created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose. He is much too High, far above any idols they set up.     He has created the heavens and the earth for just ends: Far is He above having the partners they ascribe to Him!
4.  *     خلق الانسان من نطفة فاذاهو خصيم مبين     Klq alansan mn nTf+ faXahw KSym mbyn     He created the human/mankind from a drop/male's or female's secretion/little water, so then he (the human/mankind) is (a) clear/evident disputer/adversary.     He created the human from a tiny drop, then he turns into an ardent opponent.     He has created man from a sperm-drop; and behold this same (man) becomes an open disputer!
5.  *     والانعام خلقها لكم فيها دفء ومنافع ومنها تاكلون     walan`am Klqha lkm fyha df' wmnaf` wmnha taklwn     And the camels/livestock, He created it for you, in it (is) warmth, and benefits/uses, and from it, you eat.     And He created the livestock for you, to provide you with warmth, and many other benefits, as well as food.     And cattle He has created for you (men): from them ye derive warmth, and numerous benefits, and of their (meat) ye eat.
6.  *     ولكم فيها جمال حين تريحون وحين تسرحون     wlkm fyha jmal Hyn tryHwn wHyn tsrHwn     And for you in it (is) beauty/grace/loveliness when/where you come or go in the evening/rest, and when/where you go out/depart freely.     They also provide you with luxury during your leisure, and when you travel.     And ye have a sense of pride and beauty in them as ye drive them home in the evening, and as ye lead them forth to pasture in the morning.
7.  *     وتحمل اثقالكم الى بلد لم تكونوا بالغيه الا بشق الانفس ان ربكم لرؤوف رحيم     wtHml axqalkm ali bld lm tkwnwa balGyh ala b$q alanfs an rbkm lrWwf rHym     And it loads/carries your loads/belonging (weights) to a country/land, you were not reaching it, except with the selves' difficulty/hardship, that your Lord (is) merciful/compassionate (E), merciful.     And they carry your loads to lands that you could not reach without a great hardship. Surely, your Lord is Compassionate, Most Merciful.     And they carry your heavy loads to lands that ye could not (otherwise) reach except with souls distressed: for your Lord is indeed Most Kind, Most Merciful,
8.  *     والخيل والبغال والحمير لتركبوها وزينة ويخلق مالاتعلمون     walKyl walbGal walHmyr ltrkbwha wzyn+ wyKlq malat`lmwn     And the horses and the mules and the donkeys, (are) to ride it and decoration/beauty, and He creates what you do not know.     And (He created) the horses, the mules, and the donkeys for you to ride, and for luxury. Additionally, He creates what you do not know.     And (He has created) horses, mules, and donkeys, for you to ride and use for show; and He has created (other) things of which ye have no knowledge.
9.  *     وعلى الله قصد السبيل ومنها جائر ولو شاء لهداكم اجمعين     w`li allh qSd alsbyl wmnha jaYr wlw $a' lhdakm ajm`yn     And on God (is) the path's/way's objective/direction, and from it, (there is) unjust/deviation, and if He willed/wanted He would have guided you all together.     GOD points out the paths, including the wrong ones. If He willed, He could have guided all of you.     And unto Allah leads straight the Way, but there are ways that turn aside: if Allah had willed, He could have guided all of you.
10.  *     هو الذي انزل من السماء ماء لكم منه شراب ومنه شجر فيه تسيمون     hw alXy anzl mn alsma' ma' lkm mnh $rab wmnh $jr fyh tsymwn     He is who descended from the sky water, for you from it (is) a drink, and from it (are) trees in it you graze/put (to) pasture.     He sends down from the sky water for your drink, and to grow trees for your benefit.     It is He who sends down rain from the sky: from it ye drink, and out of it (grows) the vegetation on which ye feed your cattle.
11.  *     ينبت لكم به الزرع والزيتون والنخيل والاعناب ومن كل الثمرات ان في ذلك لاية لقوم يتفكرون     ynbt lkm bh alzr` walzytwn walnKyl wala`nab wmn kl alxmrat an fy Xlk lay+ lqwm ytfkrwn     He sprouts/grows for you with it the plants/crops and the olives and the palm trees and the grapes, and from all the fruits, that in that (is) a sign/evidence (E) to a nation thinking.     With it, He grows for you crops, olives, date palms, grapes, and all kinds of fruits. This is (sufficient) proof for people who think.     With it He produces for you corn, olives, date-palms, grapes and every kind of fruit: verily in this is a sign for those who give thought.
12.  *     وسخر لكم الليل والنهار والشمس والقمر والنجوم مسخرات بامره ان في ذلك لايات لقوم يعقلون     wsKr lkm allyl walnhar wal$ms walqmr walnjwm msKrat bamrh an fy Xlk layat lqwm y`qlwn     And He manipulated/subjugated for you, the night, and the daytime and the sun, and the moon, and the stars/planets (are) manipulated/subjugated with His order/command, that in that (are) signs/evidences (E), to a nation reasoning/understanding.     And He commits, in your service, the night and the day, as well as the sun and the moon. Also, the stars are committed by His command. These are (sufficient) proofs for people who understand.     He has made subject to you the Night and the Day; the sun and the moon; and the stars are in subjection by His Command: verily in this are Signs for men who are wise.
13.  *     وماذرا لكم في الارض مختلفا الوانه ان في ذلك لاية لقوم يذكرون     wmaXra lkm fy alarD mKtlfa alwanh an fy Xlk lay+ lqwm yXkrwn     And what He created/seeded for you in the earth its colours (are) different, that in that (is) an evidence/sign (E) to a nation mentioning/remembering.     And (He created) for you on earth things of various colors. This is a (sufficient) proof for people who take heed.     And the things on this earth which He has multiplied in varying colours (and qualities): verily in this is a sign for men who celebrate the praises of Allah (in gratitude).
14.  *     وهو الذي سخر البحر لتاكلوا منه لحما طريا وتستخرجوا منه حلية تلبسونها وترى الفلك مواخر فيه ولتبتغوا من فضله ولعلكم تشكرون     whw alXy sKr albHr ltaklwa mnh lHma Trya wtstKrjwa mnh Hly+ tlbswnha wtri alflk mwaKr fyh wltbtGwa mn fDlh wl`lkm t$krwn     And He is who manipulated/subjugated the sea/ocean to eat from it soft/tender meat, and you bring out from it a jewel/ornament you wear/dress it, and you see the ships audibly cutting/shearing in it, and to wish/desire from His grace/favour, and maybe/perhaps you thank/be grateful.     And He committed the sea to serve you; you eat from it tender meat, and extract jewelry which you wear. And you see the ships roaming it for your commercial benefits, as you seek His bounties, that you may be appreciative.     It is He Who has made the sea subject, that ye may eat thereof flesh that is fresh and tender, and that ye may extract therefrom ornaments to wear; and thou seest the ships therein that plough the waves, that ye may seek (thus) of the bounty of Allah and that ye may be grateful.
15.  *     والقى في الارض رواسى ان تميد بكم وانهارا وسبلا لعلكم تهتدون     walqi fy alarD rwasi an tmyd bkm wanhara wsbla l`lkm thtdwn     And He threw in the earth/Planet Earth anchors/mountains that (E) it sways and leans/moves and unsettles with you, and rivers/waterways and ways/paths, maybe/perhaps you be guided.     And He placed stabilizers (mountains) on earth, lest it tumbles with you, as well as rivers and roads, that you may be guided.     And He has set up on the earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and rivers and roads; that ye may guide yourselves;
16.  *     وعلامات وبالنجم هم يهتدون     w`lamat wbalnjm hm yhtdwn     And signs/identification marks, and with the star/planets, they be guided.     And landmarks, as well as the stars; to be used for navigation.     And marks and sign-posts; and by the stars (men) guide themselves.
17.  *     افمن يخلق كمن لايخلق افلا تذكرون     afmn yKlq kmn layKlq afla tXkrwn     Is who creates as/like who does not create, so do you not mention/remember ?     Is One who creates like one who does not create? Would you now take heed?     Is then He Who creates like one that creates not? Will ye not receive admonition?
18.  *     وان تعدوا نعمة الله لاتحصوها ان الله لغفور رحيم     wan t`dwa n`m+ allh latHSwha an allh lGfwr rHym     And if you count God's blessing/goodness you do not compute it, that God (is) forgiving (E), merciful.     If you count GOD's blessings, you cannot possibly encompass them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.     If ye would count up the favours of Allah, never would ye be able to number them: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
19.  *     والله يعلم ماتسرون وماتعلنون     wallh y`lm matsrwn wmat`lnwn     And God knows what you keep secret and what you publicize/announce.     And GOD knows whatever you conceal and whatever you declare.     And Allah doth know what ye conceal, and what ye reveal.
20.  *     والذين يدعون من دون الله لايخلقون شيئا وهم يخلقون     walXyn yd`wn mn dwn allh layKlqwn $yYa whm yKlqwn     And those whom they call from other than God, they do not create a thing, and they, they are being created.     As for the idols they set up beside GOD, they do not create anything; they themselves were created.     Those whom they invoke besides Allah create nothing and are themselves created.
21.  *     اموات غير احياء ومايشعرون ايان يبعثون     amwat Gyr aHya' wmay$`rwn ayan yb`xwn     Deads other than alive, and they do not feel/know/sense when they are being sent/resurrected/revived.     They are dead, not alive, and they have no idea how or when they will be resurrected.     (They are things) dead, lifeless: nor do they know when they will be raised up.
22.  *     الهكم اله واحد فالذين لايؤمنون بالاخرة قلوبهم منكرة وهم مستكبرون     alhkm alh waHd falXyn layWmnwn balaKr+ qlwbhm mnkr+ whm mstkbrwn     Your God (is) one God, so those who do not believe with the end (other life), their hearts/minds (are) defiant of God and His orders/obscene, and they are arrogant.     Your god is one god. As for those who do not believe in the Hereafter, their hearts are denying, and they are arrogant.     Your Allah is one Allah. as to those who believe not in the Hereafter, their hearts refuse to know, and they are arrogant.
23.  *     لاجرم ان الله يعلم مايسرون ومايعلنون انه لايحب المستكبرين     lajrm an allh y`lm maysrwn wmay`lnwn anh layHb almstkbryn     Undoutably/surely that God knows what they keep secret and what they publicize/announce, that He does not love/like the arrogant.     Absolutely, GOD knows everything they conceal and everything they declare. He does not love those who are arrogant.     Undoubtedly Allah doth know what they conceal, and what they reveal: verily He loveth not the arrogant.
24.  *     واذا قيل لهم ماذا انزل ربكم قالوا اساطير الاولين     waXa qyl lhm maXa anzl rbkm qalwa asaTyr alawlyn     And if (it) was said to them: "What (did) your Lord descend?" They said: "The firsts'/beginners' myths/baseless stories."     When they are asked, "What do you think of these revelations from your Lord," they say, "Tales from the past."     When it is said to them, "What is it that your Lord has revealed?" they say, "Tales of the ancients!"
25.  *     ليحملوا اوزارهم كاملة يوم القيامة ومن اوزار الذين يضلونهم بغير علم الا ساء مايزرون     lyHmlwa awzarhm kaml+ ywm alqyam+ wmn awzar alXyn yDlwnhm bGyr `lm ala sa' mayzrwn     To carry/burden their sins/burdens complete (on) the Resurrection Day, and from the sins/burdens (of) those who they misguide them without knowledge. Is it not bad/evil/harmful what they sin/carry/bear ?     They will be held responsible for their sins on the Day of Resurrection, all of them, in addition to sins of all those whom they misled by their ignorance. What a miserable load!     Let them bear, on the Day of Judgment, their own burdens in full, and also (something) of the burdens of those without knowledge, whom they misled. Alas, how grievous the burdens they will bear!
26.  *     قد مكر الذين من قبلهم فاتى الله بنيانهم من القواعد فخر عليهم السقف من فوقهم واتاهم العذاب من حيث لايشعرون     qd mkr alXyn mn qblhm fati allh bnyanhm mn alqwa`d fKr `lyhm alsqf mn fwqhm watahm al`Xab mn Hyx lay$`rwn     Those from before them had cheated/deceived/schemed, so God came (and) destroyed their buildings/structures from the foundations/bases, so the roof/ceiling fell down on them from above them, and the torture came to them from where/when they do not feel/know/sense.     Others like them have schemed in the past, and consequently, GOD destroyed their building at the foundation, causing the roof to fall on them. The retribution struck them when they least expected.     Those before them did also plot (against Allah.s Way): but Allah took their structures from their foundations, and the roof fell down on them from above; and the Wrath seized them from directions they did not perceive.
27.  *     ثم يوم القيامة يخزيهم ويقول اين شركائي الذين كنتم تشاقون فيهم قال الذين اوتوا العلم ان الخزي اليوم والسوء على الكافرين     xm ywm alqyam+ yKzyhm wyqwl ayn $rkaYy alXyn kntm t$aqwn fyhm qal alXyn awtwa al`lm an alKzy alywm walsw' `li alkafryn     Then (on) the Resurrection Day He shames/scandalizes/disgraces them, and he says: "Where (are) my partners those who you were making animosity/revolting/disobe ying in (because of) them?" Those who were given the knowledge said: "That the shame/scandal/disgrace, today, and the bad/evil/harm (is) on the disbelievers."     Then, on the Day of Resurrection, He will disgrace them and ask, "Where are My partners that you had set up beside Me, and had opposed Me for their sake?" Those blessed with knowledge will say, "Today, the shame and misery have befallen the disbelievers."     Then, on the Day of Judgment, He will cover them with shame, and say: "Where are My 'partners' concerning whom ye used to dispute (with the godly)?" Those endued with knowledge will say: "This Day, indeed, are the Unbelievers covered with shame and misery,-
28.  *     الذين تتوفاهم الملائكة ظالمي انفسهم فالقوا السلم ماكنا نعمل من سوء بلى ان الله عليم بما كنتم تعملون     alXyn ttwfahm almlaYk+ Zalmy anfshm falqwa alslm makna n`ml mn sw' bli an allh `lym bma kntm t`mlwn     Those who the angels make them die, (while) unjust/oppressive (to) themselves, so they threw the submission/surrender (and said): "We were not making/doing/working from the bad/evil/harm/corruption." Yes/certainly that God (is) knowledgeable with what you were making/doing/working.     The angels put them to death in a state of wronging their souls. That is when they finally submit, and say, "We did not do anything wrong!" Yes indeed. GOD is fully aware of everything you have done.     "(Namely) those whose lives the angels take in a state of wrong-doing to their own souls." Then would they offer submission (with the pretence), "We did no evil (knowingly)." (The angels will reply), "Nay, but verily Allah knoweth all that ye did;
29.  *     فادخلوا ابواب جهنم خالدين فيها فلبئس مثوى المتكبرين     fadKlwa abwab jhnm Kaldyn fyha flbYs mxwi almtkbryn     So enter Hell's doors/entrances, immortally/eternally in it, so how bad (E) (is) the arrogant's home/dwelling ?     Therefore, enter the gates of Hell, wherein you abide forever. What a miserable destiny for the arrogant ones.     "So enter the gates of Hell, to dwell therein. Thus evil indeed is the abode of the arrogant."
30.  *     وقيل للذين اتقوا ماذا انزل ربكم قالوا خيرا للذين احسنوا في هذه الدنيا حسنة ولدار الاخرة خير ولنعم دار المتقين     wqyl llXyn atqwa maXa anzl rbkm qalwa Kyra llXyn aHsnwa fy hXh aldnya Hsn+ wldar alaKr+ Kyr wln`m dar almtqyn     And (it) was said to those who feared and obeyed: "What (did) your Lord descend?" They said: "Goodness/honour to those who did good in this the present world a goodness, and the house/home (of) the last (other life is) best, and blessed/praised (E) (is) the fearing and obeying's house/home."     As for the righteous, when they are asked, "What do you think of these revelations from your Lord," they say, "Good." For those who lead a righteous life, happiness; and the abode of the Hereafter is even better. What a blissful abode for the righteous.     To the righteous (when) it is said, "What is it that your Lord has revealed?" they say, "All that is good." To those who do good, there is good in this world, and the Home of the Hereafter is even better and excellent indeed is the Home of the righteous,-
31.  *     جنات عدن يدخلونها تجري من تحتها الانهار لهم فيها مايشاؤون كذلك يجزي الله المتقين     jnat `dn ydKlwnha tjry mn tHtha alanhar lhm fyha may$aWwn kXlk yjzy allh almtqyn     Treed gardens/paradises (as) eternal residence, they enter it, the rivers/waterways flows/runs from below/beneath it, for them in it what they will/want, as/like that God reimburses the fearing and obeying.     The gardens of Eden are reserved for them, wherein rivers flow. They have anything they wish therein. GOD thus rewards the righteous.     Gardens of Eternity which they will enter: beneath them flow (pleasant) rivers: they will have therein all that they wish: thus doth Allah reward the righteous,-
32.  *     الذين تتوفاهم الملائكة طيبين يقولون سلام عليكم ادخلوا الجنة بما كنتم تعملون     alXyn ttwfahm almlaYk+ Tybyn yqwlwn slam `lykm adKlwa aljn+ bma kntm t`mlwn     Those whom the angels make them die pure, they say: "A greeting/peace/security on you, enter the Paradise because (of) what you were making/doing/working."     The angels terminate their lives in a state of righteousness, saying, "Peace be upon you. Enter Paradise (now) as a reward for your works."     (Namely) those whose lives the angels take in a state of purity, saying (to them), "Peace be on you; enter ye the Garden, because of (the good) which ye did (in the world)."
33.  *     هل ينظرون الا ان تاتيهم الملائكة او ياتي امر ربك كذلك فعل الذين من قبلهم وماظلمهم الله ولكن كانوا انفسهم يظلمون     hl ynZrwn ala an tatyhm almlaYk+ aw yaty amr rbk kXlk f`l alXyn mn qblhm wmaZlmhm allh wlkn kanwa anfshm yZlmwn     Do they wait/watch except that the angels or your Lord's order/command comes ? As/like that those from before them made/did, and God did not cause injustice/oppression to them, and but they were themselves causing injustice/oppression.     Are they waiting for the angels to come to them, or until your Lord's judgment comes to pass? Those before them did the same thing. GOD is not the One who wronged them; they are the ones who wronged their own souls.     Do the (ungodly) wait until the angels come to them, or there comes the Command of thy Lord (for their doom)? So did those who went before them. But Allah wronged them not: nay, they wronged their own souls.
34.  *     فاصابهم سيئات ماعملوا وحاق بهم ما كانوا به يستهزؤون     faSabhm syYat ma`mlwa wHaq bhm ma kanwa bh ysthzWwn     So sins/crimes (of) what they made/did struck/hit them, and what they were with it mocking/making fun (of) surrounded/afflicted with them.     They have incurred the consequences of their evil works, and the very things they ridiculed came back to haunt them.     But the evil results of their deeds overtook them, and that very (Wrath) at which they had scoffed hemmed them in.
35.  *     وقال الذين اشركوا لو شاء الله ماعبدنا من دونه من شئ نحن ولااباؤنا ولاحرمنا من دونه من شئ كذلك فعل الذين من قبلهم فهل على الرسل الا البلاغ المبين     wqal alXyn a$rkwa lw $a' allh ma`bdna mn dwnh mn $Y nHn wlaabaWna wlaHrmna mn dwnh mn $Y kXlk f`l alXyn mn qblhm fhl `li alrsl ala alblaG almbyn     And those who shared/made partners (with God) said: "If God willed/wanted, we would not have worshipped from182other than Him from a thing, us and nor our fathers, and nor forbade/prohibited from other than Him from a thing." As/like that those from before them made/did, so is there on the messengers except the information/communication the clear/evident ?     The idol worshipers say, "Had GOD willed, we would not worship any idols besides Him, nor would our parents. Nor would we prohibit anything besides His prohibitions." Those before them have done the same. Can the messengers do anything but deliver the complete message?     The worshippers of false gods say: "If Allah had so willed, we should not have worshipped aught but Him - neither we nor our fathers,- nor should we have prescribed prohibitions other than His." So did those who went before them. But what is the mission of apostles but to preach the Clear Message?
36.  *     ولقد بعثنا في كل امة رسولا ان اعبدوا الله واجتنبوا الطاغوت فمنهم من هدى الله ومنهم من حقت عليه الضلالة فسيروا في الارض فانظروا كيف كان عاقبة المكذبين     wlqd b`xna fy kl am+ rswla an a`bdwa allh wajtnbwa alTaGwt fmnhm mn hdi allh wmnhm mn Hqt `lyh alDlal+ fsyrwa fy alarD fanZrwa kyf kan `aqb+ almkXbyn     And We had sent in every nation a messenger: "That worship God and avoid/distance (yourselves from) the every thing worshipped other than God/idols." So from them who God guided, and from them who the misguidance became certain/deserved on him, so walk/move in the earth/Planet Earth, so see/wonder about how was the liars'/deniers' end/turn (result).     We have sent a messenger to every community, saying, "You shall worship GOD, and avoid idolatry." Subsequently, some were guided by GOD, while others were committed to straying. Roam the earth and note the consequences for the rejectors.     For We assuredly sent amongst every People an apostle, (with the Command), "Serve Allah, and eschew Evil": of the People were some whom Allah guided, and some on whom error became inevitably (established). So travel through the earth, and see what was the end of those who denied (the Truth).
37.  *     ان تحرص على هداهم فان الله لايهدي من يضل ومالهم من ناصرين     an tHrS `li hdahm fan allh layhdy mn yDl wmalhm mn naSryn     If you held onto stingily and desire strongly (are careful) on their guidance, so that God does not guide who misguides, and none from victoriors/saviors (are) for them.     No matter how hard you try to guide them, GOD does not guide the ones He had committed to straying. Thus, no one can help them.     If thou art anxious for their guidance, yet Allah guideth not such as He leaves to stray, and there is none to help them.
38.  *     واقسموا بالله جهد ايمانهم لايبعث الله من يموت بلى وعدا عليه حقا ولكن اكثر الناس لايعلمون     waqsmwa ballh jhd aymanhm layb`x allh mn ymwt bli w`da `lyh Hqa wlkn akxr alnas lay`lmwn     And they swore/made oath by God their rights'/oaths' utmost, (that) God does not send/resurrect/revive who dies, yes/certainly a promise on Him truth, and but most of the people do not know.     They swore solemnly by GOD: "GOD will not resurrect the dead." Absolutely, such is His inviolable promise, but most people do not know.     They swear their strongest oaths by Allah, that Allah will not raise up those who die: Nay, but it is a promise (binding) on Him in truth: but most among mankind realise it not.
39.  *     ليبين لهم الذي يختلفون فيه وليعلم الذين كفروا انهم كانوا كاذبين     lybyn lhm alXy yKtlfwn fyh wly`lm alXyn kfrwa anhm kanwa kaXbyn     To clarify/show/explain for them what they differ/disagree/dispute in it, and (for) those who disbelieved to know that they were lying/denying/falsifying.     He will then point out to everyone all the things they had disputed, and will let those who disbelieved know that they were liars.     (They must be raised up), in order that He may manifest to them the truth of that wherein they differ, and that the rejecters of Truth may realise that they had indeed (surrendered to) Falsehood.
40.  *     انما قولنا لشئ اذا اردناه ان نقول له كن فيكون     anma qwlna l$Y aXa ardnah an nqwl lh kn fykwn     Truly/indeed Our saying/word to a thing if We willed/wanted/intended it (is) that We say to it: "Be." So it becomes.     To have anything done, we simply say to it, "Be," and it is.     For to anything which We have willed, We but say the word, "Be", and it is.
41.  *     والذين هاجروا في الله من بعد ماظلموا لنبوئنهم في الدنيا حسنة ولاجر الاخرة اكبر لو كانوا يعلمون     walXyn hajrwa fy allh mn b`d maZlmwa lnbwYnhm fy aldnya Hsn+ wlajr alaKr+ akbr lw kanwa y`lmwn     And those who emigrated in (to) God from after what they were caused injustice to/oppressed, We return/reestablish them (E) in the present world a goodness, and the end's (other life's) reward/wage (E) (is) greater/bigger, if they were knowing.     Those who emigrated for the sake of GOD, because they were persecuted, we will surely make it up to them generously in this life, and the recompense of the Hereafter is even greater, if they only knew.     To those who leave their homes in the cause of Allah, after suffering oppression,- We will assuredly give a goodly home in this world; but truly the reward of the Hereafter will be greater. If they only realised (this)!
42.  *     الذين صبروا وعلى ربهم يتوكلون     alXyn Sbrwa w`li rbhm ytwklwn     Those who were patient, and on their Lord they rely/depend/surrender to.     This is because they steadfastly persevere, and in their Lord they trust.     (They are) those who persevere in patience, and put their trust on their Lord.
43.  *     وماارسلنا من قبلك الا رجالا نوحي اليهم فسألوا اهل الذكر ان كنتم لاتعلمون     wmaarslna mn qblk ala rjala nwHy alyhm fsAlwa ahl alXkr an kntm lat`lmwn     And We did not send from before you except men, We inspire/transmit to them, so ask/question the reminder's/remembrance's people, if you were not knowing.     We did not send before you except men whom we inspired. Ask those who know the scripture, if you do not know.     And before thee also the apostles We sent were but men, to whom We granted inspiration: if ye realise this not, ask of those who possess the Message.
44.  *     بالبينات والزبر وانزلنا اليك الذكر لتبين للناس مانزل اليهم ولعلهم يتفكرون     balbynat walzbr wanzlna alyk alXkr ltbyn llnas manzl alyhm wl`lhm ytfkrwn     With the evidences and The Books, and We descended to you the reminder/remembrance to clarify/show/explain to the people what was descended to them, and maybe/perhaps they think.     We provided them with the proofs and the scriptures. And we sent down to you this message, to proclaim for the people everything that is sent down to them, perhaps they will reflect.     (We sent them) with Clear Signs and Books of dark prophecies; and We have sent down unto thee (also) the Message; that thou mayest explain clearly to men what is sent for them, and that they may give thought.
45.  *     افامن الذين مكروا السيئات ان يخسف الله بهم الارض او ياتيهم العذاب من حيث لايشعرون     afamn alXyn mkrwa alsyYat an yKsf allh bhm alarD aw yatyhm al`Xab mn Hyx lay$`rwn     Did those who cheated/deceived/schemed the sins/crimes trust that God sinks down with them the earth/Planet Earth, or the torture comes to them from where/when they do not feel/know/sense?     Did those who scheme evil schemes guarantee that GOD will not cause the earth to swallow them, or that the retribution will not come to them when they least expect it?     Do then those who devise evil (plots) feel secure that Allah will not cause the earth to swallow them up, or that the Wrath will not seize them from directions they little perceive?-
46.  *     او ياخذهم في تقلبهم فماهم بمعجزين     aw yaKXhm fy tqlbhm fmahm bm`jzyn     Or He takes/receives/punishes them in their turning/returning so they are not with disabling/frustrating?     It may strike them while they are asleep; they can never escape.     Or that He may not call them to account in the midst of their goings to and fro, without a chance of their frustrating Him?-
47.  *     او ياخذهم على تخوف فان ربكم لرؤوف رحيم     aw yaKXhm `li tKwf fan rbkm lrWwf rHym     Or He takes/receives/punishes them on fear/fright, so that your Lord (is) merciful/compassionate (E), merciful.     Or it may strike them while they are fearfully expecting it. Your Lord is Compassionate, Most Merciful.     Or that He may not call them to account by a process of slow wastage - for thy Lord is indeed full of kindness and mercy.
48.  *     اولم يروا الى ماخلق الله من شئ يتفيؤ ظلاله عن اليمين والشمائل سجدا لله وهم داخرون     awlm yrwa ali maKlq allh mn $Y ytfyW Zlalh `n alymyn wal$maYl sjda llh whm daKrwn     Did they not see/understand, to what God created from a thing (that) its shades/shadows turns/follows from the right and the lefts, prostrating to God and (while) they are degraded/humiliated ?     Have they not seen all the things created by GOD? Their shadows surround them right and left, in total submission to GOD, and willingly.     Do they not look at Allah.s creation, (even) among (inanimate) things,- How their (very) shadows turn round, from the right and the left, prostrating themselves to Allah, and that in the humblest manner?
49.  *     ولله يسجد مافي السماوات ومافي الارض من دابة والملائكة وهم لايستكبرون     wllh ysjd mafy alsmawat wmafy alarD mn dab+ walmlaYk+ whm laystkbrwn     And to God prostrates what (is) in the skies/space and what (is) in the earth/Planet Earth from a walker/creeper/crawler, and the angels, and they are not being arrogant.     To GOD prostrates everything in the heavens and everything on earth - every creature - and so do the angels; without the least arrogance.     And to Allah doth obeisance all that is in the heavens and on earth, whether moving (living) creatures or the angels: for none are arrogant (before their Lord).
50.  *     يخافون ربهم من فوقهم ويفعلون مايؤمرون     yKafwn rbhm mn fwqhm wyf`lwn mayWmrwn     They fear their Lord from above them, and they make/do what they are ordered/commanded.     They reverence their Lord, high above them, and they do what they are commanded to do.     They all revere their Lord, high above them, and they do all that they are commanded.
51.  *     وقال الله لاتتخذوا الهين اثنين انما هو اله واحد فاياي فارهبون     wqal allh lattKXwa alhyn axnyn anma hw alh waHd fayay farhbwn     And God Said: "Do not take two gods two, but/truly/indeed, He is one God, so (only) Me, so be awed/monkish/monastic of Me.     GOD has proclaimed: "Do not worship two gods; there is only one god. You shall reverence Me alone."     Allah has said: "Take not (for worship) two gods: for He is just One Allah. then fear Me (and Me alone)."
52.  *     وله مافي السماوات والارض وله الدين واصبا افغير الله تتقون     wlh mafy alsmawat walarD wlh aldyn waSba afGyr allh ttqwn     And to Him what (is) in the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth, and to Him (is) the permanent/continuous/lasting religion, so is other than God you fear and obey?183     To Him belongs everything in the heavens and the earth and therefore, the religion shall be devoted absolutely to Him alone. Would you worship other than GOD?     To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and on earth, and to Him is duty due always: then will ye fear other than Allah.
53.  *     ومابكم من نعمة فمن الله ثم اذا مسكم الضر فاليه تجأرون     wmabkm mn n`m+ fmn allh xm aXa mskm alDr falyh tjArwn     And what (is) with you from a blessing/goodness, so (it) is from God, then if the harm touched you, so to Him you pray/cry aloud and humbly.     Any blessing you enjoy is from GOD. Yet, whenever you incur any adversity you immediately complain to Him.     And ye have no good thing but is from Allah. and moreover, when ye are touched by distress, unto Him ye cry with groans;
54.  *     ثم اذا كشف الضر عنكم اذا فريق منكم بربهم يشركون     xm aXa k$f alDr `nkm aXa fryq mnkm brbhm y$rkwn     Then if He removed/uncovered/(relieved) the harm from you, then a group/party from you, they share/make partners with their Lord.     Yet, as soon as He relieves your affliction, some of you revert to idol worship.     Yet, when He removes the distress from you, behold! some of you turn to other gods to join with their Lord-
55.  *     ليكفروا بما اتيناهم فتمتعوا فسوف تعلمون     lykfrwa bma atynahm ftmt`wa fswf t`lmwn     To disbelieve with what We gave/brought them, so live long/enjoy, so you will/shall know.     Let them disbelieve in what we have given them. Go ahead and enjoy temporarily; you will surely find out.     (As if) to show their ingratitude for the favours we have bestowed on them! then enjoy (your brief day): but soon will ye know (your folly)!
56.  *     ويجعلون لما لايعلمون نصيبا مما رزقناهم تالله لتسألن عما كنتم تفترون     wyj`lwn lma lay`lmwn nSyba mma rzqnahm tallh ltsAln `ma kntm tftrwn     And they make/create/put to what they do not know a share from what We provided for them. By God you will be asked/questioned about what you were fabricating/cutting and splitting.     They designate for the idols they set up out of ignorance, a share of the provisions we bestow upon them. By GOD, you will be held accountable for your innovations.     And they (even) assign, to things they do not know, a portion out of that which We have bestowed for their sustenance! By Allah, ye shall certainly be called to account for your false inventions.
57.  *     ويجعلون لله البنات سبحانه ولهم مايشتهون     wyj`lwn llh albnat sbHanh wlhm may$thwn     And they make/create/put to God the daughters, His praise/glory, and for them what they lust/desire/crave.     They even assign daughters to GOD, be He glorified, while they prefer for themselves what they like.     And they assign daughters for Allah. - Glory be to Him! - and for themselves (sons,- the issue) they desire!
58.  *     واذا بشر احدهم بالانثى ظل وجهه مسودا وهو كظيم     waXa b$r aHdhm balanxi Zl wjhh mswda whw kZym     And if any of them was announced good news to with the female, his face became/remained blackened, and he is holding (his) breath/suppressed.     When one of them gets a baby girl, his face becomes darkened with overwhelming grief.     When news is brought to one of them, of (the birth of) a female (child), his face darkens, and he is filled with inward grief!
59.  *     يتوارى من القوم من سوء مابشر به ايمسكه على هون ام يدسه في التراب الا ساء مايحكمون     ytwari mn alqwm mn sw' mab$r bh aymskh `li hwn am ydsh fy altrab ala sa' mayHkmwn     He hides/conceals from the nation from (the) bad/evil/harm (of) what he was announced good news to with it, does he hold/grasp/cling to it on disgrace/weakness, or he buries/hides/conceals it in the dust/earth? Is (it) not bad/evil what they judge/rule?     Ashamed, he hides from the people, because of the bad news given to him. He even ponders: should he keep the baby grudgingly, or bury her in the dust. Miserable indeed is their judgment.     With shame does he hide himself from his people, because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain it on (sufferance and) contempt, or bury it in the dust? Ah! what an evil (choice) they decide on?
60.  *     للذين لايؤمنون بالاخرة مثل السوء ولله المثل الاعلى وهو العزيز الحكيم     llXyn layWmnwn balaKr+ mxl alsw' wllh almxl ala`li whw al`zyz alHkym     To those who do not believe with the end (other life) the bads'/evil's example/proverb, and to God the example/proverb the highest/mightiest, and He is the glorious/mighty, the wise/judicious.     Those who do not believe in the Hereafter set the worst examples, while to GOD belongs the most sublime examples. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise.     To those who believe not in the Hereafter, applies the similitude of evil: to Allah applies the highest similitude: for He is the Exalted in Power, full of Wisdom.
61.  *     ولو يؤاخذ الله الناس بظلمهم ماترك عليها من دابة ولكن يؤخرهم الى اجل مسمى فاذا جاء اجلهم لايستاخرون ساعة ولايستقدمون     wlw yWaKX allh alnas bZlmhm matrk `lyha mn dab+ wlkn yWKrhm ali ajl msmi faXa ja' ajlhm laystaKrwn sa`+ wlaystqdmwn     And if God punishes the people because of their injustice/oppression, He would not (have) left on it from a walker/creeper/crawler, and but He delays them to a named/identified term/time, so if their term/time came, they do not delay/lag behind an hour, and they do not advance/precede (an hour).     If GOD punished the people for their transgressions, He would have annihilated every creature on earth. But He respites them for a specific, predetermined time. Once their interim ends, they cannot delay it by one hour, nor advance it.     If Allah were to punish men for their wrong-doing, He would not leave, on the (earth), a single living creature: but He gives them respite for a stated Term: When their Term expires, they would not be able to delay (the punishment) for a single hour, just as they would not be able to anticipate it (for a single hour).
62.  *     ويجعلون لله مايكرهون وتصف السنتهم الكذب ان لهم الحسنى لاجرم ان لهم النار وانهم مفرطون     wyj`lwn llh maykrhwn wtSf alsnthm alkXb an lhm alHsni lajrm an lhm alnar wanhm mfrTwn     And they make/create/put to God what they hate, and their tongues/speeches describes/categorizes the lies/falsehood, that to them (is) the best/most beautiful, undoutably/certainly that to them (is) the fire, and that they truly are neglected/wasted/hastened.     They ascribe to GOD what they dislike for themselves, then utter the lie with their own tongues that they are righteous! Without any doubt, they have incurred Hell, for they have rebelled.     They attribute to Allah what they hate (for themselves), and their tongues assert the falsehood that all good things are for themselves: without doubt for them is the Fire, and they will be the first to be hastened on into it!
63.  *     تالله لقد ارسلنا الى امم من قبلك فزين لهم الشيطان اعمالهم فهو وليهم اليوم ولهم عذاب اليم     tallh lqd arslna ali amm mn qblk fzyn lhm al$yTan a`malhm fhw wlyhm alywm wlhm `Xab alym     By God, We had sent to nations from before you, so the devil decorated/beautified for them their deeds, so he is their guardian/ally today, and for them (is) a painful torture.     By GOD, we have sent (messengers) to communities before you, but the devil adorned their works in their eyes. Consequently, he is now their lord, and they have incurred a painful retribution.     By Allah, We (also) sent (Our apostles) to Peoples before thee; but Satan made, (to the wicked), their own acts seem alluring: He is also their patron today, but they shall have a most grievous penalty.
64.  *     وماانزلنا عليك الكتاب الا لتبين لهم الذي اختلفوا فيه وهدى ورحمة لقوم يؤمنون     wmaanzlna `lyk alktab ala ltbyn lhm alXy aKtlfwa fyh whdi wrHm+ lqwm yWmnwn     And We did not descend on you The Book except to clarify/show/explain to them what they differed/disagreed/disputed in it, and guidance and mercy to a nation believing.     We have revealed this scripture to you, to point out for them what they dispute, and to provide guidance and mercy for people who believe.     And We sent down the Book to thee for the express purpose, that thou shouldst make clear to them those things in which they differ, and that it should be a guide and a mercy to those who believe.
65.  *     والله انزل من السماء ماء فاحيا به الارض بعد موتها ان في ذلك لاية لقوم يسمعون     wallh anzl mn alsma' ma' faHya bh alarD b`d mwtha an fy Xlk lay+ lqwm ysm`wn     And God descended from the sky water, so He revived with it the land/Earth after its death/lifelessness, that in that (is) an evidence/sign (E) to a nation listening/hearing.     GOD sends down from the sky water to revive the land after it had died. This should be (sufficient) proof for people who hear.     And Allah sends down rain from the skies, and gives therewith life to the earth after its death: verily in this is a Sign for those who listen.
66.  *     وان لكم في الانعام لعبرة نسقيكم مما في بطونه من بين فرث ودم لبنا خالصا سائغا للشاربين     wan lkm fy alan`am l`br+ nsqykm mma fy bTwnh mn byn frx wdm lbna KalSa saYGa ll$arbyn     And that for you in the camels/livestock (is) an example (E), We make you drink from what (is) in its bellies/insides, clear/pure milk pleasant tasting to the drinking, from between fully and partially digested food/feces and blood.     And in the livestock there is a lesson for you: we provide you with a drink from their bellies. From the midst of digested food and blood, you get pure milk, delicious for the drinkers.     And verily in cattle (too) will ye find an instructive sign. From what is within their bodies between excretions and blood, We produce, for your drink, milk, pure and agreeable to those who drink it.
67.  *     ومن ثمرات النخيل والاعناب تتخذون منه سكرا ورزقا حسنا ان في ذلك لاية لقوم يعقلون     wmn xmrat alnKyl wala`nab ttKXwn mnh skra wrzqa Hsna an fy Xlk lay+ lqwm y`qlwn     And from the palm trees' and the grapes' fruits you take from it intoxication, and a good/beautiful provision, that in that (is) an evidence/sign (E) to a nation reasoning/understanding.     And from the fruits of date palms and grapes you produce intoxicants, as well as good provisions. This should be (sufficient) proof for people who understand.     And from the fruit of the date-palm and the vine, ye get out wholesome drink and food: behold, in this also is a sign for those who are wise.
68.  *     واوحى ربك الى النحل ان اتخذي من الجبال بيوتا ومن الشجر ومما يعرشون     wawHi rbk ali alnHl an atKXy mn aljbal bywta wmn al$jr wmma y`r$wn     And your Lord inspired/signaled to the bees, that take from the mountains homes, and from the trees, and from what they raise and support/hold onto.     And your Lord inspired the bee: build homes in mountains and trees, and in (the hives) they build for you.     And thy Lord taught the Bee to build its cells in hills, on trees, and in (men's) habitations;
69.  *     ثم كلى من كل الثمرات فاسلكي سبل ربك ذللا يخرج من بطونها شراب مختلف الوانه فيه شفاء للناس ان في ذلك لاية لقوم يتفكرون     xm kli mn kl alxmrat faslky sbl rbk Xlla yKrj mn bTwnha $rab mKtlf alwanh fyh $fa' llnas an fy Xlk lay+ lqwm ytfkrwn     Then eat from all the fruits, so enter/pass your Lord's roads/paths manipulated/dangled low, from its bellies/insides emerges/appears a drink its colours (are) different, in it (is) a cure/healing for the people;184that in that (is) an evidence/sign (E) to a nation thinking.     Then eat from all the fruits, following the design of your Lord, precisely. From their bellies comes a drink of different colors, wherein there is healing for the people. This should be (sufficient) proof for people who reflect.     Then to eat of all the produce (of the earth), and find with skill the spacious paths of its Lord: there issues from within their bodies a drink of varying colours, wherein is healing for men: verily in this is a Sign for those who give thought.
70.  *     والله خلقكم ثم يتوفاكم ومنكم من يرد الى ارذل العمر لكي لايعلم بعد علم شيئا ان الله عليم قدير     wallh Klqkm xm ytwfakm wmnkm mn yrd ali arXl al`mr lky lay`lm b`d `lm $yYa an allh `lym qdyr     And God created you, then He makes you die, and from you who is returned to the lifetime's worst/meanest/despised, so that (he) not know after knowledge a thing, that your Lord (is) knowledgeable, capable.     GOD created you, then He terminates your lives. He lets some of you live to the oldest age, only to find out that there is a limit to the knowledge they can acquire. GOD is Omniscient, Omnipotent.     It is Allah who creates you and takes your souls at death; and of you there are some who are sent back to a feeble age, so that they know nothing after having known (much): for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Powerful.
71.  *     والله فضل بعضكم على بعض في الرزق فماالذين فضلوا برادي رزقهم على ماملكت ايمانهم فهم فيه سواء افبنعمة الله يجحدون     wallh fDl b`Dkm `li b`D fy alrzq fmaalXyn fDlwa brady rzqhm `li mamlkt aymanhm fhm fyh swa' afbn`m+ allh yjHdwn     And God preferred/favoured some of you over some in the provision, so those who were preferred/favoured are not with returning their provision on (to) what their rights/oaths owned/possessed, so they are in it equal/alike. So are they with Gods' blessing/goodness disbelieving and denying ?     GOD has provided for some of you more than others. Those who are given plenty would never give their properties to their subordinates to the extent of making them partners. Would they give up GOD's blessings?     Allah has bestowed His gifts of sustenance more freely on some of you than on others: those more favoured are not going to throw back their gifts to those whom their right hands possess, so as to be equal in that respect. Will they then deny the favours of Allah.
72.  *     والله جعل لكم من انفسكم ازواجا وجعل لكم من ازواجكم بنين وحفدة ورزقكم من الطيبات افبالباطل يؤمنون وبنعمة الله هم يكفرون     wallh j`l lkm mn anfskm azwaja wj`l lkm mn azwajkm bnyn wHfd+ wrzqkm mn alTybat afbalbaTl yWmnwn wbn`m+ allh hm ykfrwn     And God made/created for you from yourselves spouses, and He made/created for you from your spouses sons/sons and daughters, and sons of your sons, and He provided for you from the goodnesses. Is it with the falsehood they believe, and with Gods' blessing/goodness they disbelieve?     And GOD made for you spouses from among yourselves, and produced for you from your spouses children and grandchildren, and provided you with good provisions. Should they believe in falsehood, and turn unappreciative of GOD's blessings?     And Allah has made for you mates (and companions) of your own nature, and made for you, out of them, sons and daughters and grandchildren, and provided for you sustenance of the best: will they then believe in vain things, and be ungrateful for Allah.s favours?-
73.  *     ويعبدون من دون الله مالايملك لهم رزقا من السماوات والارض شيئا ولايستطيعون     wy`bdwn mn dwn allh malaymlk lhm rzqa mn alsmawat walarD $yYa wlaystTy`wn     And they worship from other than God what does not own/possess for them a provision/rain a thing from the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth, and they are not able.     Yet, they worship beside GOD what possesses no provisions for them in the heavens, nor on earth, nor can provide them with anything.     And worship others than Allah,- such as have no power of providing them, for sustenance, with anything in heavens or earth, and cannot possibly have such power?
74.  *     فلاتضربوا لله الامثال ان الله يعلم وانتم لاتعلمون     flatDrbwa llh alamxal an allh y`lm wantm lat`lmwn     So do not give the examples/proverbs to God, that God knows and you do not know.     Therefore, do not cite the examples for GOD; GOD knows while you do not know.     Invent not similitudes for Allah. for Allah knoweth, and ye know not.
75.  *     ضرب الله مثلا عبدا مملوكا لايقدر على شئ ومن رزقناه منا رزقا حسنا فهو ينفق منه سرا وجهرا هل يستوون الحمد لله بل اكثرهم لايعلمون     Drb allh mxla `bda mmlwka layqdr `li $Y wmn rzqnah mna rzqa Hsna fhw ynfq mnh sra wjhra hl ystwwn alHmd llh bl akxrhm lay`lmwn     God gave an example, an owned slave/human, he is not capable/able on (of) a thing, and whom what We provided for him from Us a good/beautiful provision, so he spends from it secretly and publicly, do they become equal/alike? The praise/gratitude (is) to God, but most of them do not know.     GOD cites the example of a slave who is owned, and is totally powerless, compared to one whom we blessed with good provisions, from which he gives to charity secretly and publicly. Are they equal? Praise be to GOD, most of them do not know.     Allah sets forth the Parable (of two men: one) a slave under the dominion of another; He has no power of any sort; and (the other) a man on whom We have bestowed goodly favours from Ourselves, and he spends thereof (freely), privately and publicly: are the two equal? (By no means;) praise be to Allah. But most of them understand not.
76.  *     وضرب الله مثلا رجلين احدهما ابكم لايقدر على شئ وهو كل على مولاه اينما يوجهه لايات بخير هل يستوي هو ومن يامر بالعدل وهو على صراط مستقيم     wDrb allh mxla rjlyn aHdhma abkm layqdr `li $Y whw kl `li mwlah aynma ywjhh layat bKyr hl ystwy hw wmn yamr bal`dl whw `li SraT mstqym     And God gave an example (of) two men, one of them (B) is mute, he is not capable/able on (of) a thing, and he is tired/weak (tiresome/burdensome) on (to) his master/friend/owner wherever he aims/turns him, he does not come/bring with goodness, does he become equal/alike, he and who orders/commands with the justice/equality and he is on a straight/direct/balanced road/way?     And GOD cites the example of two men: one is dumb, lacks the ability to do anything, is totally dependent on his master - whichever way he directs him, he cannot produce anything good. Is he equal to one who rules with justice, and is guided in the right path?     Allah sets forth (another) Parable of two men: one of them dumb, with no power of any sort; a wearisome burden is he to his master; whichever way be directs him, he brings no good: is such a man equal with one who commands Justice, and is on a Straight Way?
77.  *     ولله غيب السماوات والارض وماامر الساعة الا كلمح البصر او هو اقرب ان الله على كل شئ قدير     wllh Gyb alsmawat walarD wmaamr alsa`+ ala klmH albSr aw hw aqrb an allh `li kl $Y qdyr     And to God (is) the skies'/space's and the earth's/Planet Earth's unseen/invisible ; and the Hour's/Resurrection's order/command/matter/affair is not except as the eye sights'/knowledges' twinkling/quick glance or it is nearer/closer, that God (is) on every thing capable/able.     To GOD belongs the future of the heavens and the earth. As far as He is concerned, the end of the world (the Hour) is a blink of an eye away, or even closer. GOD is Omnipotent.     To Allah belongeth the Mystery of the heavens and the earth. And the Decision of the Hour (of Judgment) is as the twingkling of an eye, or even quicker: for Allah hath power over all things.
78.  *     والله اخرجكم من بطون امهاتكم لاتعلمون شيئا وجعل لكم السمع والابصار والافئدة لعلكم تشكرون     wallh aKrjkm mn bTwn amhatkm lat`lmwn $yYa wj`l lkm alsm` walabSar walafYd+ l`lkm t$krwn     And God brought you out from your mothers' bellies/insides, you do not know a thing, and He made/created for you the sense of hearing, and the eye sights/knowledge, and the hearts/could be minds, maybe/perhaps you thank/be grateful.     GOD brought you out of your mothers' bellies knowing nothing, and He gave you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brains, that you may be appreciative.     It is He Who brought you forth from the wombs of your mothers when ye knew nothing; and He gave you hearing and sight and intelligence and affections: that ye may give thanks (to Allah..
79.  *     الم يروا الى الطير مسخرات في جو السماء مايمسكهن الا الله ان في ذلك لايات لقوم يؤمنون     alm yrwa ali alTyr msKrat fy jw alsma' maymskhn ala allh an fy Xlk layat lqwm yWmnwn     Do they not see (look) to the birds subjugated/manipulated in the sky's atmosphere/air? None holds/grasps them except God, that in that (are) signs/evidences (E) to a nation believing.     Do they not see the birds committed to fly in the atmosphere of the sky? None holds them up in the air except GOD. This should be (sufficient) proof for people who believe.     Do they not look at the birds, held poised in the midst of (the air and) the sky? Nothing holds them up but (the power of) Allah. Verily in this are signs for those who believe.
80.  *     والله جعل لكم من بيوتكم سكنا وجعل لكم من جلود الانعام بيوتا تستخفونها يوم ظعنكم ويوم اقامتكم ومن اصوافها واوبارها واشعارها اثاثا ومتاعا الى حين     wallh j`l lkm mn bywtkm skna wj`l lkm mn jlwd alan`am bywta tstKfwnha ywm Z`nkm wywm aqamtkm wmn aSwafha wawbarha wa$`arha axaxa wmta`a ali Hyn     And God made/created/put for you from your houses/homes tranquillity/security/residence, and He made/created/put for you from the camels'/livestock's skins houses/homes you find it light (during the) day/time (of) your moving/departure/travel, and (the) day/time (of) your residency, and from its wool/animal hair, and its hair/wool (fur/down), and its hair/fur home effects/woven wool and enjoyment/effects/goods to a time.     And GOD provided for you stationary homes where you can live. And He provided for you portable homes made of the hides of livestock, so you can use them when you travel, and when you settle down. And from their wools, furs, and hair, you make furnishings and luxuries for awhile.     It is Allah Who made your habitations homes of rest and quiet for you; and made for you, out of the skins of animals, (tents for) dwellings, which ye find so light (and handy) when ye travel and when ye stop (in your travels); and out of their wool, and their soft fibres (between wool and hair), and their hair, rich stuff and articles of convenience (to serve you) for a time.
81.  *     والله جعل لكم مما خلق ظلالا وجعل لكم من الجبال اكنانا وجعل لكم سرابيل تقيكم الحر وسرابيل تقيكم باسكم كذلك يتم نعمته عليكم لعلكم تسلمون     wallh j`l lkm mma Klq Zlala wj`l lkm mn aljbal aknana wj`l lkm srabyl tqykm alHr wsrabyl tqykm baskm kXlk ytm n`mth `lykm l`lkm tslmwn     And God made/created/put for you from what He created shades, and He made/created/put for you from the mountains covers/shelters/homes, and He made/created/put for you shirts/clothes (that) protects you (from) the heat, and shirts/clothes (that) protects you (from) your hardship in war, as/like that/that is how He completes185His blessing on you, maybe/perhaps you submit/surrender.     And GOD provided for you shade through things which He created, and provided for you shelters in the mountains, and provided for you garments that protect you from heat, and garments that protect when you fight in wars. He thus perfects His blessings upon you, that you may submit.     It is Allah Who made out of the things He created, some things to give you shade; of the hills He made some for your shelter; He made you garments to protect you from heat, and coats of mail to protect you from your (mutual) violence. Thus does He complete His favours on you, that ye may bow to His Will (in Islam).
82.  *     فان تولوا فانما عليك البلاغ المبين     fan twlwa fanma `lyk alblaG almbyn     So if they turned away, so but on you (is) the information/communication, the clear/evident.     If they still turn away, then your sole mission is the clear delivery (of the message).     But if they turn away, thy duty is only to preach the clear Message.
83.  *     يعرفون نعمة الله ثم ينكرونها واكثرهم الكافرون     y`rfwn n`m+ allh xm ynkrwnha wakxrhm alkafrwn     They know God's blessing, then they deny it, and most of them (are) the disbelievers.     They fully recognize GOD's blessings, then deny them; the majority of them are disbelievers.     They recognise the favours of Allah. then they deny them; and most of them are (creatures) ungrateful.
84.  *     ويوم نبعث من كل امة شهيدا ثم لايؤذن للذين كفروا ولاهم يستعتبون     wywm nb`x mn kl am+ $hyda xm layWXn llXyn kfrwa wlahm yst`tbwn     And a day/time We send/resurrect/revive from every nation a witness/testifier, then (it will) not be allowed/permitted to those who disbelieved, and nor they be allowed to offer reconciliation/appeasement.     The day will come when we raise from every community a witness, then those who disbelieved will not be permitted (to speak), nor will they be excused.     One Day We shall raise from all Peoples a Witness: then will no excuse be accepted from Unbelievers, nor will they receive any favours.
85.  *     واذا راى الذين ظلموا العذاب فلايخفف عنهم ولاهم ينظرون     waXa rai alXyn Zlmwa al`Xab flayKff `nhm wlahm ynZrwn     And if those who caused injustice/oppression saw/understood the torture, so (it) does not be reduced/lightened from them, and nor they be given time/looked at.     Once those who transgressed see the retribution, it will be too late; it will not be commuted for them, nor will they be respited.     When the wrong-doers (actually) see the Penalty, then will it in no way be mitigated, nor will they then receive respite.
86.  *     واذا راى الذين اشركوا شركاءهم قالوا ربنا هؤلاء شركاؤنا الذين كنا ندعوا من دونك فالقوا اليهم القول انكم لكاذبون     waXa rai alXyn a$rkwa $rka'hm qalwa rbna hWla' $rkaWna alXyn kna nd`wa mn dwnk falqwa alyhm alqwl ankm lkaXbwn     And if those who shared/made partners (with God) saw their partners (with God), they said: "Our Lord, those (are) our partners (with You), those whom we were calling from other than You." So they threw the saying/word/opinion and belief that you (are) lying/denying/falsifying (E).     And when those who committed idol worship see their idols, they will say, "Our Lord, these are the idols we had set up beside You." The idols will then confront them and say, "You are liars."     When those who gave partners to Allah will see their "partners", they will say: "Our Lord! these are our 'partners,' those whom we used to invoke besides Thee." But they will throw back their word at them (and say): "Indeed ye are liars!"
87.  *     والقوا الى الله يومئذ السلم وضل عنهم ما كانوا يفترون     walqwa ali allh ywmYX alslm wDl `nhm ma kanwa yftrwn     And they threw to God (on) that day/time the submission/surrender, and what they were fabricating/cutting and splitting (was) wasted/nullified/lost from them.     They will totally submit to GOD on that day, and the idols they had invented will disown them.     That Day shall they (openly) show (their) submission to Allah. and all their inventions shall leave them in the lurch.
88.  *     الذين كفروا وصدوا عن سبيل الله زدناهم عذابا فوق العذاب بماكانوا يفسدون     alXyn kfrwa wSdwa `n sbyl allh zdnahm `Xaba fwq al`Xab bmakanwa yfsdwn     Those who disbelieved and prevented/obstructed from Gods' way/path, We increased them torture over/on the torture, because (of) what they were corrupting/disordering.     Those who disbelieve and repel from the path of GOD, we augment their retribution by adding more retribution, due to their transgressions.     Those who reject Allah and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah - for them will We add Penalty to Penalty; for that they used to spread mischief.
89.  *     ويوم نبعث في كل امة شهيدا عليهم من انفسهم وجئنا بك شهيدا على هؤلاء ونزلنا عليك الكتاب تبيانا لكل شئ وهدى ورحمة وبشرى للمسلمين     wywm nb`x fy kl am+ $hyda `lyhm mn anfshm wjYna bk $hyda `li hWla' wnzlna `lyk alktab tbyana lkl $Y whdi wrHm+ wb$ri llmslmyn     And a day/time, We send/resurrect/revive in every nation/generation a witness/testifier on them from themselves, and We came with you (as) a witness/testifier on those, and We descended on you The Book (a) clarification/explanation to every thing, and guidance, and mercy, and a good news to the Moslems/submitters/surrenderers.     The day will come when we will raise from every community a witness from among them, and bring you as the witness of these people. We have revealed to you this book to provide explanations for everything, and guidance, and mercy, and good news for the submitters.     One day We shall raise from all Peoples a witness against them, from amongst themselves: and We shall bring thee as a witness against these (thy people): and We have sent down to thee the Book explaining all things, a Guide, a Mercy, and Glad Tidings to Muslims.
90.  *     ان الله يامر بالعدل والاحسان وايتاء ذي القربى وينهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر والبغي يعظكم لعلكم تذكرون     an allh yamr bal`dl walaHsan wayta' Xy alqrbi wynhi `n alfH$a' walmnkr walbGy y`Zkm l`lkm tXkrwn     That God orders/commands with the justice/equality and the goodness, and giving/bringing (to) of the relations/near, and (God) forbids/prevents from the enormous/atrocious deeds, and the defiance of God and His orders/obscenity, and the oppression/transgression, He preaches to/advises/warns you, maybe/perhaps you mention/remember.     GOD advocates justice, charity, and regarding the relatives. And He forbids evil, vice, and transgression. He enlightens you, that you may take heed.     Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and liberality to kith and kin, and He forbids all shameful deeds, and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition.
91.  *     واوفوا بعهد الله اذا عاهدتم ولاتنقضوا الايمان بعد توكيدها وقد جعلتم الله عليكم كفيلا ان الله يعلم ماتفعلون     wawfwa b`hd allh aXa `ahdtm wlatnqDwa alayman b`d twkydha wqd j`ltm allh `lykm kfyla an allh y`lm matf`lwn     And fulfill/complete with God's promise/contract if you promised/pledged, and do not break/destroy the faith/belief after its confirmation/assurance, and you had made/put God on you (as) a sponsor/supporter, that God knows what you make/do.     You shall fulfill your covenant with GOD when you make such a covenant. You shall not violate the oaths after swearing (by God) to carry them out, for you have made GOD a guarantor for you. GOD knows everything you do.     Fulfil the Covenant of Allah when ye have entered into it, and break not your oaths after ye have confirmed them; indeed ye have made Allah your surety; for Allah knoweth all that ye do.
92.  *     ولاتكونوا كالتي نقضت غزلها من بعد قوة انكاثا تتخذون ايمانكم دخلا بينكم ان تكون امة هي اربى من امة انما يبلوكم الله به وليبينن لكم يوم القيامة ماكنتم فيه تختلفون     wlatkwnwa kalty nqDt Gzlha mn b`d qw+ ankaxa ttKXwn aymankm dKla bynkm an tkwn am+ hy arbi mn am+ anma yblwkm allh bh wlybynn lkm ywm alqyam+ makntm fyh tKtlfwn     And do no be like who unbound/broke/destroyed her yarn/spun thread (into) unraveling/fraying/untwisted strands of yarn from after (its) strength, you take your rights/oaths (as) deceit/blemishes between you, that (E) a nation be more grown/increased than a nation, but/truly God tests you with it, and to clarify/show/explain for you (on) the Resurrection Day what you were in it differing/disagreeing/disputing.     Do not be like the knitter who unravels her strong knitting into piles of flimsy yarn. This is your example if you abuse the oaths to take advantage of one another. Whether one group is larger than the other, GOD thus puts you to the test. He will surely show you on the Day of Resurrection everything you had disputed.     And be not like a woman who breaks into untwisted strands the yarn which she has spun, after it has become strong. Nor take your oaths to practise deception between yourselves, lest one party should be more numerous than another: for Allah will test you by this; and on the Day of Judgment He will certainly make clear to you (the truth of) that wherein ye disagree.
93.  *     ولو شاء الله لجعلكم امة واحدة ولكن يضل من يشاء ويهدي من يشاء ولتسألن عما كنتم تعملون     wlw $a' allh lj`lkm am+ waHd+ wlkn yDl mn y$a' wyhdy mn y$a' wltsAln `ma kntm t`mlwn     And if God wanted/willed He would have made/created you one nation/generation, and but God misguides whom He wills/wants, and He guides whom He wills/wants, and you will be asked/questioned (E) about what you were making/doing.     Had GOD willed, He could have made you one congregation. But He sends astray whoever chooses to go astray, and He guides whoever wishes to be guided. You will surely be asked about everything you have done.     If Allah so willed, He could make you all one people: But He leaves straying whom He pleases, and He guides whom He pleases: but ye shall certainly be called to account for all your actions.
94.  *     ولاتتخذوا ايمانكم دخلا بينكم فتزل قدم بعد ثبوتها وتذوقوا السوء بما صددتم عن سبيل الله ولكم عذاب عظيم     wlattKXwa aymankm dKla bynkm ftzl qdm b`d xbwtha wtXwqwa alsw' bma Sddtm `n sbyl allh wlkm `Xab `Zym     And do not take your rights/oaths (as) deceit/blemishes between you, so (a) foot/foothold in goodness and knowledge slips/falls/sins after its steadfastness/stability/strength, and you taste/experience the bad/evil/harm because (of) what you prevented/obstructed from God's way/path, and for you (is) a great torture.     Do not abuse the oaths among you, lest you slide back after having a strong foothold, then you incur misery. Such is the consequence of repelling from the path of GOD (by setting a bad example); you incur a terrible retribution.     And take not your oaths, to practise deception between yourselves, with the result that someone's foot may slip after it was firmly planted, and ye may have to taste the evil (consequences) of having hindered (men) from the Path of Allah, and a Mighty Wrath descend on you.
95.  *     ولاتشتروا بعهد الله ثمنا قليلا انما عند الله هو خير لكم ان كنتم تعلمون     wlat$trwa b`hd allh xmna qlyla anma `nd allh hw Kyr lkm an kntm t`lmwn     And do not buy/volunteer with Gods' promise/pledge a small/little price, but/truly (what is) at God, it is186best for you, if you were knowing.     Do not sell your oaths short before GOD. What GOD possesses is far better for you, if you only knew.     Nor sell the covenant of Allah for a miserable price: for with Allah is (a prize) far better for you, if ye only knew.
96.  *     ماعندكم ينفذ وماعند الله باق ولنجزين الذين صبروا اجرهم باحسن ما كانوا يعملون     ma`ndkm ynfX wma`nd allh baq wlnjzyn alXyn Sbrwa ajrhm baHsn ma kanwa y`mlwn     What (is) at you depletes/exhausts, and what (is) at God (is) remaining/lasting/continuing, and We will reimburse (E) those who were patient their reward with (the) best (of) what they were making/doing.     What you possess runs out, but what GOD possesses lasts forever. We will surely reward those who steadfastly persevere; we will recompense them for their righteous works.     What is with you must vanish: what is with Allah will endure. And We will certainly bestow, on those who patiently persevere, their reward according to the best of their actions.
97.  *     من عمل صالحا من ذكر او انثى وهو مؤمن فلنحيينه حياة طيبة ولنجزينهم اجرهم باحسن ما كانوا يعملون     mn `ml SalHa mn Xkr aw anxi whw mWmn flnHyynh Hya+ Tyb+ wlnjzynhm ajrhm baHsn ma kanwa y`mlwn     Who made/did correct/righteous deeds from a male or a female, and he is believing, so We will make him live a good life, and We will reward them (E), their reward/wage/fee with (the) best (of) what they making/doing.     Anyone who works righteousness, male or female, while believing, we will surely grant them a happy life in this world, and we will surely pay them their full recompense (on the Day of Judgment) for their righteous works.     Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.
98.  *     فاذا قرات القران فاستعذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم     faXa qrat alqran fast`X ballh mn al$yTan alrjym     So if you read the Koran so seek protection by God from (against) the devil, the cursed/expelled.     When you read the Quran, you shall seek refuge in GOD from Satan the rejected.     When thou dost read the Qur'an, seek Allah.s protection from Satan the rejected one.
99.  *     انه ليس له سلطان على الذين امنوا وعلى ربهم يتوكلون     anh lys lh slTan `li alXyn amnwa w`li rbhm ytwklwn     That He, (there) is not for him power/control on those who believed and on their Lord they rely/trust/surrender to.     He has no power over those who believe and trust in their Lord.     No authority has he over those who believe and put their trust in their Lord.
100.  *     انما سلطانه على الذين يتولونه والذين هم به مشركون     anma slTanh `li alXyn ytwlwnh walXyn hm bh m$rkwn     But his power/control (is) on those who follow him, and those whom (are) with him, (they are) sharing/taking partners (as gods).     His power is limited to those who choose him as their master, those who choose him as their god.     His authority is over those only, who take him as patron and who join partners with Allah.
101.  *     واذا بدلنا اية مكان اية والله اعلم بما ينزل قالوا انما انت مفتر بل اكثرهم لايعلمون     waXa bdlna ay+ mkan ay+ wallh a`lm bma ynzl qalwa anma ant mftr bl akxrhm lay`lmwn     And if We exchanged/replaced/substituted a verse in place (of) a verse, and God is more knowledgeable with what He descends, they said: "But you are a fabricator/cutter and splitter." Rather most of them do not know.     When we substitute one revelation in place of another, and GOD is fully aware of what He reveals, they say, "You made this up!" Indeed, most of them do not know.     When We substitute one revelation for another,- and Allah knows best what He reveals (in stages),- they say, "Thou art but a forger": but most of them understand not.
102.  *     قل نزله روح القدس من ربك بالحق ليثبت الذين امنوا وهدى وبشرى للمسلمين     ql nzlh rwH alqds mn rbk balHq lyxbt alXyn amnwa whdi wb$ri llmslmyn     Say: "The Holy/Sanctimonious Soul/Sprit descended it from your Lord with the truth to affirm/strengthen those who believed, and guidance, and a good news to the Moslems/submitters/surrenderers."     Say, "The Holy Spirit has brought it down from your Lord, truthfully, to assure those who believe, and to provide a beacon and good news for the submitters."     Say, the Holy Spirit has brought the revelation from thy Lord in Truth, in order to strengthen those who believe, and as a Guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims.
103.  *     ولقد نعلم انهم يقولون انما يعلمه بشر لسان الذي يلحدون اليه اعجمي وهذا لسان عربي مبين     wlqd n`lm anhm yqwlwn anma y`lmh b$r lsan alXy ylHdwn alyh a`jmy whXa lsan `rby mbyn     And We have known that they say: "But/indeed a human teaches/instructs him, (the) tongue/language/speech (of) those who deviate, insult and defame to Him, non-Arabic/Persian (tongue/language/speech), and this (is) an Arabic clear/evident tongue/language/speech.     We are fully aware that they say, "A human being is teaching him!" The tongue of the source they hint at is non-Arabic, and this is a perfect Arabic tongue.     We know indeed that they say, "It is a man that teaches him." The tongue of him they wickedly point to is notably foreign, while this is Arabic, pure and clear.
104.  *     ان الذين لايؤمنون بايات الله لايهديهم الله ولهم عذاب اليم     an alXyn layWmnwn bayat allh layhdyhm allh wlhm `Xab alym     That those who do not believe with God's verses/evidences/signs, God does not guide them, and for them (is) a painful torture.     Surely, those who do not believe in GOD's revelations, GOD does not guide them. They have incurred a painful retribution.     Those who believe not in the Signs of Allah,- Allah will not guide them, and theirs will be a grievous Penalty.
105.  *     انما يفترى الكذب الذين لايؤمنون بايات الله واولئك هم الكاذبون     anma yftri alkXb alXyn layWmnwn bayat allh wawlYk hm alkaXbwn     But/indeed (who) fabricates/cuts and splits the lies/defiance/falsehood (are) those who do not believe with God's verses/evidences, and those, they are liars/deniers/falsifiers.     The only ones who fabricate false doctrines are those who do not believe in GOD's revelations; they are the real liars.     It is those who believe not in the Signs of Allah, that forge falsehood: it is they who lie!
106.  *     من كفر بالله من بعد ايمانه الا من اكره وقلبه مطمئن بالايمان ولكن من شرح بالكفر صدرا فعليهم غضب من الله ولهم عذاب عظيم     mn kfr ballh mn b`d aymanh ala mn akrh wqlbh mTmYn balayman wlkn mn $rH balkfr Sdra f`lyhm GDb mn allh wlhm `Xab `Zym     Who disbelieved with God after his faith/believing, except who was compelled/forced, and his heart/mind (is) assured/tranquillised/secured with the faith/belief, and but who delighted/expanded his chest (innermost) to the disbelief, so on them anger from God and for them (is) a great torture.     Those who disbelieve in GOD, after having acquired faith, and become fully content with disbelief, have incurred wrath from GOD. The only ones to be excused are those who are forced to profess disbelief, while their hearts are full of faith.     Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief,- except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith - but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty.
107.  *     ذلك بانهم استحبوا الحياة الدنيا على الاخرة وان الله لايهدي القوم الكافرين     Xlk banhm astHbwa alHya+ aldnya `li alaKr+ wan allh layhdy alqwm alkafryn     That (is) because they (E), they loved/liked the life the present world/worldly life more/over the end (other life), and that God does not guide the nation, the disbelieving.     This is because they have given priority to this life over the Hereafter, and GOD does not guide such disbelieving people.     This because they love the life of this world better than the Hereafter: and Allah will not guide those who reject Faith.
108.  *     اولئك الذين طبع الله على قلوبهم وسمعهم وابصارهم واولئك هم الغافلون     awlYk alXyn Tb` allh `li qlwbhm wsm`hm wabSarhm wawlYk hm alGaflwn     Those are those who God stamped/closed/sealed on their hearts/minds, and their hearing/sense of hearing, and their eye sights/understanding, and those, they are the ignoring/neglecting/disregarding.     Those are the ones whom GOD has sealed their hearts, and their hearing, and their eyesight. Consequently, they remain unaware.     Those are they whose hearts, ears, and eyes Allah has sealed up, and they take no heed.
109.  *     لاجرم انهم في الاخرة هم الخاسرون     lajrm anhm fy alaKr+ hm alKasrwn     Certainly/undoutably that they, in the end (other life), they are the losers/misguided and perished.     Without a doubt, they will be the losers in the Hereafter.     Without doubt, in the Hereafter they will perish.
110.  *     ثم ان ربك للذين هاجروا من بعد مافتنوا ثم جاهدوا وصبروا ان ربك من بعدها لغفور رحيم     xm an rbk llXyn hajrwa mn b`d maftnwa xm jahdwa wSbrwa an rbk mn b`dha lGfwr rHym     Then that your Lord to those who emigrated from after what they were misled/betrayed, then they struggled/did (their) utmost and were patient, that your Lord (is) from after it forgiving (E), merciful.     As for those who emigrate because of persecution, then continue to strive and steadfastly persevere, your Lord, because of all this, is Forgiver, Most Merciful.     But verily thy Lord,- to those who leave their homes after trials and persecutions,- and who thereafter strive and fight for the faith and patiently persevere,- Thy Lord, after all this is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
111.  *     يوم تاتي كل نفس تجادل عن نفسها وتوفى كل نفس ماعملت وهم لايظلمون     ywm taty kl nfs tjadl `n nfsha wtwfi kl nfs ma`mlt whm layZlmwn     A day every self comes to argue/dispute about (for) her/its self, and every self be fulfilled/completed what it made/did/worked, and they are not being caused injustice to/oppressed.187     The day will come when every soul will serve as its own advocate, and every soul will be paid fully for whatever it had done, without the least injustice.     One Day every soul will come up struggling for itself, and every soul will be recompensed (fully) for all its actions, and none will be unjustly dealt with.
112.  *     وضرب الله مثلا قرية كانت امنة مطمئنة ياتيها رزقها رغدا من كل مكان فكفرت بانعم الله فاذاقها الله لباس الجوع والخوف بما كانوا يصنعون     wDrb allh mxla qry+ kant amn+ mTmYn+ yatyha rzqha rGda mn kl mkan fkfrt ban`m allh faXaqha allh lbas aljw` walKwf bma kanwa ySn`wn     And God gave an example/proverb (of) a village/urban city (that) was safe/secure assured/tranquillised/secured, its provision comes to it easily/comfortably from every place, so it disbelieved with Gods' blessings/goodnesses, so God made it taste/experience the starvation's/hunger's cover/dress/mixture and the fear/fright, because (of) what they were making/producing/manufacturing.     GOD cites the example of a community that used to be secure and prosperous, with provisions coming to it from everywhere. But then, it turned unappreciative of GOD's blessings. Consequently, GOD caused them to taste the hardships of starvation and insecurity. Such is the requital for what they did.     Allah sets forth a Parable: a city enjoying security and quiet, abundantly supplied with sustenance from every place: Yet was it ungrateful for the favours of Allah. so Allah made it taste of hunger and terror (in extremes) (closing in on it) like a garment (from every side), because of the (evil) which (its people) wrought.
113.  *     ولقد جاءهم رسول منهم فكذبوه فاخذهم العذاب وهم ظالمون     wlqd ja'hm rswl mnhm fkXbwh faKXhm al`Xab whm Zalmwn     And a messenger from them had come to them so they denied him, so the torture took/punished them, and (while) they are unjust/oppressive.     A messenger had gone to them from among them, but they rejected him. Consequently, the retribution struck them for their transgression.     And there came to them an Messenger from among themselves, but they falsely rejected him; so the Wrath seized them even in the midst of their iniquities.
114.  *     فكلوا مما رزقكم الله حلالا طيبا واشكروا نعمة الله ان كنتم اياه تعبدون     fklwa mma rzqkm allh Hlala Tyba wa$krwa n`m+ allh an kntm ayah t`bdwn     So eat from what God provided for you permitted/allowed/good/pure and thank/be grateful (for) God's blessing/goodness, if you were (only) Him worshipping.     Therefore, you shall eat from GOD's provisions everything that is lawful and good, and be appreciative of GOD's blessings, if you do worship Him alone.     So eat of the sustenance which Allah has provided for you, lawful and good; and be grateful for the favours of Allah, if it is He Whom ye serve.
115.  *     انما حرم عليكم الميتة والدم ولحم الخنزير ومااهل لغير الله به فمن اضطر غير باغ ولاعاد فان الله غفور رحيم     anma Hrm `lykm almyt+ waldm wlHm alKnzyr wmaahl lGyr allh bh fmn aDTr Gyr baG wla`ad fan allh Gfwr rHym     Truly/indeed He forbade/prohibited on you the dead, and the blood, and the pigs'/swine's flesh/meat, and what was declared to other than God with it, so who was forced not (intending) transgressing/corrupting and nor transgressing/violating, so that God (is) forgiving, merciful.     He only prohibits for you dead animals, blood, the meat of pigs, and food which is dedicated to other than GOD. If one is forced (to eat these), without being deliberate or malicious, then GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.     He has only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and any (food) over which the name of other than Allah has been invoked. But if one is forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits,- then Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
116.  *     ولاتقولوا لما تصف السنتكم الكذب هذا حلال وهذا حرام لتفتروا على الله الكذب ان الذين يفترون على الله الكذب لايفلحون     wlatqwlwa lma tSf alsntkm alkXb hXa Hlal whXa Hram ltftrwa `li allh alkXb an alXyn yftrwn `li allh alkXb layflHwn     And do not say to what your tongues/languages/speeches describes/categorizes the lies/defiance/falsehood, that (is) permitted/allowed, and that (is) forbidden." To fabricate/cut and split on (about) God the lies/denials/falsehood: "That those who fabricate/cut and split on (about) God the lies/denials/falsehood do not succeed/win.     You shall not utter lies with your own tongues stating: "This is lawful, and this is unlawful," to fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD. Surely, those who fabricate lies and attribute them to GOD will never succeed.     But say not - for any false thing that your tongues may put forth,- "This is lawful, and this is forbidden," so as to ascribe false things to Allah. For those who ascribe false things to Allah, will never prosper.
117.  *     متاع قليل ولهم عذاب اليم     mta` qlyl wlhm `Xab alym     Little long life/enjoyment and for them (is) a painful torture.     They enjoy briefly, then suffer painful retribution.     (In such falsehood) is but a paltry profit; but they will have a most grievous Penalty.
118.  *     وعلى الذين هادوا حرمنا ماقصصنا عليك من قبل وماظلمناهم ولكن كانوا انفسهم يظلمون     w`li alXyn hadwa Hrmna maqSSna `lyk mn qbl wmaZlmnahm wlkn kanwa anfshm yZlmwn     And on those who repented/guided/Jews We forbade/prohibited what We narrated/relayed/informed on (to) you from before, and We did not cause injustice to/oppress them, and but they were themselves causing injustice to/oppressing.     For the Jews, we prohibited what we narrated to you previously. It was not us who wronged them; they are the ones who wronged their own souls.     To the Jews We prohibited such things as We have mentioned to thee before: We did them no wrong, but they were used to doing wrong to themselves.
119.  *     ثم ان ربك للذين عملوا السوء بجهالة ثم تابوا من بعد ذلك واصلحوا ان ربك من بعدها لغفور رحيم     xm an rbk llXyn `mlwa alsw' bjhal+ xm tabwa mn b`d Xlk waSlHwa an rbk mn b`dha lGfwr rHym     Then that your Lord to those who made/did bad/evil/harm with ignorance/foolishness, then they repented from after that, and they corrected/repaired, that your Lord (is) from after it forgiving (E), merciful.     Yet, as regards those who fall in sin out of ignorance then repent thereafter and reform, your Lord, after this is done, is Forgiver, Most Merciful.     But verily thy Lord,- to those who do wrong in ignorance, but who thereafter repent and make amends,- thy Lord, after all this, is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
120.  *     ان ابراهيم كان امة قانتا لله حنيفا ولم يك من المشركين     an abrahym kan am+ qanta llh Hnyfa wlm yk mn alm$rkyn     That Abraham was a nation/constitution/(set example) (he) was obeying humbly/holding the prayer to God, a submitter/Moslem/Unifier of God, and (he) was not from the sharers/takers of partners (with God).     Abraham was indeed an exemplary vanguard in his submission to GOD, a monotheist who never worshiped idols.     Abraham was indeed a model, devoutly obedient to Allah, (and) true in Faith, and he joined not gods with Allah.
121.  *     شاكرا لانعمه اجتباه وهداه الى صراط مستقيم     $akra lan`mh ajtbah whdah ali SraT mstqym     Thankful/grateful for his blessings/goodnesses, He chose/purified Him, and He guided him to a straight/direct road/way.     Because he was appreciative of His Lord's blessings, He chose him and guided him in a straight path.     He showed his gratitude for the favours of Allah, who chose him, and guided him to a Straight Way.
122.  *     واتيناه في الدنيا حسنة وانه في الاخرة لمن الصالحين     watynah fy aldnya Hsn+ wanh fy alaKr+ lmn alSalHyn     And We gave/brought him in the present world goodness, and that he truly (is) in the end (other life) (is) from (E) the correct/righteous.     We granted him happiness in this life, and in the Hereafter he will be with the righteous.     And We gave him Good in this world, and he will be, in the Hereafter, in the ranks of the Righteous.
123.  *     ثم اوحينا اليك ان اتبع ملة ابراهيم حنيفا وماكان من المشركين     xm awHyna alyk an atb` ml+ abrahym Hnyfa wmakan mn alm$rkyn     Then We inspired/transmitted to you that follow Abraham's religion/faith, (he was) a submitter/Moslem/Unifier of God and (he) was not from the sharers/takers of partners (with God).     Then we inspired you (Muhammad) to follow the religion of Abraham, the monotheist; he never was an idol worshiper.     So We have taught thee the inspired (Message), "Follow the ways of Abraham the True in Faith, and he joined not gods with Allah."
124.  *     انما جعل السبت على الذين اختلفوا فيه وان ربك ليحكم بينهم يوم القيامة فيما كانوا فيه يختلفون     anma j`l alsbt `li alXyn aKtlfwa fyh wan rbk lyHkm bynhm ywm alqyam+ fyma kanwa fyh yKtlfwn     But/indeed the Saturday/Sabbath was put/made on those who differed/disagreed/disputed in it, and that truly your Lord judges/rules (E) between them (on) the Resurrection Day in what they were in it differing/disagreeing/disputing.     The Sabbath was decreed only for those who ended up disputing it (Jews & Christians). Your Lord is the One who will judge them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their disputes.     The Sabbath was only made (strict) for those who disagreed (as to its observance); But Allah will judge between them on the Day of Judgment, as to their differences.
125.  *     ادع الى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة وجادلهم بالتي هي احسن ان ربك هو اعلم بمن ضل عن سبيله وهو اعلم بالمهتدين     ad` ali sbyl rbk balHkm+ walmw`Z+ alHsn+ wjadlhm balty hy aHsn an rbk hw a`lm bmn Dl `n sbylh whw a`lm balmhtdyn     Call to your Lord's way/path with the wisdom, and the good sermon/advise/warning, and argue/dispute with them with which it is best, that your Lord He is more knowledgeable with (of) who misguided from His path/way, and He is more knowledgeable with the guided.     You shall invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind enlightenment, and debate with them in the best possible manner. Your Lord knows best who has strayed from His path, and He knows best who are the guided ones.     Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.
126.  *     وان عاقبتم فعاقبوا بمثل ماعوقبتم به ولئن صبرتم لهو خير للصابرين     wan `aqbtm f`aqbwa bmxl ma`wqbtm bh wlYn Sbrtm lhw Kyr llSabryn     And if you punished/rewarded, so punish with similar/equal (to) what you were punished with it, and if (E) you188were patient it (E) (is) best to the patient.     And if you punish, you shall inflict an equivalent punishment. But if you resort to patience (instead of revenge), it would be better for the patient ones.     And if ye do catch them out, catch them out no worse than they catch you out: But if ye show patience, that is indeed the best (course) for those who are patient.
127.  *     واصبر وماصبرك الا بالله ولاتحزن عليهم ولاتك في ضيق مما يمكرون     waSbr wmaSbrk ala ballh wlatHzn `lyhm wlatk fy Dyq mma ymkrwn     And be patient, and your patience is not except with/by God, and do not be sad/grievous on them, and do not be in tightness/distress from what they cheat/deceive/scheme.     You shall resort to patience - and your patience is attainable only with GOD's help. Do not grieve over them, and do not be annoyed by their schemes.     And do thou be patient, for thy patience is but from Allah. nor grieve over them: and distress not thyself because of their plots.
128.  *     ان الله مع الذين اتقوا والذين هم محسنون     an allh m` alXyn atqwa walXyn hm mHsnwn     That God (is) with those who feared and obeyed, and those whom they are good doers. 189     GOD is with those who lead a righteous life, and those who are charitable.     For Allah is with those who restrain themselves, and those who do good.