* | quran | * | 93. ad-duha. the early hours      <   > 

1.  *     By the white forenoon
2.  *     and the brooding night!
3.  *     Thy Lord has neither forsaken thee nor hates thee
4.  *     and the Last shall be better for thee than the First.
5.  *     Thy Lord shall give thee, and thou shalt be satisfied.
6.  *     Did He not find thee an orphan, and shelter thee?
7.  *     Did He not find thee erring, and guide thee?
8.  *     Did He not find thee needy, and suffice thee?
9.  *     As for the orphan, do not oppress him,
10.  *     and as for the beggar, scold him not;
11.  *     and as for thy Lord's blessing, declare it.