* | quran | * | 88. al-ghashiya. the overwhelming calamity      <   > 

1.  *     HAS THERE COME unto thee the tiding of the Overshadowing Event?'*
2.  *     Some faces will on that Day be downcast,
3.  *     toiling [under burdens of sin], worn out [by fear],
4.  *     about to enter a glowing fire,
5.  *     given to drink from a boiling spring.
6.  *     No food for them save the bitterness of dry thorns,
7.  *     which gives no strength and neither stills hunger.*
8.  *     [And] some faces will on that Day shine with bliss,
9.  *     well-pleased with [the fruit of] their striving,
10.  *     in a garden sublime,
11.  *     wherein thou wilt hear no empty talk.
12.  *     Countless springs* will flow therein,
13.  *     [and] there will be thrones [of happiness] raised high,*
14.  *     and goblets placed ready,
15.  *     and cushions ranged,
16.  *     and carpets spread out...
17.  *     DO, THEN, they [who deny resurrection] never gaze at the clouds pregnant with water, [and observe] how they are created?*
18.  *     And at the sky, how it is raised aloft?
19.  *     And at the mountains, how firmly they are reared?
20.  *     And at the earth, how it is spread out?
21.  *     And so, [O Prophet,] exhort them; thy task is only to exhort:
22.  *     thou canst not compel them [to believe].*
23.  *     However, as for him who turns away, being bent on denying the truth,
24.  *     him will God cause to suffer the greatest suffering [in the life to come]:
25.  *     for behold, unto Us will be their return,
26.  *     and verily, It is for Us to call them to account.