* | quran | * | 82. al-infitar. the cleaving asunder      <   > 

1.  *     When the heaven is cleft asunder,
2.  *     And when the stars become dispersed,
3.  *     And when the rivers are made to flow forth,
4.  *     And when the graves are laid open --
5.  *     Every soul will know what it his sent before and what it has held back.
6.  *     O man, what beguiles thee from they Lord, the Gracious?
7.  *     Who created thee, then made thee complete, then made thee in a right good state --
8.  *     Into whatever form He pleases He casts thee.
9.  *     Nay, but you give the lie to the Judgment,
10.  *     And surely there are keepers over you,
11.  *     Honourable recorders,
12.  *     They know what you do.
13.  *     Surely the righteous are in bliss,
14.  *     And the wicked are truly in burning Fire --
15.  *     They will enter it on the day of Judgement,
16.  *     And will not be absent from it.
17.  *     And what will make thee realize what the day of Judgment is?
18.  *     Again, what will make thee realize what the day of Judgment is?
19.  *     The day when no soul controls aught for another soul. And the command on that day is Allah’s.