* | quran | * | 104. al-humazah. the slanderer      <   > 

1.  *     Woe to every slanderer and defamer,[1]
2.  *     who amasses wealth and keeps on counting  it.[2]
3.  *     He thinks that his wealth will insure his status forever![3]
4.  *     By no means! He shall  be thrown into Hotamah.[4]
5.  *     What will make you understand what Hotamah is?[5]
6.  *     It is  the fire kindled to a blaze by Allah Himself.[6]
7.  *     The one which will rise right to the  hearts,[7]
8.  *     closing in upon them from every side[8]
9.  *     in outstretched columns.[9]