* | quran | * | 24. an-nur. the light      <   > 

1.  *     This is a Surah which We have revealed and made obligatory; its revelations contain  clear verses, so that you may take heed.[1]
2.  *     As for the fornicatoress and the  fornicator (a female and a male guilty of rape), flog each female and a male guilty of  rape one hundred lashes and do not take pity in enforcing the law ordained by Allah,  if you believe in Allah and the Last Day, and let a party of the believers witness their  punishment.[2]
3.  *     The fornicator shall not marry any but a fornicatoress or a pagan, and likewise to a  fornicatoress, none shall marry her but a fornicator or a pagan: such marriages are  forbidden to the believers.[3]
4.  *     Those who accuse a chaste woman of fornication and  do not produce four witnesses to support their allegation, shall be flogged with eighty  lashes and their testimony shall not be accepted ever after, for they are the ones who  are wicked transgressors[4]
5.  *     - except those who repent thereafter and mend their  conduct; for Allah is surely Forgiving, Merciful.[5]
6.  *     Those men who accuse their own wives but have no witness except themselves,  each one of them shall be made to swear four times by Allah that his charge is  true,[6]
7.  *     and the fifth time calling down upon himself the curse of Allah if he is lying.[7]
8.  *     As for the wife, the punishment shall be averted from her if she swears four times by  Allah that his (her husband's) charge is false[8]
9.  *     and the fifth time calls down the  wrath of Allah on herself if his charge is true.[9]
10.  *     If it were not for Allah’s grace and  mercy upon you, you would have no method of handling these situations. Allah is the  Acceptor of Repentance, All-Wise.[10]
11.  *     Those who concocted the slander are from a clique among you. Do not regard this  incident as only an evil, for it also contains a good lesson for you. Whoever took any  part in this sin, has earned his share accordingly, and the one who took on himself  the leading part, shall have a terrible punishment.[11]
12.  *     Why did not the believing men  and believing women, when they heard of this slander, think well of their own people,  and say: "This is clearly a false accusation?"[12]
13.  *     Why did they not produce four  witnesses? If they cannot produce the required witnesses, they are the liars in the  sight of Allah.[13]
14.  *     Were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah towards you in this  world and the Hereafter, you would have been severely punished for your  involvement in this scandal;[14]
15.  *     when you passed on with your tongues and uttered  with your mouths that about which you had no knowledge. You took it lightly while it  was a very serious offence in the sight of Allah.[15]
16.  *     Why did you not, when you heard  about it, say: "It is not befitting for us to talk about it, God forbid! This is a monstrous  slander?"[16]
17.  *     Allah admonishes you never to repeat a mistake like this, if you are  true believers.[17]
18.  *     Allah has made His revelations clear to you, Allah is All-Knowing,  All-Wise.[18]
19.  *     Those who love to broadcast such slanders among the believers will  have a painful punishment in this life and in the Hereafter. Allah knows and you do  not know.[19]
20.  *     Were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah towards you, this scandal  would have produced very bad results for you. Allah is indeed very Kind, most  Merciful.[20]
21.  *     O believers! Do not follow the footsteps of Satan: because anyone who follows the  footsteps of Satan is seduced by him to commit acts of indecency and wickedness. If  there had not been the grace and mercy of Allah upon you, none of you would have  ever been purified from that sin, for it is Allah Alone Who purifies whom He pleases,  and Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.[21]
22.  *     Let not those among you who are endowed  with grace and amplitude of means swear to withhold their help from their relatives,  the indigent and those who left their homes for the cause of Allah - rather let them  forgive and overlook - do you not wish that Allah should forgive you? Allah is  Forgiving, Merciful.[22]
23.  *     Those who accuse chaste but careless believing women are  cursed in this life, and in the Hereafter they shall have a grievous punishment.[23]
24.  *     Such people should not forget that Day when their own tongues, their own hands and  their own feet will testify against their misdeeds.[24]
25.  *     On that Day, Allah will give them  the full reward they deserve, then they will realize that Allah is the One Who  manifests the Truth.[25]
26.  *     Unclean women are for unclean men, and unclean men are  for unclean women; and pure women are for pure men, and pure men are for pure  women. They are free from the slanderer’s accusations; for them there shall be  forgiveness and honorable provision from Allah.[26]
27.  *     O believers! Do not enter houses other than your own until you have sought  permission and said greetings of peace to the occupants; this is better for you, so  that you may be mindful.[27]
28.  *     If you do not find the person you wanted to see, then do  not enter until permission is given to you; and if you are asked to go back, then go  back; this is more fitting for you; and Allah is cognizant of what you do.[28]
29.  *     There is  no blame on you if you enter houses which are not used for dwelling and in which  you have something belonging to you; and Allah knows what you reveal and what  you conceal.[29]
30.  *     Enjoin the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that is chaster  for them. Surely Allah is well aware of their actions.[30]
31.  *     Likewise enjoin the believing  women to lower their gaze and guard their modesty; not to display their beauty and  ornaments except what normally appears thereof; let them draw their veils over their  bosoms and not display their charms except to their husbands, their fathers, their  fathers-in-law, their own sons, their stepsons, their own brothers, their nephews on  either brothers’ or sisters’ sides, their own womenfolk, their own slaves, male  attendants who lack sexual desires or small children who have no carnal knowledge  of women. Also enjoin them not to strike their feet in order to draw attention to their  hidden trinkets. And O believers! Turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, about your  past mistakes, so that you may attain salvation.[31]
32.  *     Get the singles among you married as well as those who are fit for marriage among  your male slaves and female slaves. If they are poor, Allah will make them free from  want out of His grace: for Allah has boundless resources and is All-Knowing.[32]
33.  *     And  let those who do not find means to marry keep themselves chaste until Allah enriches  them out of His bounty. As for those of your slaves who wish to buy out their liberty,  execute the deed of liberty with them if you find them deserving, and give them some  of the wealth which Allah has given you. Do not force your slave-girls into prostitution  for your own worldly gains, if they wish to preserve their chastity; and if anyone  forces them into it, then surely after such a compulsion Allah will be forgiving and  merciful to them.[33]
34.  *     We have already sent down to you revelations giving you clear  guidance and cited examples of those people who passed away before you to serve  as a warning and an admonition for the righteous people.[34]
35.  *     Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as if there  were a Niche, in which there is a lamp, the lamp is enclosed in crystal, the crystal is  of a starlike brilliance, it is lit with the olive oil from a blessed olive tree which is  neither eastern nor western, its very oil would almost be luminous though no fire  touched it -as though all the means of increasing Light upon Light are provided  Allah guides to His Light whom He pleases. Allah cites such parables to make His  message clear to the people; and Allah has knowledge of everything.[35]
36.  *     His Light is found in those houses which Allah has sanctioned to be built for the  remembrance of His name; where His praise is sung, in the mornings and in the  evenings again and again,[36]
37.  *     by such people whom neither business nor business  profit can divert from the remembrance of Allah, nor from establishing Salah and nor  from paying Zakah, for they fear the Day of Judgement when hearts will be  overturned and eyes will be petrified,[37]
38.  *     who hope that Allah will reward them  according to the best of their deeds and add for them even more out of His grace: for  Allah gives without measure to whom He pleases.[38]
39.  *     As for the unbelievers, their deeds will disappear like a mirage in a sandy desert,  which the thirsty traveller thinks to be water, but when he comes near, he finds it to  be nothing, instead he finds Allah to settle his account - Allah is swift in settling  accounts.[39]
40.  *     Or another parable of unbelievers' efforts is that of a person trying to  swim in a bottomless ocean overwhelmed with billows, one over the other, overcast  with dark clouds - layers of utter darkness one above another - so much so that if he  stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it. The one to whom Allah does not give  light, will have no light![40]
41.  *     Do you not see that Allah is the One Who is praised by all those who are in the  heavens and in the earth? The very birds praise Him as they wing their flight. Each  one knows its prayers and how to praise Him, and Allah has full knowledge of all their  actions.[41]
42.  *     To Allah belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and towards  Allah lies the final goal.[42]
43.  *     Do you not see that Allah makes the clouds move gently,  then joins them together, then piles them up in masses, then you see the rain coming  from inside them? He also sends down hail from the clouds that look like mountains  in the sky, afflicting therewith whom He wills and turning it away from whom He  pleases; the flash of His lightning almost takes away sight.[43]
44.  *     Allah alternates the  night and the day; there is indeed a lesson in it for those who possess insight.[44]
45.  *     Allah has created from water every living creature: of them there are some that creep  upon their bellies, some that walk on two legs, and yet some that walk on four; Allah  creates what He pleases; surely Allah has power over everything.[45]
46.  *     We have indeed sent down revelations demonstrating the Truth, and Allah guides to  the Straight Way whom He pleases.[46]
47.  *     They say: "We believe in Allah and the  Messenger and we obey," but no sooner do they utter these words than some of  them turn their backs; these are no believers.[47]
48.  *     When such people are called to  Allah and His Messenger that He may judge between them, behold! A party of them  declines to come.[48]
49.  *     However, if they have the truth on their side, they come to him  voluntarily.[49]
50.  *     Is there a disease in their hearts? Either they are skeptical, or else  they fear that Allah and His Messenger will deny them justice. Nay! In fact they are  the ones who are the wrongdoers.[50]
51.  *     The response of the true believers, when they are called to Allah and His Messenger  that he may judge between them, is only to say: "We hear and we obey." Such are  the ones who will attain felicity.[51]
52.  *     Only those who obey Allah and His Messenger,  have fear of Allah and do good deeds, are the ones who will be the winners.[52]
53.  *     They solemnly swear by Allah that if you command them, they will go forth leaving  their homes. O Muhammad tell them: "Do not swear; your obedience not your oaths  will count; surely Allah is fully aware of what you do."[53]
54.  *     Say: "Obey Allah and obey  the Messenger. If you do not, the Messenger is still under obligation to fulfill his duty,  as you are under obligation to fulfill yours; and if you obey him, you shall be rightly  guided. Note it well that the responsibility of the Messenger is only to deliver Allah’s  message clearly."[54]
55.  *     Allah has promised those of you who believe and do good  deeds that He will most surely make them vicegerent in the earth as He made their  ancestors before them, and that He will establish for them their religion, the one  which He has chosen for them, and that He will change their present state of fear into  peace and security. Let them worship Me Alone and not to commit shirk with Me; and  if anyone rejects faith after this, it is they who are the transgressors.[55]
56.  *     Therefore  establish Salah, pay Zakah and obey the Messenger, so that you may be shown  mercy.[56]
57.  *     Never think that the unbelievers can frustrate anything in the land. As for  them, the fire shall be their home, and that is an evil abode.[57]
58.  *     O believers! Let your servants and those children who have not yet attained puberty  ask your permission before coming in to see you on three occasions: before Fajr  Salah (dawn prayer), at noon when you put off your clothes, and after the Isha Salah  (night prayer). These are your three times of privacy. At other times, there is no  blame on you if you, or they, go around visiting one another. Thus Allah makes His  revelations clear to you, for Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.[58]
59.  *     And when your  children reach the age of puberty, let them still ask your permission as their elders  do. Thus Allah makes His revelations clear to you, for Allah is All-Knowing, All- Wise.[59]
60.  *     There is no blame on such elderly women who have no interest in getting married, if  they lay aside their cloaks without displaying their adornment, but it is better for them  if they do not discard. Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.[60]
61.  *     There is no blame on the  blind, nor there is blame on the lame, nor there is blame on the sick, to eat at your  table. Nor shall it be an offense for you to eat in the houses of your own children, or  your fathers, or your mothers, or your brothers, or your sisters, or your paternal  uncles, or your paternal aunts, or your maternal uncles, or your maternal aunts, or  your sincere friends, or in houses with the keys of which you are entrusted. There is  no blame on you whether you eat together or apart; however, when you enter the  houses, you should greet one another with the greeting of peace prescribed by Allah  blessed and pure. Thus Allah makes His revelations clear to you, so that you may  grow in understanding.[61]
62.  *     The true believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, and who,  when gathered with him on a matter requiring collective action, do not depart until  they have obtained his permission - only those who ask your permission are the ones  who truly believe in Allah and His Messenger - so when they ask your permission to  leave and attend to theirs private business, you may give permission to those of them  whom you deem appropriate and implore Allah to forgive them; surely Allah is  Forgiving, Merciful.[62]
63.  *     Do not consider the summoning of the Messenger in the  same manner, as you consider the summoning of one another among yourselves.  Allah knows those of you who slip away, concealing themselves behind others. Let  those who disobey his orders beware, lest some trial befall them or a painful  punishment be inflicted on them.[63]
64.  *     Beware! Whatever is in the heavens and in the  earth belongs to Allah. He knows all your thoughts and actions. On the Day of  Judgment when they will be brought back to Him, He will tell them all that they have  done. Allah has the knowledge of everything.[64]