* | quran | * | 77. al-mursalat. the emissaries      <   > 

1.  *     By the emissary winds, (sent) one after another
2.  *     By the raging hurricanes,
3.  *     By those which cause earth's vegetation to revive;
4.  *     By those who winnow with a winnowing,
5.  *     By those who bring down the Reminder,
6.  *     To excuse or to warn,
7.  *     Surely that which ye are promised will befall.
8.  *     So when the stars are put out,
9.  *     And when the sky is riven asunder,
10.  *     And when the mountains are blown away,
11.  *     And when the messengers are brought unto their time appointed -
12.  *     For what day is the time appointed?
13.  *     For the Day of Decision.
14.  *     And what will convey unto thee what the Day of Decision is! -
15.  *     Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
16.  *     Destroyed We not the former folk,
17.  *     Then caused the latter folk to follow after?
18.  *     Thus deal We ever with the guilty.
19.  *     Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
20.  *     Did We not create you from a base fluid
21.  *     Which We laid up in a safe abode
22.  *     For a known term?
23.  *     Thus We arranged. How excellent is Our arranging!
24.  *     Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
25.  *     Have We not made the earth a receptacle
26.  *     Both for the living and the dead,
27.  *     And placed therein high mountains and given you to drink sweet water therein?
28.  *     Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
29.  *     (It will be said unto them:) Depart unto that (doom) which ye used to deny;
30.  *     Depart unto the shadow falling threefold,
31.  *     (Which yet is) no relief nor shelter from the flame.
32.  *     Lo! it throweth up sparks like the castles,
33.  *     (Or) as it might be camels of bright yellow hue.
34.  *     Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
35.  *     This is a day wherein they speak not,
36.  *     Nor are they suffered to put forth excuses.
37.  *     Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
38.  *     This is the Day of Decision, We have brought you and the men of old together.
39.  *     If now ye have any wit, outwit Me.
40.  *     Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
41.  *     Lo! those who kept their duty are amid shade and fountains,
42.  *     And fruits such as they desire.
43.  *     (Unto them it is said:) Eat, drink and welcome, O ye blessed, in return for what ye did.
44.  *     Thus do We reward the good.
45.  *     Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
46.  *     Eat and take your ease (on earth) a little. Lo! ye are guilty.
47.  *     Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
48.  *     When it is said unto them: Bow down, they bow not down!
49.  *     Woe unto the repudiators on that day!
50.  *     In what statement, after this, will they believe?