* | quran | * | 93. ad-duha. the early hours      <   > 

1.  *     BY the noon-day BRIGHTNESS,
2.  *     And by the night when it darkeneth!
3.  *     Thy Lord hath not forsaken thee, neither hath he been displeased.
4.  *     And surely the Future shall be better for thee than the Past,
5.  *     And in the end shall thy Lord be bounteous to thee and thou be satisfied.
6.  *     Did he not find thee an orphan and gave thee a home?
7.  *     And found thee erring and guided thee,
8.  *     And found thee needy and enriched thee.
9.  *     As to the orphan therefore wrong him not;
10.  *     And as to him that asketh of thee, chide him not away;
11.  *     And as for the favours of thy Lord tell them abroad.