* | quran | * | 102. at-takathur. worldly gain      <   > 

1.  *     The emulous desire of multiplying riches and children employeth you,
2.  *     until ye visit the graves.
3.  *     By no means should ye thus employ your time: Hereafter shall ye know your folly.
4.  *     Again, by no means: Hereafter shall ye know your folly.
5.  *     By no means: If ye knew the consequence hereof with certainty of knowledge, ye would not act thus.
6.  *     Verily ye shall see hell:
7.  *     Again, ye shall surely see it with the eye of certainty.
8.  *     Then shall ye be examined, on that day, concerning the pleasures with which ye have amused yourselves in this life.