* | quran | * | 52. at-tur. the mountain      <   > 

1.  *     By the mountain of Sinai;
2.  *     and by the book written
3.  *     in an expanded scroll;
4.  *     and by the visited house;
5.  *     and by the elevated roof of heaven;
6.  *     and by the swelling ocean:
7.  *     Verily the punishment of thy Lord will surely descend;
8.  *     there shall be none to with-hold it.
9.  *     On that day the heaven shall be shaken, and shall reel;
10.  *     and the mountains shall walk and pass away.
11.  *     And on that day woe be unto those who accused God's Apostles of imposture;
12.  *     who amused themselves in wading in vain disputes!
13.  *     On that day shall they be driven and thrust into the fire of hell;
14.  *     and it shall be said unto them, this is the fire which ye denied as a fiction.
15.  *     Is this a magic illusion? Or do ye not see?
16.  *     Enter the same to be scorched: Whether ye bear your torments patiently, or impatiently, it will be equal unto you: Ye shall surely receive the reward of that which ye have wrought.
17.  *     But the pious shall dwell amidst gardens and pleasures;
18.  *     delighting themselves in what their Lord shall have given them: And their Lord shall deliver them from the pains of hell.
19.  *     And it shall be said unto them, eat and drink with easy digestion; because of that which ye have wrought:
20.  *     Leaning on couches disposed in order: And We will espouse them unto virgins having large black eyes.
21.  *     And unto those who believe, and whose off-spring follow them in the faith, We will join their off-spring in paradise: And We will not diminish unto them ought of the merit of their works. -- Every man is given in pledge for that which he shall have wrought. --
22.  *     And we will give them fruits in abundance, and flesh of the kinds which they shall desire.
23.  *     They shall present unto one another therein a cup of wine, wherein there shall be no vain discourse, nor any incitement unto wickedness.
24.  *     And youths appointed to attend them, shall go round them: Beautiful as pearls hidden in their shell.
25.  *     And they shall approach unto one another, and shall ask mutual questions.
26.  *     And they shall say, verily we were heretofore amidst our family, in great dread with regard to our state after death:
27.  *     But God hath been gracious unto us, and hath delivered us from the pain of burning fire:
28.  *     For we called on him heretofore; and he is the beneficent, the merciful.
29.  *     Wherefore do thou, O prophet, admonish thy people. Thou art not, by the grace of thy Lord, a soothsayer, or a madman.
30.  *     Do they say, he is a poet: We wait, concerning him, some adverse turn of fortune?
31.  *     Say, wait ye my ruin: Verily I wait, with you, the time of your destruction.
32.  *     Do their mature understandings bid them say this; or are they people who perversely transgress?
33.  *     Do they say, he hath forged the Koran? Verily they believe not.
34.  *     Let them produce a discourse like unto it, if they speak truth.
35.  *     Were they created by nothing; or were they the creators of themselves?
36.  *     Did they create the heavens and the earth? Verily they are not firmly persuaded that God hath created them.
37.  *     Are the stores of thy Lord in their hands? Are they the supreme dispensers of all things?
38.  *     Have they a ladder, whereby they may ascend to heaven, and hear the discourses of the angels? Let one, therefore, who hath heard them, produce an evident proof thereof.
39.  *     Hath God daughters, and have ye sons?
40.  *     Dost thou ask them a reward for thy preaching? But they are laden with debts.
41.  *     Are the secrets of futurity with them; and do they transcribe the same from the table of God's decrees?
42.  *     Do they seek to lay a plot against thee? But the unbelievers are they who shall be circumvented.
43.  *     Have they any god, besides God? Far be God exalted above the idols which they associate with Him!
44.  *     If they should see a fragment of the heaven falling down upon them, they would say, it is only a thick cloud.
45.  *     Wherefore leave them, until they arrive at their day wherein they shall swoon for fear:
46.  *     A day, in which their subtle contrivances shall not avail them at all, neither shall they be protected.
47.  *     And those who act unjustly shall surely suffer another punishment besides this: But the greater part of them do not understand.
48.  *     And wait thou patiently the judgement of thy Lord concerning them; for thou art in our eye: And celebrate the praise of thy Lord, when thou risest up;
49.  *     and praise Him in the night-season, and when the stars begin to disappear.