* | quran | * | 93. ad-duha. the early hours      <   > 

1.  *     By the brightness of the morning;
2.  *     and by the night, when it groweth dark:
3.  *     Thy Lord hath not forsaken thee, neither doth He hate thee.
4.  *     Verily the life to come shall be better for thee than this present life:
5.  *     And thy Lord shall give thee a reward wherewith thou shalt be well pleased.
6.  *     Did He not find thee an orphan, and hath He not taken care of thee?
7.  *     And did He not find thee wandering in error, and hath He not guided thee into the truth?
8.  *     And did He not find thee needy, and hath He not enriched thee?
9.  *     Wherefore oppress not the orphan;
10.  *     neither repulse the beggar:
11.  *     But declare the goodness of thy Lord.