* | quran | * | 83. at-tatfif. the defrauders      <   > 

1.  *     Woe to those who are fraudulent in (weighing and measuring),
2.  *     those who demand a full measure from others
3.  *     but when they measure or weigh, give less.
4.  *     Do they not realize that they will be resurrected
5.  *     on a great day
6.  *     when mankind will stand before the Lord of the Universe?
7.  *     Woe to them! Let them know that the records of the sinner's deeds are in Sijin.
8.  *     Would that you knew what Sijin is!?
9.  *     It is a comprehensively written Book (of records).
10.  *     Woe, on that day, to those who have rejected God's revelations
11.  *     and those who have rejected the Day of Judgment.
12.  *     No one rejects it except the sinful transgressors
13.  *     who, when listening to Our revelations, say, "These are only ancient legends".
14.  *     They will never have faith. In fact, their hearts are stained from their deeds.
15.  *     On the Day of Judgment, they will certainly be barred from the mercy of their Lord.
16.  *     They will suffer the heat of fire
17.  *     and who will be told, "This is what you had called a lie".
18.  *     However, the records of the deeds of the virtuous ones will certainly be in Illiyin.
19.  *     Would that you knew what Illiyin is!
20.  *     It is a comprehensively written Book (of records).
21.  *     The ones nearest to God will bring it to public.
22.  *     The virtuous will live in bliss,
23.  *     reclining on couches, reviewing (the bounties given to them).
24.  *     You can trace on their faces the joy of their bliss.
25.  *     They will be given pure wine out of sealed containers
26.  *     which have the fragrance of musk. This is the kind of place for which one should really aspire.
27.  *     With the wine is a drink from Tasnim,
28.  *     a spring, the nearest ones to God will drink from it.
29.  *     The sinners had been laughing at the believers.
30.  *     When passing by them, they would wink at one another
31.  *     and, on returning to their people, boast about what they had done.
32.  *     On seeing the believers, they would say, "These people have gone astray".
33.  *     No one has appointed them to watch over the believers.
34.  *     On the Day of Judgment, the believers will laugh at the disbelievers
35.  *     while reclining on couches and reviewing (the bounties given to them).
36.  *     Will not the disbelievers then be duly recompensed for their laughing at the believers?