* | quran | * | 95. at-tin. the fig      <   > 

1.  *     By the Fig and the Olive,     By the fig and the olive.     And/by the figs and the olives.     swr+ altyn bsm allh alrHmn alrHym ? waltyn walzytwn
2.  *     And the Mount of Sinai,     Mount Sinai.     And/by Seneen Mountain.     wTwr synyn
3.  *     And this City of security,-     And this honored town (Mecca).     And/by this the country/land/city, the faithful/secure.     whXa albld alamyn
4.  *     We have indeed created man in the best of moulds,     We created man in the best design.     We had (E) created the human/mankind in best chronometry/cartography (methods of calculating maps and charts)/straightness (formation).     lqd Klqna alansan fy aHsn tqwym
5.  *     Then do We abase him (to be) the lowest of the low,-     Then turned him into the lowliest of the lowly.     Then We returned him (to) lowest/more lowly/more mean lowly/mean (lowliest).     xm rddnah asfl saflyn
6.  *     Except such as believe and do righteous deeds: For they shall have a reward unfailing.     Except those who believe and lead a righteous life; they receive a reward that is well deserved.     Except those who believed and made/did the correct/righteous deeds, so for them (is) a not interrupted/weakened reward.     ala alXyn amnwa w`mlwa alSalHat flhm ajr Gyr mmnwn
7.  *     Then what can, after this, contradict thee, as to the judgment (to come)?     Why do you still reject the faith?     So what makes you lie/deny/falsify after with the religion?     fma ykXbk b`d baldyn
8.  *     Is not Allah the wisest of judges?     Is GOD not the Most Wise, of all the wise ones?     Is God not with (the) most judicious (of) the judges/rulers?     alys allh baHkm alHakmyn