* | quran | * | 82. al-infitar. the cleaving asunder      <   > 

1.  *     When the heavens are rent asunder,
2.  *     the stars are dispersed,
3.  *     the oceans are merged together,
4.  *     and the graves are turned inside out,
5.  *     every soul will see the result of its deeds - those recorded before his death and those which will produce either virtue or evil after his death.
6.  *     Human being, what evil has deceived you about your Gracious Lord,
7.  *     Who created you proportionately and fashioned you
8.  *     in whatever composition He wanted.
9.  *     Despite this, you deny the Day of Judgment,
10.  *     but you should know that there are angelic guards
11.  *     watching over you
12.  *     and these honorable scribes know whatever you do.
13.  *     The virtuous ones will live in bliss
14.  *     and the evil-doers will be in hell
15.  *     which they will enter on the Day of Judgment
16.  *     to burn therein.
17.  *     They will never be able to escape from it. Would that you knew what the Day of Judgment is!
18.  *     Again would that you only knew how terrible it really is!
19.  *     On that day, no soul will be of any benefit to any other soul. On that day, all affairs will be in the hands of God.