* | quran | * | 24. an-nur. the light      <   > 

1.  *     A sura which We have sent down and which We have ordained in it have We sent down Clear Signs, in order that ye may receive admonition.     A sura that we have sent down, and we have decreed as law. We have revealed in it clear revelations, that you may take heed.     سورة النور بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ٛــــ سورة انزلناها وفرضناها وانزلنا فيها ايات بينات لعلكم تذكرون     swr+ alnwr bsm allh alrHmn alrHym ? swr+ anzlnaha wfrDnaha wanzlna fyha ayat bynat l`lkm tXkrwn
2.  *     The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,--flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.     The adulteress and the adulterer you shall whip each of them a hundred lashes. Do not be swayed by pity from carrying out GOD's law, if you truly believe in GOD and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness their penalty.     الزانية والزاني فاجلدوا كل واحد منهما مئة جلدة ولاتاخذكم بهما رافة في دين الله ان كنتم تؤمنون بالله واليوم الاخر وليشهد عذابهما طائفة من المؤمنين     alzany+ walzany fajldwa kl waHd mnhma mY+ jld+ wlataKXkm bhma raf+ fy dyn allh an kntm tWmnwn ballh walywm alaKr wly$hd `Xabhma TaYf+ mn almWmnyn
3.  *     Let no man guilty of adultery or fornication marry and but a woman similarly guilty, or an Unbeliever: nor let any but such a man or an Unbeliever marry such a woman: to the Believers such a thing is forbidden.     The adulterer will end up marrying an adulteress or an idol worshiper, and the adulteress will end up marrying an adulterer or an idol worshiper. This is prohibited for the believers.     الزاني لاينكح الا زانية او مشركة والزانية لاينكحها الا زان او مشرك وحرم ذلك على المؤمنين     alzany laynkH ala zany+ aw m$rk+ walzany+ laynkHha ala zan aw m$rk wHrm Xlk `li almWmnyn
4.  *     And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegations),--flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors;--     Those who accuse married women of adultery, then fail to produce four witnesses, you shall whip them eighty lashes, and do not accept any testimony from them; they are wicked.     والذين يرمون المحصنات ثم لم ياتوا باربعة شهداء فاجلدوهم ثمانين جلدة ولاتقبلوا لهم شهادة ابدا واولئك هم الفاسقون     walXyn yrmwn almHSnat xm lm yatwa barb`+ $hda' fajldwhm xmanyn jld+ wlatqblwa lhm $had+ abda wawlYk hm alfasqwn
5.  *     Unless they repent thereafter and mend (their conduct); for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.     If they repent afterwards and reform, then GOD is Forgiver, Merciful.     الا الذين تابوا من بعد ذلك واصلحوا فان الله غفور رحيم     ala alXyn tabwa mn b`d Xlk waSlHwa fan allh Gfwr rHym
6.  *     And for those who launch a charge against their spouses, and have (in support) no evidence but their own,--their solitary evidence (can be received) if they bear witness four times (with an oath) by Allah that they are solemnly telling the truth;     As for those who accuse their own spouses, without any other witnesses, then the testimony may be accepted if he swears by GOD four times that he is telling the truth.     والذين يرمون ازواجهم ولم يكن لهم شهداء الا انفسهم فشهادة احدهم اربع شهادات بالله انه لمن الصادقين     walXyn yrmwn azwajhm wlm ykn lhm $hda' ala anfshm f$had+ aHdhm arb` $hadat ballh anh lmn alSadqyn
7.  *     And the fifth (oath) (should be) that they solemnly invoke the curse of Allah on themselves if they tell a lie.     The fifth oath shall be to incur GOD's condemnation upon him, if he was lying.     والخامسة ان لعنة الله عليه ان كان من الكاذبين     walKams+ an l`n+ allh `lyh an kan mn alkaXbyn
8.  *     But it would avert the punishment from the wife, if she bears witness four times (with an oath) By Allah, that (her husband) is telling a lie;     She shall be considered innocent if she swears by GOD four times that he is a liar.     ويدرأو عنها العذاب ان تشهد اربع شهادات بالله انه لمن الكاذبين     wydrAw `nha al`Xab an t$hd arb` $hadat ballh anh lmn alkaXbyn
9.  *     And the fifth (oath) should be that she solemnly invokes the wrath of Allah on herself if (her accuser) is telling the truth.     The fifth oath shall incur GOD's wrath upon her if he was telling the truth.     والخامسة ان غضب الله عليها ان كان من الصادقين     walKams+ an GDb allh `lyha an kan mn alSadqyn
10.  *     If it were not for Allah's grace and mercy on you, and that Allah is Oft- Returning, full of Wisdom,--(Ye would be ruined indeed).     This is GOD's grace and mercy towards you. GOD is Redeemer, Most Wise.     ولولا فضل الله عليكم ورحمته وان الله تواب حكيم     wlwla fDl allh `lykm wrHmth wan allh twab Hkym
11.  *     Those who brought forward the lie are a body among yourselves: think it not to be an evil to you; On the contrary it is good for you: to every man among them (will come the punishment) of the sin that he earned, and to him who took on himself the lead among them, will be a penalty grievous.     A gang among you produced a big lie. Do not think that it was bad for you; instead, it was good for you. Meanwhile, each one of them has earned his share of the guilt. As for the one who initiated the whole incident, he has incurred a terrible retribution.     ان الذين جاؤوا بالافك عصبة منكم لاتحسبوه شرا لكم بل هو خير لكم لكل امرئ منهم مااكتسب من الاثم والذي تولى كبره منهم له عذاب عظيم     an alXyn jaWwa balafk `Sb+ mnkm latHsbwh $ra lkm bl hw Kyr lkm lkl amrY mnhm maaktsb mn alaxm walXy twli kbrh mnhm lh `Xab `Zym
12.  *     Why did not the believers--men and women--when ye heard of the affair,--put the best construction on it in their own minds and say, "This (charge) is an obvious lie"?     When you heard it, the believing men and the believing women should have had better thoughts about themselves, and should have said, "This is obviously a big lie."     لولا اذ سمعتموه ظن المؤمنون والمؤمنات بانفسهم خيرا وقالوا هذا افك مبين     lwla aX sm`tmwh Zn almWmnwn walmWmnat banfshm Kyra wqalwa hXa afk mbyn
13.  *     Why did they not bring four witnesses to prove it? When they have not brought the witnesses, such men, in the sight of Allah, (stand forth) themselves as liars!     Only if they produced four witnesses (you may believe them). If they fail to produce the witnesses, then they are, according to GOD, liars.     لولا جاؤوا عليه باربعة شهداء فاذ لم ياتوا بالشهداء فاولئك عند الله هم الكاذبون     lwla jaWwa `lyh barb`+ $hda' faX lm yatwa bal$hda' fawlYk `nd allh hm alkaXbwn
14.  *     Were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah on you, in this world and the Hereafter, a grievous penalty would have seized you in that ye rushed glibly into this affair.     If it were not for GOD's grace towards you, and His mercy in this world and in the Hereafter, you would have suffered a great retribution because of this incident.     ولولافضل الله عليكم ورحمته في الدنيا والاخرة لمسكم في ماافضتم فيه عذاب عظيم     wlwlafDl allh `lykm wrHmth fy aldnya walaKr+ lmskm fy maafDtm fyh `Xab `Zym
15.  *     Behold, ye received it on your tongues, and said out of your mouths things of which ye had no knowledge; and ye thought it to be a light matter, while it was most serious in the sight of Allah.     You fabricated it with your own tongues, and the rest of you repeated it with your mouths without proof. You thought it was simple, when it was, according to GOD, gross.     اذ تلقونه بالسنتكم وتقولون بافواهكم ماليس لكم به علم وتحسبونه هينا وهو عند الله عظيم     aX tlqwnh balsntkm wtqwlwn bafwahkm malys lkm bh `lm wtHsbwnh hyna whw `nd allh `Zym
16.  *     And why did ye not, when ye heard it, say?--"It is not right of us to speak of this: Glory to Allah. this is a most serious slander!"     When you heard it, you should have said, "We will not repeat this. Glory be to You. This is a gross falsehood."     ولولا اذ سمعتموه قلتم مايكون لنا ان نتكلم بهذا سبحانك هذا بهتان عظيم     wlwla aX sm`tmwh qltm maykwn lna an ntklm bhXa sbHank hXa bhtan `Zym
17.  *     Allah doth admonish you, that ye may never repeat such (conduct), if ye are (true) Believers.     GOD admonishes you that you shall never do it again, if you are believers.     يعظكم الله ان تعودوا لمثله ابدا ان كنتم مؤمنين     y`Zkm allh an t`wdwa lmxlh abda an kntm mWmnyn
18.  *     And Allah makes the Signs plain to you: for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.     GOD thus explains the revelations for you. GOD is Omniscient, Wise.     ويبين الله لكم الايات والله عليم حكيم     wybyn allh lkm alayat wallh `lym Hkym
19.  *     Those who love (to see) scandal published broadcast among the Believers, will have a grievous Penalty in this life and in the Hereafter: Allah knows, and ye know not.     Those who love to see immorality spread among the believers have incurred a painful retribution in this life and in the Hereafter. GOD knows, while you do not know.     ان الذين يحبون ان تشيع الفاحشة في الذين امنوا لهم عذاب اليم في الدنيا والاخرة والله يعلم وانتم لاتعلمون     an alXyn yHbwn an t$y` alfaH$+ fy alXyn amnwa lhm `Xab alym fy aldnya walaKr+ wallh y`lm wantm lat`lmwn
20.  *     Were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah on you, and that Allah is full of kindness and mercy, (ye would be ruined indeed).     GOD showers you with His grace and mercy. GOD is Most Kind towards the believers, Most Merciful.     ولولا فضل الله عليكم ورحمته وان الله رؤوف رحيم     wlwla fDl allh `lykm wrHmth wan allh rWwf rHym
21.  *     O ye who believe! follow not Satan's footsteps: if any will follow the footsteps of Satan, he will (but) command what is shameful and wrong: and were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah on you, not one of you would ever have been pure: but Allah doth purify whom He pleases: and Allah is One Who hears and knows (all things).     O you who believe, do not follow the steps of Satan. Anyone who follows the steps of Satan should know that he advocates evil and vice. If it were not for GOD's grace towards you, and His mercy, none of you would have been purified. But GOD purifies whomever He wills. GOD is Hearer, Knower.     ياايها الذين امنوا لاتتبعوا خطوات الشيطان ومن يتبع خطوات الشيطان فانه يامر بالفحشاء والمنكر ولولا فضل الله عليكم ورحمته مازكى منكم من احد ابدا ولكن الله يزكي من يشاء والله سميع عليم     yaayha alXyn amnwa lattb`wa KTwat al$yTan wmn ytb` KTwat al$yTan fanh yamr balfH$a' walmnkr wlwla fDl allh `lykm wrHmth mazki mnkm mn aHd abda wlkn allh yzky mn y$a' wallh smy` `lym
22.  *     Let not those among you who are endued with grace and amplitude of means resolve by oath against helping their kinsmen, those in want, and those who have left their homes in Allah's cause: let them forgive and overlook, do you not wish that Allah should forgive you? For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.     Those among you who are blessed with resources and wealth shall be charitable towards their relatives, the poor, and those who have immigrated for the sake of GOD. They shall treat them with kindness and tolerance; do you not love to attain GOD's forgiveness? GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.     ولاياتل اولوا الفضل منكم والسعة ان يؤتوا اولي القربى والمساكين والمهاجرين في سبيل الله وليعفوا وليصفحوا الا تحبون ان يغفر الله لكم والله غفور رحيم     wlayatl awlwa alfDl mnkm wals`+ an yWtwa awly alqrbi walmsakyn walmhajryn fy sbyl allh wly`fwa wlySfHwa ala tHbwn an yGfr allh lkm wallh Gfwr rHym
23.  *     Those who slander chaste women, indiscreet but believing, are cursed in this life and in the Hereafter: for them is a grievous Penalty,-     Surely, those who falsely accuse married women who are pious believers have incurred condemnation in this life and in the Hereafter; they have incurred a horrendous retribution.     ان الذين يرمون المحصنات الغافلات المؤمنات لعنوا في الدنيا والاخرة ولهم عذاب عظيم     an alXyn yrmwn almHSnat alGaflat almWmnat l`nwa fy aldnya walaKr+ wlhm `Xab `Zym
24.  *     On the Day when their tongues, their hands, and their feet will bear witness against them as to their actions.     The day will come when their own tongues, hands, and feet will bear witness to everything they had done.     يوم تشهد عليهم السنتهم وايديهم وارجلهم بما كانوا يعملون     ywm t$hd `lyhm alsnthm waydyhm warjlhm bma kanwa y`mlwn
25.  *     On that Day Allah will pay them back (all) their just dues, and they will realise that Allah is the (very) Truth, that makes all things manifest.     On that day, GOD will requite them fully for their works, and they will find out that GOD is the Truth.     يومئذ يوفيهم الله دينهم الحق ويعلمون ان الله هو الحق المبين     ywmYX ywfyhm allh dynhm alHq wy`lmwn an allh hw alHq almbyn
26.  *     Women impure are for men impure, and men impure for women impure and women of purity are for men of purity, and men of purity are for women of purity: these are not affected by what people say: for them there is forgiveness, and a provision honourable.     The bad women for the bad men, and the bad men for the bad women, and the good women for the good men, and the good men for the good women. The latter are innocent of such accusations. They have attained forgiveness and a generous reward.     الخبيثات للخبيثين والخبيثون للخبيثات والطيبات للطيبين والطيبون للطيبات اولئك مبرؤون مما يقولون لهم مغفرة ورزق كريم     alKbyxat llKbyxyn walKbyxwn llKbyxat walTybat llTybyn walTybwn llTybat awlYk mbrWwn mma yqwlwn lhm mGfr+ wrzq krym
27.  *     O ye who believe! enter not houses other than your own, until ye have asked permission and saluted those in them: that is best for you, in order that ye may heed (what is seemly).     O you who believe, do not enter homes other than yours without permission from their inhabitants, and without greeting them. This is better for you, that you may take heed.     ياايها الذين امنوا لاتدخلوا بيوتا غير بيوتكم حتى تستانسوا وتسلموا على اهلها ذلكم خير لكم لعلكم تذكرون     yaayha alXyn amnwa latdKlwa bywta Gyr bywtkm Hti tstanswa wtslmwa `li ahlha Xlkm Kyr lkm l`lkm tXkrwn
28.  *     If ye find no one in the house, enter not until permission is given to you: if ye are asked to go back, go back: that makes for greater purity for yourselves: and Allah knows well all that ye do.     If you find no one in them, do not enter them until you obtain permission. If you are told, "Go back," you must go back. This is purer for you. GOD is fully aware of everything you do.     فان لم تجدوا فيها احدا فلا تدخلوها حتى يؤذن لكم وان قيل لكم ارجعوا فارجعوا هو ازكى لكم والله بما تعملون عليم     fan lm tjdwa fyha aHda fla tdKlwha Hti yWXn lkm wan qyl lkm arj`wa farj`wa hw azki lkm wallh bma t`mlwn `lym
29.  *     It is no fault on your part to enter houses not used for living in, which serve some (other) use for you: And Allah has knowledge of what ye reveal and what ye conceal.     You commit no error by entering uninhabited homes wherein there is something that belongs to you. GOD knows everything you reveal, and everything you conceal.     ليس عليكم جناح ان تدخلوا بيوتا غير مسكونة فيها متاع لكم والله يعلم ماتبدون وماتكتمون     lys `lykm jnaH an tdKlwa bywta Gyr mskwn+ fyha mta` lkm wallh y`lm matbdwn wmatktmwn
30.  *     Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do.     Tell the believing men that they shall subdue their eyes (and not stare at the women), and to maintain their chastity. This is purer for them. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything they do.     قل للمؤمنين يغضوا من ابصارهم ويحفظوا فروجهم ذلك ازكى لهم ان الله خبير بما يصنعون     ql llmWmnyn yGDwa mn abSarhm wyHfZwa frwjhm Xlk azki lhm an allh Kbyr bma ySn`wn
31.  *     And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards Allah, that ye may attain Bliss.     And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover their chests, and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, the male servants or employees whose sexual drive has been nullified, or the children who have not reached puberty. They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake reveal certain details of their bodies. All of you shall repent to GOD, O you believers, that you may succeed.     وقل للمؤمنات يغضضن من ابصارهم ويحفظن فروجهن ولايبدين زينتهن الا ماظهر منها وليضربن بخمرهن على جيوبهن ولايبدين زينتهن الا لبعولتهن او ابائهن او اباء بعولتهن او ابنائهن او ابناء بعولتهن او اخوانهن او بني اخوانهن او بني اخواتهن او نسائهن او ماملكت  ايمانهن او التابعين غير اولي الاربة من الرجال او الطفل الذين لم يظهروا على عورات النساء ولايضربن بارجلهن ليعلم مايخفين من زينتهن وتوبوا الى الله جميعا ايها المؤمنون لعلكم تفلحون     wql llmWmnat yGDDn mn abSarhm wyHfZn frwjhn wlaybdyn zynthn ala maZhr mnha wlyDrbn bKmrhn `li jywbhn wlaybdyn zynthn ala lb`wlthn aw abaYhn aw aba' b`wlthn aw abnaYhn aw abna' b`wlthn aw aKwanhn aw bny aKwanhn aw bny aKwathn aw nsaYhn aw mamlkt  aymanhn aw altab`yn Gyr awly alarb+ mn alrjal aw alTfl alXyn lm yZhrwa `li `wrat alnsa' wlayDrbn barjlhn ly`lm mayKfyn mn zynthn wtwbwa ali allh jmy`a ayha almWmnwn l`lkm tflHwn
32.  *     Marry those among you who are single, or the virtuous ones among yourselves, male or female: if they are in poverty, Allah will give them means out of His grace: for Allah encompasseth all, and he knoweth all things.     You shall encourage those of you who are single to get married. They may marry the righteous among your male and female servants, if they are poor. GOD will enrich them from His grace. GOD is Bounteous,     وانكحوا الايامى منكم والصالحين من عبادكم وامائكم ان يكونوا فقراء يغنهم الله من فضله والله واسع عليم     wankHwa alayami mnkm walSalHyn mn `badkm wamaYkm an ykwnwa fqra' yGnhm allh mn fDlh wallh was` `lym
33.  *     Let those who find not the wherewithal for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah gives them means out of His grace. And if any of your slaves ask for a deed in writing (to enable them to earn their freedom for a certain sum), give them such a deed if ye know any good in them: yea, give them something yourselves out of the means which Allah has given to you. But force not your maids to prostitution when they desire chastity, in order that ye may make a gain in the goods of this life. But if anyone compels them, yet, after such compulsion, is Allah, Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (to them),     Those who cannot afford to get married shall maintain morality until GOD provides for them from His grace. Those among your servants who wish to be freed in order to marry, you shall grant them their wish, once you realize that they are honest. And give them from GOD's money that He has bestowed upon you. You shall not force your girls to commit prostitution, seeking the materials of this world, if they wish to be chaste. If anyone forces them, then GOD, seeing that they are forced, is Forgiver, Merciful.     وليستعفف الذين لايجدون نكاحا حتى يغنيهم الله من فضله والذين يبتغون الكتاب مما ملكت ايمانكم فكاتبوهم ان علمتم فيهم خيرا واتوهم من مال الله الذي اتاكم ولاتكرهوا فتياتكم على البغاء ان اردن تحصنا لتبتغوا عرض الحياة الدنيا ومن يكرههن فان الله من بعد  اكراههن غفور رحيم     wlyst`ff alXyn layjdwn nkaHa Hti yGnyhm allh mn fDlh walXyn ybtGwn alktab mma mlkt aymankm fkatbwhm an `lmtm fyhm Kyra watwhm mn mal allh alXy atakm wlatkrhwa ftyatkm `li albGa' an ardn tHSna ltbtGwa `rD alHya+ aldnya wmn ykrhhn fan allh mn b`d  akrahhn Gfwr rHym
34.  *     We have already sent down to you verses making things clear, an illustration from (the story of) people who passed away before you, and an admonition for those who fear ((Allah)).     We have revealed to you clarifying revelations, and examples from the past generations, and an enlightenment for the righteous.     ولقد انزلنا اليكم ايات مبينات ومثلا من الذين خلوا من قبلكم وموعظة للمتقين     wlqd anzlna alykm ayat mbynat wmxla mn alXyn Klwa mn qblkm wmw`Z+ llmtqyn
35.  *     Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The Parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star: Lit from a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! Allah doth guide whom He will to His Light: Allah doth set forth Parables for men: and Allah doth know all things.     GOD is the light of the heavens and the earth. The allegory of His light is that of a concave mirror behind a lamp that is placed inside a glass container. The glass container is like a bright, pearl-like star. The fuel thereof is supplied from a blessed oil-producing tree, that is neither eastern, nor western. Its oil is almost self- radiating; needs no fire to ignite it. Light upon light. GOD guides to His light whoever wills (to be guided). GOD thus cites the parables for the people. GOD is fully aware of all things.     الله نور السماوات والارض مثل نوره كمشكاة فيها مصباح المصباح في زجاجة الزجاجة كانها كوكب دري يوقد من شجرة مباركة زيتونة لاشرقية ولاغربية يكاد زيتها يضيئ ولو لم تمسسه نار نور على نور يهدي الله لنوره من يشاء ويضرب الله الامثال للناس والله بكل شئ  عليم     allh nwr alsmawat walarD mxl nwrh km$ka+ fyha mSbaH almSbaH fy zjaj+ alzjaj+ kanha kwkb dry ywqd mn $jr+ mbark+ zytwn+ la$rqy+ wlaGrby+ ykad zytha yDyY wlw lm tmssh nar nwr `li nwr yhdy allh lnwrh mn y$a' wyDrb allh alamxal llnas wallh bkl $Y  `lym
36.  *     (Lit is such a Light) in houses, which Allah hath permitted to be raised to honour; for the celebration, in them, of His name: In them is He glorified in the mornings and in the evenings, (again and again),-     (God's guidance is found) in houses exalted by GOD, for His name is commemorated therein. Glorifying Him therein, day and night -     في بيوت اذن الله ان ترفع ويذكر فيها اسمه يسبح له فيها بالغدو والاصال     fy bywt aXn allh an trf` wyXkr fyha asmh ysbH lh fyha balGdw walaSal
37.  *     By men whom neither traffic nor merchandise can divert from the Remembrance of Allah, nor from regular Prayer, nor from the practice of regular Charity: Their (only) fear is for the Day when hearts and eyes will be transformed (in a world wholly new),-     People who are not distracted by business or trade from commemorating GOD; they observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and they are conscious of the day when the minds and the eyes will be horrified.     رجال لاتلهيهم تجارة ولابيع عن ذكر الله واقام الصلاة وايتاء الزكاة يخافون يوما تتقلب فيه القلوب والابصار     rjal latlhyhm tjar+ wlaby` `n Xkr allh waqam alSla+ wayta' alzka+ yKafwn ywma ttqlb fyh alqlwb walabSar
38.  *     That Allah may reward them according to the best of their deeds, and add even more for them out of His Grace: for Allah doth provide for those whom He will, without measure.     GOD will certainly reward them for their good works, and will shower them with His grace. GOD provides for whomever He wills without limits.     ليجزيهم الله احسن ماعملوا ويزيدهم من فضله والله يرزق من يشاء بغير حساب     lyjzyhm allh aHsn ma`mlwa wyzydhm mn fDlh wallh yrzq mn y$a' bGyr Hsab
39.  *     But the Unbelievers,--their deeds are like a mirage in sandy deserts, which the man parched with thirst mistakes for water; until when he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing: But he finds Allah (ever) with him, and Allah will pay him his account: and Allah is swift in taking account.     As for those who disbelieve, their works are like a mirage in the desert. A thirsty person thinks that it is water. But when he reaches it, he finds that it is nothing, and he finds GOD there instead, to requite him fully for his works. GOD is the most efficient reckoner.     والذين كفروا اعمالهم كسراب بقيعة يحسبه الظمان ماء حتى اذا جاءه لم يجده شيئا ووجد الله عنده فوفاه حسابه والله سريع الحساب     walXyn kfrwa a`malhm ksrab bqy`+ yHsbh alZman ma' Hti aXa ja'h lm yjdh $yYa wwjd allh `ndh fwfah Hsabh wallh sry` alHsab
40.  *     Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hands, he can hardly see it! for any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light!     Another allegory is that of being in total darkness in the midst of a violent ocean, with waves upon waves, in addition to thick fog. Darkness upon darkness - if he looked at his own hand, he could barely see it. Whomever GOD deprives of light, will have no light.     او كظلمات في بحر لجي يغشاه موج من فوقه موج من فوقه سحاب ظلمات بعضها فوق بعض اذا اخرج يده لم يكد يراها ومن لم يجعل الله له نورا فماله من نور     aw kZlmat fy bHr ljy yG$ah mwj mn fwqh mwj mn fwqh sHab Zlmat b`Dha fwq b`D aXa aKrj ydh lm ykd yraha wmn lm yj`l allh lh nwra fmalh mn nwr
41.  *     Seest thou not that it is Allah Whose praises all beings in the heavens and on earth do celebrate, and the birds (of the air) with wings outspread? Each one knows its own (mode of) prayer and praise. And Allah knows well all that they do.     Do you not realize that everyone in the heavens and the earth glorifies GOD, even the birds as they fly in a column? Each knows its prayer and its glorification. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.     الم تر ان الله يسبح له من في السماوات والارض والطير صافات كل قد علم صلاته وتسبيحه والله عليم بما يفعلون     alm tr an allh ysbH lh mn fy alsmawat walarD walTyr Safat kl qd `lm Slath wtsbyHh wallh `lym bma yf`lwn
42.  *     Yea, to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; and to Allah is the final goal (of all).     To GOD belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and to GOD is the final destiny.     ولله ملك السماوات والارض والى الله المصير     wllh mlk alsmawat walarD wali allh almSyr
43.  *     Seest thou not that Allah makes the clouds move gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a heap?--then wilt thou see rain issue forth from their midst. And He sends down from the sky mountain masses (of clouds) wherein is hail: He strikes therewith whom He pleases and He turns it away from whom He pleases, the vivid flash of His lightning well-nigh blinds the sight.     Do you not realize that GOD drives the clouds, then gathers them together, then piles them on each other, then you see the rain coming out of them? He sends down from the sky loads of snow to cover whomever He wills, while diverting it from whomever He wills. The brightness of the snow almost blinds the eyes.     الم تر ان الله يزجي سحابا ثم يؤلف بينه ثم يجعله ركاما فترى الودق يخرج من خلاله وينزل من السماء من جبال فيها من برد فيصيب به من يشاء ويصرفه عن من يشاء يكاد سنا برقه يذهب بالابصار     alm tr an allh yzjy sHaba xm yWlf bynh xm yj`lh rkama ftri alwdq yKrj mn Klalh wynzl mn alsma' mn jbal fyha mn brd fySyb bh mn y$a' wySrfh `n mn y$a' ykad sna brqh yXhb balabSar
44.  *     It is Allah Who alternates the Night and the Day: verily in these things is an instructive example for those who have vision!     GOD controls the night and day. This should be a lesson for those who possess eyes.     يقلب الله الليل والنهار ان في ذلك لعبرة لاولي الابصار     yqlb allh allyl walnhar an fy Xlk l`br+ lawly alabSar
45.  *     And Allah has created every animal from water: of them there are some that creep on their bellies; some that walk on two legs; and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills for verily Allah has power over all things.     And GOD created every living creature from water. Some of them walk on their bellies, some walk on two legs, and some walk on four. GOD creates whatever He wills. GOD is Omnipotent.     والله خلق كل دابة من ماء فمنهم من يمشي على بطنه ومنهم من يمشي على رجلين ومنهم من يمشي على اربع يخلق الله مايشاء ان الله على كل شئ قدير     wallh Klq kl dab+ mn ma' fmnhm mn ym$y `li bTnh wmnhm mn ym$y `li rjlyn wmnhm mn ym$y `li arb` yKlq allh may$a' an allh `li kl $Y qdyr
46.  *     We have indeed sent down signs that make things manifest: and Allah guides whom He wills to a way that is straight.     We have sent down to you clarifying revelations, then GOD guides whoever wills (to be guided) in a straight path.     لقد انزلنا ايات مبينات والله يهدي من يشاء الى صراط مستقيم     lqd anzlna ayat mbynat wallh yhdy mn y$a' ali SraT mstqym
47.  *     They say, "We believe in Allah and in the apostle, and we obey": but even after that, some of them turn away: they are not (really) Believers.     They say, "We believe in GOD and in the messenger, and we obey," but then some of them slide back afterwards. These are not believers.     ويقولون امنا بالله وبالرسول واطعنا ثم يتولى فريق منهم من بعد ذلك ومااولئك بالمؤمنين     wyqwlwn amna ballh wbalrswl waT`na xm ytwli fryq mnhm mn b`d Xlk wmaawlYk balmWmnyn
48.  *     When they are summoned to Allah and His apostle, in order that He may judge between them, behold some of them decline (to come).     When they are invited to GOD and His messenger to judge among them, some of them get upset.     واذا دعوا الى الله ورسوله ليحكم بينهم اذا فريق منهم معرضون     waXa d`wa ali allh wrswlh lyHkm bynhm aXa fryq mnhm m`rDwn
49.  *     But if the right is on their side, they come to him with all submission.     However, if the judgment is in their favor, they readily accept it!     وان يكن لهم الحق ياتوا اليه مذعنين     wan ykn lhm alHq yatwa alyh mX`nyn
50.  *     Is it that there is a disease in their hearts? or do they doubt, or are they in fear, that Allah and His Messenger will deal unjustly with them? Nay, it is they themselves who do wrong.     Is there a disease in their hearts? Are they doubtful? Are they afraid that GOD and His messenger may treat them unfairly? In fact, it is they who are unjust.     افي قلوبهم مرض ام ارتابوا ام يخافون ان يحيف الله عليهم ورسوله بل اولئك هم الظالمون     afy qlwbhm mrD am artabwa am yKafwn an yHyf allh `lyhm wrswlh bl awlYk hm alZalmwn
51.  *     The answer of the Believers, when summoned to Allah and His Messenger, in order that He may judge between them, is no other than this: they say, "We hear and we obey": it is such as these that will attain felicity.     The only utterance of the believers, whenever invited to GOD and His messenger to judge in their affairs, is to say, "We hear and we obey." These are the winners.     انما كان قول المؤمنين اذا دعوا الى الله ورسوله ليحكم بينهم ان يقولوا سمعنا واطعنا واولئك هم المفلحون     anma kan qwl almWmnyn aXa d`wa ali allh wrswlh lyHkm bynhm an yqwlwa sm`na waT`na wawlYk hm almflHwn
52.  *     It is such as obey Allah and His Messenger, and fear Allah and do right, that will win (in the end),     Those who obey GOD and His messenger, and reverence GOD and observe Him, these are the triumphant ones.     ومن يطع الله ورسوله ويخشى الله ويتقه فاولئك هم الفائزون     wmn yT` allh wrswlh wyK$i allh wytqh fawlYk hm alfaYzwn
53.  *     They swear their strongest oaths by Allah that, if only thou wouldst command them, they would leave (their homes). Say: "Swear ye not; Obedience is (more) reasonable; verily, Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do."     They swear by GOD, solemnly, that if you commanded them to mobilize, they would mobilize. Say, "Do not swear. Obedience is an obligation. GOD is fully Cognizant of everything you do."     واقسموا بالله جهد ايمانهم لئن امرتهم ليخرجن قل لاتقسموا طاعة معروفة ان الله خبير بما تعملون     waqsmwa ballh jhd aymanhm lYn amrthm lyKrjn ql latqsmwa Ta`+ m`rwf+ an allh Kbyr bma t`mlwn
54.  *     Say: "Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger. but if ye turn away, he is only responsible for the duty placed on him and ye for that placed on you. If ye obey him, ye shall be on right guidance. The Messenger.s duty is only to preach the clear (Message).     Say, "Obey GOD, and obey the messenger." If they refuse, then he is responsible for his obligations, and you are responsible for your obligations. If you obey him, you will be guided. The sole duty of the messenger is to deliver (the message).     قل اطيعوا الله واطيعوا الرسول فان تولوا فانما عليه ماحمل وعليكم ماحملتم وان تطيعوه تهتدوا وماعلى الرسول الا البلاغ المبين     ql aTy`wa allh waTy`wa alrswl fan twlwa fanma `lyh maHml w`lykm maHmltm wan tTy`wh thtdwa wma`li alrswl ala alblaG almbyn
55.  *     Allah has promised, to those among you who believe and work righteous deeds, that He will, of a surety, grant them in the land, inheritance (of power), as He granted it to those before them; that He will establish in authority their religion--the one which He has chosen for them; and that He will change (their state), after the fear in which they (lived), to one of security and peace: 'They will worship Me (alone) and not associate aught with Me. 'If any do reject Faith after this, they are rebellious and wicked.     GOD promises those among you who believe and lead a righteous life, that He will make them sovereigns on earth, as He did for those before them, and will establish for them the religion He has chosen for them, and will substitute peace and security for them in place of fear. All this because they worship Me alone; they never set up any idols beside Me. Those who disbelieve after this are the truly wicked.     وعد الله الذين امنوا منكم وعملوا الصالحات ليستخلفنهم في الارض كما استخلف الذين من قبلهم وليمكنن لهم دينهم الذي ارتضى لهم وليبدلنهم من بعد خوفهم امنا يعبدونني لايشركون بي شيئا ومن كفر بعد ذلك فاولئك هم الفاسقون     w`d allh alXyn amnwa mnkm w`mlwa alSalHat lystKlfnhm fy alarD kma astKlf alXyn mn qblhm wlymknn lhm dynhm alXy artDi lhm wlybdlnhm mn b`d Kwfhm amna y`bdwnny lay$rkwn by $yYa wmn kfr b`d Xlk fawlYk hm alfasqwn
56.  *     So establish regular Prayer and give regular Charity; and obey the Messenger. that ye may receive mercy.     You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and obey the messenger, that you may attain mercy.     واقيموا الصلاة واتوا الزكاة واطيعوا الرسول لعلكم ترحمون     waqymwa alSla+ watwa alzka+ waTy`wa alrswl l`lkm trHmwn
57.  *     Never think thou that the Unbelievers are going to frustrate ((Allah)'s Plan) on earth: their abode is the Fire,--and it is indeed an evil refuge!     Do not think that those who disbelieve will ever get away with it. Their final abode is Hell; what a miserable destiny.     لاتحسبن الذين كفروا معجزين في الارض وماواهم النار ولبئس المصير     latHsbn alXyn kfrwa m`jzyn fy alarD wmawahm alnar wlbYs almSyr
58.  *     O ye who believe! let those whom your right hands possess, and the (children) among you who have not come of age ask your permission (before they come to your presence), on three occasions: before morning prayer; the while ye doff your clothes for the noonday heat; and after the late-night prayer: these are your three times of undress: outside those times it is not wrong for you or for them to move about attending to each other: Thus does Allah make clear the Signs to you: for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.     O you who believe, permission must be requested by your servants and the children who have not attained puberty (before entering your rooms). This is to be done in three instances - before the Dawn Prayer, at noon when you change your clothes to rest, and after the Night Prayer. These are three private times for you. At other times, it is not wrong for you or them to mingle with one another. GOD thus clarifies the revelations for you. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.     ياايها الذين امنوا ليستأذنكم الذين ملكت ايمانكم والذين لم يبلغوا الحلم منكم ثلاث مرات من قبل صلاة الفجر وحين تضعون ثيابكم من الظهيرة ومن بعد صلاة العشاء ثلاث عورات لكم ليس عليكم ولاعليهم جناح بعدهن طوافون عليكم بعضكم على بعض كذلك يبين الله لكم  الايات والله عليم حكيم     yaayha alXyn amnwa lystAXnkm alXyn mlkt aymankm walXyn lm yblGwa alHlm mnkm xlax mrat mn qbl Sla+ alfjr wHyn tD`wn xyabkm mn alZhyr+ wmn b`d Sla+ al`$a' xlax `wrat lkm lys `lykm wla`lyhm jnaH b`dhn Twafwn `lykm b`Dkm `li b`D kXlk ybyn allh lkm  alayat wallh `lym Hkym
59.  *     But when the children among you come of age, let them (also) ask for permission, as do those senior to them (in age): Thus does Allah make clear His Signs to you: for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.     Once the children reach puberty, they must ask permission (before entering) like those who became adults before them have asked permission (before entering). GOD thus clarifies His revelations for you. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.     واذا بلغ الاطفال منكم الحلم فليستأذنوا كما استأذن الذين من قبلهم كذلك يبين الله لكم اياته والله عليم حكيم     waXa blG alaTfal mnkm alHlm flystAXnwa kma astAXn alXyn mn qblhm kXlk ybyn allh lkm ayath wallh `lym Hkym
60.  *     Such elderly women as are past the prospect of marriage,--there is no blame on them if they lay aside their (outer) garments, provided they make not a wanton display of their beauty: but it is best for them to be modest: and Allah is One Who sees and knows all things.     The elderly women who do not expect to get married commit nothing wrong by relaxing their dress code, provided they do not reveal too much of their bodies. To maintain modesty is better for them. GOD is Hearer, Knower.     والقواعد من النساء اللاتي لايرجون نكاحا فليس عليهن جناح ان يضعن ثيابهن غير متبرجات بزينة وان يستعففن خير لهن والله سميع عليم     walqwa`d mn alnsa' allaty layrjwn nkaHa flys `lyhn jnaH an yD`n xyabhn Gyr mtbrjat bzyn+ wan yst`ffn Kyr lhn wallh smy` `lym
61.  *     It is no fault in the blind nor in one born lame, nor in one afflicted with illness, nor in yourselves, that ye should eat in your own houses, or those of your fathers, or your mothers, or your brothers, or your sisters, or your father's brothers or your father's sisters, or your mother's brothers, or your mother's sisters, or in houses of which the keys are in your possession, or in the house of a sincere friend of yours: there is no blame on you, whether ye eat in company or separately. But if ye enter houses, salute each other--a greeting of blessing and purity as from Allah. Thus does Allah make clear the signs to you: that ye may understand.     The blind is not to be blamed, the crippled is not to be blamed, nor is the handicapped to be blamed, just as you are not to be blamed for eating at your homes, or the homes of your fathers, or the homes of your mothers, or the homes of your brothers, or the homes of your sisters, or the homes of your fathers' brothers, or the homes of your fathers' sisters, or the homes of your mothers' brothers, or the homes of your mothers' sisters, or the homes that belong to you and you possess their keys, or the homes of your friends. You commit nothing wrong by eating together or as individuals. When you enter any home, you shall greet each other a greeting from GOD that is blessed and good. GOD thus explains the revelations for you, that you may understand.     ليس على الاعمى حرج ولاعلى الاعرج حرج ولاعلى المريض حرج ولاعلى انفسكم ان تاكلوا من بيوتكم او بيوت ابائكم او بيوت امهاتكم او بيوت اخوانكم او بيوت اخواتكم او بيوت اعمامكم او بيوت عماتكم او بيوت اخوالكم او بيوت خالاتكم او ماملكتم مفاتحه او صديقكم  ليس عليكم جناح ان تاكلوا جميعا او اشتاتا فاذا دخلتم بيوتا فسلموا على انفسكم تحية من عند الله مباركة طيبة كذلك يبين الله لكم الايات لعلكم تعقلون     lys `li ala`mi Hrj wla`li ala`rj Hrj wla`li almryD Hrj wla`li anfskm an taklwa mn bywtkm aw bywt abaYkm aw bywt amhatkm aw bywt aKwankm aw bywt aKwatkm aw bywt a`mamkm aw bywt `matkm aw bywt aKwalkm aw bywt Kalatkm aw mamlktm mfatHh aw Sdyqkm  lys `lykm jnaH an taklwa jmy`a aw a$tata faXa dKltm bywta fslmwa `li anfskm tHy+ mn `nd allh mbark+ Tyb+ kXlk ybyn allh lkm alayat l`lkm t`qlwn
62.  *     Only those are believers, who believe in Allah and His Messenger. when they are with him on a matter requiring collective action, they do not depart until they have asked for his leave; those who ask for thy leave are those who believe in Allah and His Messenger. so when they ask for thy leave, for some business of theirs, give leave to those of them whom thou wilt, and ask Allah for their forgiveness: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.     The true believers are those who believe in GOD and His messenger, and when they are with him in a community meeting, they do not leave him without permission. Those who ask permission are the ones who do believe in GOD and His messenger. If they ask your permission, in order to tend to some of their affairs, you may grant permission to whomever you wish, and ask GOD to forgive them. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.     انما المؤمنون الذين امنوا بالله ورسوله واذا كانوا معه على امر جامع لم يذهبوا حتى يستأذنوه ان الذين يستأذنوك اولئك الذين يؤمنون بالله ورسوله فاذا استأذنوك لبعض شانهم فاذن لمن شئت منهم واستغفر لهم الله ان الله غفور رحيم     anma almWmnwn alXyn amnwa ballh wrswlh waXa kanwa m`h `li amr jam` lm yXhbwa Hti ystAXnwh an alXyn ystAXnwk awlYk alXyn yWmnwn ballh wrswlh faXa astAXnwk lb`D $anhm faXn lmn $Yt mnhm wastGfr lhm allh an allh Gfwr rHym
63.  *     Deem not the summons of the Messenger among yourselves like the summons of one of you to another: Allah doth know those of you who slip away under shelter of some excuse: then let those beware who withstand the Messenger's order, lest some trial befall them, or a grievous penalty be inflicted on them.     Do not treat the messenger's requests as you treat each others' requests. GOD is fully aware of those among you who sneak away using flimsy excuses. Let them beware - those who disobey his orders - for a disaster may strike them, or a severe retribution.     لاتجعلوا دعاء الرسول بينكم كدعاء بعضكم بعضا قد يعلم الله الذين يتسللون منكم لواذا فليحذر الذين يخالفون عن امره ان تصيبهم فتنة او يصيبهم عذاب اليم     latj`lwa d`a' alrswl bynkm kd`a' b`Dkm b`Da qd y`lm allh alXyn ytsllwn mnkm lwaXa flyHXr alXyn yKalfwn `n amrh an tSybhm ftn+ aw ySybhm `Xab alym
64.  *     Be quite sure that to Allah doth belong whatever is in the heavens and on earth. Well doth He know what ye are intent upon: and one day they will be brought back to Him, and He will tell them the truth of what they did: for Allah doth know all things.     Absolutely, to GOD belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. He fully knows every condition you may be in. The day you are returned to Him, He will inform them of everything they had done. GOD is fully aware of all things.     الا ان لله مافي السماوات والارض قد يعلم ماانتم عليه ويوم يرجعون اليه فينبئهم بما عملوا والله بكل شئ عليم     ala an llh mafy alsmawat walarD qd y`lm maantm `lyh wywm yrj`wn alyh fynbYhm bma `mlwa wallh bkl $Y `lym