* | quran | * | 14. ibrahim. abraham      <   > 

1.  *     سورة ابراهيم  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ــــ الر كتاب انزلناه اليك لتخرج الناس من الظلمات الى النور باذن ربهم الى صراط العزيز الحميد     swr+ abrahym  bsm allh alrHmn alrHym alr ktab anzlnah alyk ltKrj alnas mn alZlmat ali alnwr baXn rbhm ali SraT al`zyz alHmyd     A L R a Book We descended it to you, to bring the people out from the darknesses to the light with their Lord's permission, to the glorious's/mighty's the praise worthy's/commendable's way/path.     A.L.R. A scripture that we revealed to you, in order to lead the people out of darkness into the light - in accordance with the will of their Lord - to the path of the Almighty, the Praiseworthy.     A. L. R. A Book which We have revealed unto thee, in order that thou mightest lead mankind out of the depths of darkness into light - by the leave of their Lord - to the Way of (Him) the Exalted in power, worthy of all praise!-
2.  *     الله الذي له مافي السماوات ومافي الارض وويل للكافرين من عذاب شديد     allh alXy lh mafy alsmawat wmafy alarD wwyl llkafryn mn `Xab $dyd     God, (is) who to Him what (is) in the skies/space and what (is) in the earth/Planet Earth, and grief/distress to the disbelievers from strong (severe) torture.     (The path of) GOD; the One who possesses everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Woe to the disbelievers; they have incurred a terrible retribution.     Of Allah, to Whom do belong all things in the heavens and on earth! But alas for the Unbelievers for a terrible penalty (their Unfaith will bring them)!-
3.  *     الذين يستحبون الحياة الدنيا على الاخرة ويصدون عن سبيل الله ويبغونها عوجا اولئك في ضلال بعيد     alXyn ystHbwn alHya+ aldnya `li alaKr+ wySdwn `n sbyl allh wybGwnha `wja awlYk fy Dlal b`yd     Those who love/like (prefer) the life the present/worldly life over the end (other life), and they obstruct/prevent from God's way/path and they desire it (be) bent/crookedness, those are in distant/far misguidance.     They are the ones who give priority to this life over the Hereafter, repel from the way of GOD, and seek to make it crooked; they have gone far astray.     Those who love the life of this world more than the Hereafter, who hinder (men) from the Path of Allah and seek therein something crooked: they are astray by a long distance.
4.  *     وماارسلنا من رسول الا بلسان قومه ليبين لهم فيضل الله من يشاء ويهدي من يشاء وهو العزيز الحكيم     wmaarslna mn rswl ala blsan qwmh lybyn lhm fyDl allh mn y$a' wyhdy mn y$a' whw al`zyz alHkym     And We did not send from a messenger except with his nation's tongue/language, to clarify/explain to them, so God misguides whom He wills/wants, and He guides whom He wills/wants, and He is the glorious/mighty, the wise/judicious.     We did not send any messenger except (to preach) in the tongue of his people, in order to clarify things for them. GOD then sends astray whomever He wills, and guides whomever He wills. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise.     We sent not an apostle except (to teach) in the language of his (own) people, in order to make (things) clear to them. Now Allah leaves straying those whom He pleases and guides whom He pleases: and He is Exalted in power, full of Wisdom.
5.  *     ولقد ارسلنا موسى باياتنا ان اخرج قومك من الظلمات الى النور وذكرهم بايام الله ان في ذلك لايات لكل صبار شكور     wlqd arslna mwsi bayatna an aKrj qwmk mn alZlmat ali alnwr wXkrhm bayam allh an fy Xlk layat lkl Sbar $kwr     And We had sent Moses with Our signs/evidences/verses: "That bring out your nation from the darknesses to the light, and remind them with God's days/times that in that (are) evidences/verses to every patient/endurer, thankful/grateful."     Thus, we sent Moses with our miracles, saying, "Lead your people out of darkness into the light, and remind them of the days of GOD." These are lessons for every steadfast, appreciative person.     We sent Moses with Our signs (and the command). "Bring out thy people from the depths of darkness into light, and teach them to remember the Days of Allah." Verily in this there are Signs for such as are firmly patient and constant,- grateful and appreciative.
6.  *     واذ قال موسى لقومه اذكروا نعمة الله عليكم اذا انجاكم من ال فرعون يسومونكم سوء العذاب ويذبحون ابناءكم ويستحيون نساءكم وفي ذلكم بلاء من ربكم عظيم     waX qal mwsi lqwmh aXkrwa n`m+ allh `lykm aXa anjakm mn al fr`wn yswmwnkm sw' al`Xab wyXbHwn abna'km wystHywn nsa'km wfy Xlkm bla' mn rbkm `Zym     And when Moses said to his nation: "Remember/mention God's blessing/goodness on you, when He saved/rescued you from Pharaoh's family, they impose upon you the torture's harm/evil, and they slaughter your sons and they shame your women, and in that is a great test from your Lord.     Recall that Moses said to his people, "Remember GOD's blessings upon you. He saved you from Pharaoh's people who inflicted the worst persecution upon you, slaughtering your sons and sparing your daughters. That was an exacting trial from your Lord."     Remember! Moses said to his people: "Call to mind the favour of Allah to you when He delivered you from the people of Pharaoh: they set you hard tasks and punishments, slaughtered your sons, and let your women-folk live: therein was a tremendous trial from your Lord."
7.  *     واذ تاذن ربكم لئن شكرتم لازيدنكم ولئن كفرتم ان عذابي لشديد     waX taXn rbkm lYn $krtm lazydnkm wlYn kfrtm an `Xaby l$dyd     And when your Lord announced/informed if (E) you thanked/became grateful, I will increase you (E), and if (E) you disbelieved that My torture (is) strong (E) (severe).     Your Lord has decreed: "The more you thank Me, the more I give you." But if you turn unappreciative, then My retribution is severe.     And remember! your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): "If ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you; But if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed."
8.  *     وقال موسى ان تكفروا انتم ومن في الارض جميعا فان الله لغني حميد     wqal mwsi an tkfrwa antm wmn fy alarD jmy`a fan allh lGny Hmyd     And Moses said: "If you disbelieve you and who (is) in the earth/Planet Earth all together, so then God (is) rich (E) praiseworthy/commendable."     Moses said, "If you disbelieve, along with all the people on earth, GOD is in no need, Praiseworthy."     And Moses said: "If ye show ingratitude, ye and all on earth together, yet is Allah free of all wants, worthy of all praise.
9.  *     الم ياتكم نبأ الذين من قبلكم قوم نوح وعاد وثمود والذين من بعدهم لايعلمهم الا الله جاءتهم رسلهم بالبينات فردوا ايديهم في افواهم وقالوا انا كفرنا بما ارسلتم به وانا لفي شك مما تدعوننا اليه مريب     alm yatkm nbA alXyn mn qblkm qwm nwH w`ad wxmwd walXyn mn b`dhm lay`lmhm ala allh ja'thm rslhm balbynat frdwa aydyhm fy afwahm wqalwa ana kfrna bma arsltm bh wana lfy $k mma td`wnna alyh mryb     Did not information/news (of) those from before you come to you, nation (of) Noah and Aad and Thamud and those from after them? No (one) knows them except God, their messengers came to them with the evidences, so they returned their hands in their mouths (they bit their fingers from anger), and they said: "We have disbelieved with what you were sent with it, and we are in (E) doubtful/suspicious doubt/suspicion from what you call us to it."     Have you not heard about those before you - the people of Noah, `Aad, Thamoud, and others who came after them and known only to GOD? Their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they treated them with contempt and said, "We disbelieve in what you are sent with. We are skeptical about your message; full of doubt."     Has not the story reached you, (O people!), of those who (went) before you? - of the people of Noah, and 'Ad, and Thamud? - And of those who (came) after them? None knows them but Allah. To them came apostles with Clear (Signs); but they put their hands up to their mouths, and said: "We do deny (the mission) on which ye have been sent, and we are really in suspicious (disquieting) doubt as to that to which ye invite us."
10.  *     قالت رسلهم افي الله شك فاطر السماوات والارض يدعوكم ليغفر لكم من ذنوبكم ويؤخركم الى اجل مسمى قالوا ان انتم الا بشر مثلنا تريدون ان تصدونا عما كان يعبد اباؤنا فاتونا بسلطان مبين     qalt rslhm afy allh $k faTr alsmawat walarD yd`wkm lyGfr lkm mn Xnwbkm wyWKrkm ali ajl msmi qalwa an antm ala b$r mxlna trydwn an tSdwna `ma kan y`bd abaWna fatwna bslTan mbyn     Their messenger said: "Is (there) doubt/suspicion in God, creator/bringer to being (of) the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth, He calls you to forgive for you from your crimes, and He delays you to (a) named/identified term/time?" They said: "That you are except humans similar/equal to us, you want/intend that you prevent/obstruct us from what our fathers were worshipping, so come to us/bring to us with a clear/evident proof/evidence."     Their messengers said, "Do you have doubts about GOD; the Initiator of the heavens and the earth? He invites you only to forgive your sins, and to give you another chance to redeem yourselves." They said, "You are no more than humans like us, who want to repel us from the way our parents used to worship. Show us some profound authority."     Their apostles said: "Is there a doubt about Allah, The Creator of the heavens and the earth? It is He Who invites you, in order that He may forgive you your sins and give you respite for a term appointed!" They said: "Ah! ye are no more than human, like ourselves! Ye wish to turn us away from the (gods) our fathers used to worship: then bring us some clear authority."
11.  *     قالت لهم رسلهم ان نحن الا بشر مثلكم ولكن الله يمن على من يشاء من عباده وماكان لنا ان ناتيكم بسلطان الا باذن الله وعلى الله فليتوكل المؤمنون     qalt lhm rslhm an nHn ala b$r mxlkm wlkn allh ymn `li mn y$a' mn `badh wmakan lna an natykm bslTan ala baXn allh w`li allh flytwkl almWmnwn     Their messengers said to them: "That we are except humans similar/equal to you, and but God blesses on whom He wills/wants from His worshippers/slaves, and (it) was not for us that we come to you with a proof/evidence, except with God's permission, and on God so should the believers rely/depend."     Their messengers said to them, "We are no more than humans like you, but GOD blesses whomever He chooses from among His servants. We could not possibly show you any kind of authorization, except in accordance with GOD's will. In GOD the believers shall trust.     Their apostles said to them: "True, we are human like yourselves, but Allah doth grant His grace to such of his servants as He pleases. It is not for us to bring you an authority except as Allah permits. And on Allah let all men of faith put their trust.
12.  *     ومالنا الا نتوكل على الله وقد هدانا سبلنا ولنصبرن على مااذيتمونا وعلى الله فليتوكل المتوكلون     wmalna ala ntwkl `li allh wqd hdana sblna wlnSbrn `li maaXytmwna w`li allh flytwkl almtwklwn     And why not for us that we not, rely/depend on God, and He had guided us (to) our ways/paths, and we will be patient (E) on what you harmed us mildly (with it), and on God so should rely/depend the reliant/dependent.     "Why should we not trust in GOD, when He has guided us in our paths? We will steadfastly persevere in the face of your persecution. In GOD all the trusters shall trust."     "No reason have we why we should not put our trust on Allah. Indeed He Has guided us to the Ways we (follow). We shall certainly bear with patience all the hurt you may cause us. For those who put their trust should put their trust on Allah."
13.  *     وقال الذين كفروا لرسلهم لنخرجنكم من ارضنا او لتعودن في ملتنا فاوحى اليهم ربهم لنهلكن الظالمين     wqal alXyn kfrwa lrslhm lnKrjnkm mn arDna aw lt`wdn fy mltna fawHi alyhm rbhm lnhlkn alZalmyn     And those who disbelieved said to their messengers: "We will bring/drive you (E) out from our land/Earth, or you return (E) in (to) our religion/faith." So their Lord inspired/transmitted to them: "We will make die/destroy (E) the unjust/oppressors."     Those who disbelieved said to their messengers, "We will banish you from our land, unless you revert to our religion." Their Lord inspired them: "We will inevitably annihilate the transgressors.     And the Unbelievers said to their apostles: "Be sure we shall drive you out of our land, or ye shall return to our religion." But their Lord inspired (this Message) to them: "Verily We shall cause the wrong-doers to perish!
14.  *     ولنسكننكم الارض من بعدهم ذلك لمن خاف مقامي وخاف وعيد     wlnsknnkm alarD mn b`dhm Xlk lmn Kaf mqamy wKaf w`yd     And We will make you reside/inhabit (E) the land/Earth from after them, that (is) to who feared My place/position, and feared My threat.     "And we will let you dwell in their land after them. This is (the reward) for those who reverence My majesty, and reverence My promise."     "And verily We shall cause you to abide in the land, and succeed them. This for such as fear the Time when they shall stand before My tribunal,- such as fear the punishment denounced."
15.  *     واستفتحوا وخاب كل جبار عنيد     wastftHwa wKab kl jbar `nyd     And they seeked victory/judgment, and every stubborn/obstinate tyrant/rebel failed/despaired.     They issued a challenge, and consequently, every stubborn tyrant ended up doomed.     But they sought victory and decision (there and then), and frustration was the lot of every powerful obstinate transgressor.
16.  *     من ورائه جهنم ويسقى من ماء صديد     mn wraYh jhnm wysqi mn ma' Sdyd     From behind him (is) Hell, and he be given drink from pussy water.     Awaiting him is Hell, wherein he will drink putrid water.     In front of such a one is Hell, and he is given, for drink, boiling fetid water.
17.  *     يتجرعه ولايكاد يسيغه وياتيه الموت من كل مكان وماهو بميت ومن ورائه عذاب غليظ     ytjr`h wlaykad ysyGh wyatyh almwt mn kl mkan wmahw bmyt wmn wraYh `Xab GlyZ     He swallows it little by little and (he) is not about to accept its taste/swallow it easily, and the death/lifelessness comes to him from every place/position, and he is not with dying, and from behind him (is) strong/rough torture.     He will gulp it down, though he cannot stand it, as death comes to him from every direction, but he will never die. Awaiting him is a terrible retribution.     In gulps will he sip it, but never will he be near swallowing it down his throat: death will come to him from every quarter, yet will he not die: and in front of him will be a chastisement unrelenting.
18.  *     مثل الذين كفروا بربهم اعمالهم كرماد اشتدت به الريح في يوم عاصف لايقدرون مما كسبوا على شئ ذلك هو الضلال البعيد     mxl alXyn kfrwa brbhm a`malhm krmad a$tdt bh alryH fy ywm `aSf layqdrwn mma ksbwa `li $Y Xlk hw alDlal alb`yd     (The) example/proverb (of) those who disbelieved with their Lord, their deeds (are) like ashes, the wind strengthened in a stormy/violent day, they do (can) not be capable/able on a thing from what they gained/acquired, that (is) the misguidance, the distant/far.     The allegory of those who disbelieve in their Lord: their works are like ashes in a violent wind, on a stormy day. They gain nothing from whatever they earn; such is the farthest straying.     The parable of those who reject their Lord is that their works are as ashes, on which the wind blows furiously on a tempestuous day: No power have they over aught that they have earned: that is the straying far, far (from the goal).
19.  *     الم تر ان الله خلق السماوات والارض بالحق ان يشا يذهبكم ويات بخلق جديد     alm tr an allh Klq alsmawat walarD balHq an y$a yXhbkm wyat bKlq jdyd     Do you not see/understand that God created the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth with the truth, if He wills/wants He eliminates you and comes with a new creation?     Do you not realize that GOD has created the heavens and the earth for a specific purpose? If He wills, He can remove you, and substitute a new creation in your place.     Seest thou not that Allah created the heavens and the earth in Truth? If He so will, He can remove you and put (in your place) a new creation?
20.  *     وماذلك على الله بعزيز     wmaXlk `li allh b`zyz     And that is not with a powerful/undefeatable on God.     This is not too difficult for GOD.     Nor is that for Allah any great matter.
21.  *     وبرزوا لله جميعا فقال الضعفاء للذين استكبرواانا كنا لكم تبعا فهل انتم مغنون عنا من عذاب الله من شئ قالوا لو هدانا الله لهديناكم سواء علينا اجزعنا ام صبرنا مالنا من محيص     wbrzwa llh jmy`a fqal alD`fa' llXyn astkbrwaana kna lkm tb`a fhl antm mGnwn `na mn `Xab allh mn $Y qalwa lw hdana allh lhdynakm swa' `lyna ajz`na am Sbrna malna mn mHyS     And they emerged/appeared to God all together, so the weak said to those who were arrogant: "That we, we were for you following, so are you sufficing/availing (helping) from us from (against) God's torture from a thing?" They said: "If God guided us, we would have guided you, (it is) equal on (to) us if we became grievous worried and impatient or we were patient, (there is) none from an escape/diversion for us."     When they all stand before GOD, the followers will say to the leaders, "We used to follow you. Can you spare us even a little bit of GOD's retribution?" They will say, "Had GOD guided us, we would have guided you. Now it is too late, whether we grieve or resort to patience, there is no exit for us."     They will all be marshalled before Allah together: then will the weak say to those who were arrogant, "For us, we but followed you; can ye then avail us to all against the wrath of Allah." They will reply, "If we had received the Guidance of Allah, we should have given it to you: to us it makes no difference (now) whether we rage, or bear (these torments) with patience: for ourselves there is no way of escape."
22.  *     وقال الشيطان لما قضى الامر ان الله وعدكم وعد الحق ووعدتكم فاخلفتكم وماكان لي عليكم من سلطان الا ان دعوتكم فاستجبتم لي فلا تلوموني ولوموا انفسكم ما انا بمصرخكم وماانتم بمصرخي اني كفرت بما اشركتمون من قبل ان الظالمين لهم عذاب اليم     wqal al$yTan lma qDi alamr an allh w`dkm w`d alHq ww`dtkm faKlftkm wmakan ly `lykm mn slTan ala an d`wtkm fastjbtm ly fla tlwmwny wlwmwa anfskm ma ana bmSrKkm wmaantm bmSrKy any kfrt bma a$rktmwn mn qbl an alZalmyn lhm `Xab alym     And the devil said when the matter/affair/order/command was passed/judged : "That God promised you, the truth's promise, and I promised you, so I broke the promise to you, and (there) was not from a power/control to me on you except that I called you, so you answered/replied to me, so do not blame/reprimand me and blame/reprimand yourselves, I am not with aiding you (a savior), and you are not with aiding me, that I disbelieved with what you made me a partner (with God) from before. That the unjust/oppressive, for them (is) a painful torture."     And the devil will say, after the judgment had been issued, "GOD has promised you the truthful promise, and I promised you, but I broke my promise. I had no power over you; I simply invited you, and you accepted my invitation. Therefore, do not blame me, and blame only yourselves. My complaining cannot help you, nor can your complaining help me. I have disbelieved in your idolizing me. The transgressors have incurred a painful retribution."     And Satan will say when the matter is decided: "It was Allah Who gave you a promise of Truth: I too promised, but I failed in my promise to you. I had no authority over you except to call you but ye listened to me: then reproach not me, but reproach your own souls. I cannot listen to your cries, nor can ye listen to mine. I reject your former act in associating me with Allah. For wrong-doers there must be a grievous penalty."
23.  *     وادخل الذين امنوا وعملوا الصالحات جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار خالدين فيها باذن ربهم تحيتهم فيها سلام     wadKl alXyn amnwa w`mlwa alSalHat jnat tjry mn tHtha alanhar Kaldyn fyha baXn rbhm tHythm fyha slam     And those who believed and made/did the correct/righteous deeds were made to enter treed gardens/paradises, the rivers/waterways flow from beneath it immortally/eternally in it, with their Lord's permission, their greeting in it (is): "A security/peace."     As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, they will be admitted into gardens with flowing streams. They abide therein forever, in accordance with the will of their Lord. Their greeting therein is: "Peace."     But those who believe and work righteousness will be admitted to gardens beneath which rivers flow,- to dwell therein for aye with the leave of their Lord. Their greeting therein will be: "Peace!"
24.  *     الم تر كيف ضرب الله مثلا كلمة طيبة كشجرة طيبة اصلها ثابت وفرعها في السماء     alm tr kyf Drb allh mxla klm+ Tyb+ k$jr+ Tyb+ aSlha xabt wfr`ha fy alsma'     Do you not see/understand how God gave an example/proverb, (of) a good/pure word/expression,as a good/pure tree, its root (is) affirmed/established (fixed) and its branch/top (is) in the sky?     Do you not see that GOD has cited the example of the good word as a good tree whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches are high in the sky?     Seest thou not how Allah sets forth a parable? - A goodly word like a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the heavens,- of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition.
25.  *     تؤتي اكلها كل حين باذن ربها ويضرب الله الامثال للناس لعلهم يتذكرون     tWty aklha kl Hyn baXn rbha wyDrb allh alamxal llnas l`lhm ytXkrwn     It gives/brings its food/fruits every period of time with its Lord's permission, and God gives the example/proverbs to the people, perhaps they mention/remember.172     It produces its crop every season, as designed by its Lord. GOD thus cites the examples for the people, that they may take heed.     It brings forth its fruit at all times, by the leave of its Lord. So Allah sets forth parables for men, in order that they may receive admonition.
26.  *     ومثل كلمة خبيثة كشجرة خبيثة اجتثت من فوق الارض مالها من قرار     wmxl klm+ Kbyx+ k$jr+ Kbyx+ ajtxt mn fwq alarD malha mn qrar     And (the) example/proverb (of) a bad/spoiled word/expression (is) as a bad/spoiled tree, (it) was uprooted/cut down from above the ground, no bottom (root is) for it.     And the example of the bad word is that of a bad tree chopped at the soil level; it has no roots to keep it standing.     And the parable of an evil Word is that of an evil tree: It is torn up by the root from the surface of the earth: it has no stability.
27.  *     يثبت الله الذين امنوا بالقول الثابت في الحياة الدنيا وفي الاخرة ويضل الله الظالمين ويفعل الله مايشاء     yxbt allh alXyn amnwa balqwl alxabt fy alHya+ aldnya wfy alaKr+ wyDl allh alZalmyn wyf`l allh may$a'     God affirms/strengthens those who believed with the word/opinion and belief the affirmed/strengthened in the life the present/worldly life and the end (other life), and God misguides the unjust/oppressive, and God makes/does what He wills/wants.     GOD strengthens those who believe with the proven word, in this life and in the Hereafter. And GOD sends the transgressors astray. Everything is in accordance with GOD's will.     Allah will establish in strength those who believe, with the word that stands firm, in this world and in the Hereafter; but Allah will leave, to stray, those who do wrong: Allah doeth what He willeth.
28.  *     الم تر الى الذين بدلوا نعمة الله كفرا واحلوا قومهم دار البوار     alm tr ali alXyn bdlwa n`m+ allh kfra waHlwa qwmhm dar albwar     Do you not see/understand to those who exchanged/substituted God's blessing/goodness (by) disbelief, and they placed their nation (in) the destruction's/failure's home/place ?     Have you noted those who responded to GOD's blessings by disbelieving, and thus brought disaster upon their own families?     Hast thou not turned thy vision to those who have changed the favour of Allah. Into blasphemy and caused their people to descend to the House of Perdition?-
29.  *     جهنم يصلونها وبئس القرار     jhnm ySlwnha wbYs alqrar     Hell, they roast/suffer/burn (from) it, and how bad (is) the settlement/establishment ?     Hell is their destiny, wherein they burn; what a miserable end!     Into Hell? They will burn therein,- an evil place to stay in!
30.  *     وجعلوا لله اندادا ليضلوا عن سبيله قل تمتعوا فان مصيركم الى النار     wj`lwa llh andada lyDlwa `n sbylh ql tmt`wa fan mSyrkm ali alnar     And they made/put to God equals (idols) to misguide from His way/path, say: "Live long/enjoy so that your end/destination (is) to the fire."     They set up rivals to rank with GOD and to divert others from His path. Say, "Enjoy for awhile; your final destiny is Hell."     And they set up (idols) as equal to Allah, to mislead (men) from the Path! Say: "Enjoy (your brief power)! But verily ye are making straightway for Hell!"
31.  *     قل لعبادي الذين امنوا يقيموا الصلاة وينفقوا مما رزقناهم سرا وعلانية من قبل ان ياتي يوم لابيع فيه ولاخلال     ql l`bady alXyn amnwa yqymwa alSla+ wynfqwa mma rzqnahm sra w`lany+ mn qbl an yaty ywm laby` fyh wlaKlal     Say to My worshippers/slaves those who believed: "They (should) keep up the prayers and spend from what We provided for them secretly and publicly from before that a day comes, (where there is) no selling/trading in it and nor differences in opinions/friendships.     Exhort My servants who believed to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), and to give (to charity) from our provisions to them, secretly and publicly, before a day comes where there is neither trade, nor nepotism.     Speak to my servants who have believed, that they may establish regular prayers, and spend (in charity) out of the sustenance we have given them, secretly and openly, before the coming of a Day in which there will be neither mutual bargaining nor befriending.
32.  *     الله الذي خلق السماوات والارض وانزل من السماء ماء فاخرج به من الثمرات رزقا لكم وسخر لكم الفلك لتجري في البحر بامره وسخر لكم الانهار     allh alXy Klq alsmawat walarD wanzl mn alsma' ma' faKrj bh mn alxmrat rzqa lkm wsKr lkm alflk ltjry fy albHr bamrh wsKr lkm alanhar     God is who created the skies/space and the earth/Planet Earth, and He descended from the sky water so He brought out with it from the fruits a provision for you, and He manipulated for you the ships to flow/pass/orbit in the sea/river/ocean with His order/command, and He manipulated for you the rivers/waterways.     GOD is the One who created the heavens and the earth, and He sends down from the sky water to produce all kinds of fruit for your sustenance. He has committed the ships to serve you on the sea in accordance with His command. He has committed the rivers as well to serve you.     It is Allah Who hath created the heavens and the earth and sendeth down rain from the skies, and with it bringeth out fruits wherewith to feed you; it is He Who hath made the ships subject to you, that they may sail through the sea by His command; and the rivers (also) hath He made subject to you.
33.  *     وسخر لكم الشمس والقمر دائبين وسخر لكم الليل والنهار     wsKr lkm al$ms walqmr daYbyn wsKr lkm allyl walnhar     And He manipulated for you the sun and the moon consistently/dedicated (B), and He manipulated for you the night and the daytime.     He has committed the sun and the moon in your service, continuously. He has committed the night and the day to serve you.     And He hath made subject to you the sun and the moon, both diligently pursuing their courses; and the night and the day hath he (also) made subject to you.
34.  *     واتاكم من كل ماسالتموه وان تعدوا نعمة الله لاتحصوها ان الانسان لظلوم كفار     watakm mn kl masaltmwh wan t`dwa n`m+ allh latHSwha an alansan lZlwm kfar     And He gave you from every (thing) what you asked/begged Him (for it), and if you count God's blessing/goodness, you do not count/compute it, that the human/mankind (is an) unjust/oppressive (E), (insistent) disbeliever.     And He gives you all kinds of things that you implore Him for. If you count GOD's blessings, you can never encompass them. Indeed, the human being is transgressing, unappreciative.     And He giveth you of all that ye ask for. But if ye count the favours of Allah, never will ye be able to number them. Verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude.
35.  *     واذ قال ابراهيم رب اجعل هذا البلد امنا واجنبني وبني ان نعبد الاصنام     waX qal abrahym rb aj`l hXa albld amna wajnbny wbny an n`bd alaSnam     And when Abraham Said: "My Lord make that, the country/land safe/secure, and distance me/make me avoid and my sons and daughters that we worship the idols."     Recall that Abraham said, "My Lord, make this a peaceful land, and protect me and my children from worshiping idols.     Remember Abraham said: "O my Lord! make this city one of peace and security: and preserve me and my sons from worshipping idols.
36.  *     رب انهن اضللن كثيرا من الناس فمن تبعني فانه مني ومن عصاني فانك غفور رحيم     rb anhn aDlln kxyra mn alnas fmn tb`ny fanh mny wmn `Sany fank Gfwr rHym     My Lord that they (F) truly misguided (F) many from the people, so who followed me, so that he truly is from me, and who disobeyed me, so that You are forgiving, merciful.     "My Lord, they have misled so many people. As for those who follow me, they belong with me. As for those who disobey me, You are Forgiver, Most Merciful.     "O my Lord! they have indeed led astray many among mankind; He then who follows my (ways) is of me, and he that disobeys me,- but Thou art indeed Oft- forgiving, Most Merciful.
37.  *     ربنا اني اسكنت من ذريتي بواد غير ذي زرع عند بيتك المحرم ربنا ليقيموا الصلاة فاجعل افئدة من الناس تهوى اليهم وارزقهم من الثمرات لعلهم يشكرون     rbna any asknt mn Xryty bwad Gyr Xy zr` `nd bytk almHrm rbna lyqymwa alSla+ faj`l afYd+ mn alnas thwi alyhm warzqhm mn alxmrat l`lhm y$krwn     Our Lord, that I resided/inhabited from my descendants at a valley of no plants/crops at Your House/Home, the Forbidden/Respected/Sacred. Our Lord to stand/keep up the prayers, so make hearts from the people fall/drop to them, and provide for them, from the fruits, perhaps they thank/be grateful.     "Our Lord, I have settled part of my family in this plantless valley, at Your Sacred House. Our Lord, they are to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), so let throngs of people converge upon them, and provide for them all kinds of fruits, that they may be appreciative.     "O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Thy Sacred House; in order, O our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and feed them with fruits: so that they may give thanks.
38.  *     ربنا انك تعلم مانخفي ومانعلن ومايخفى على الله من شئ في الارض ولافي السماء     rbna ank t`lm manKfy wman`ln wmayKfi `li allh mn $Y fy alarD wlafy alsma'     Our Lord, You know what we hide, and what we declare/publicize, and (there is) not from a thing (that) hides from God in the earth/Planet Earth and nor in the sky/space.     "Our Lord, You know whatever we conceal and whatever we declare - nothing is hidden from GOD on earth, nor in the heavens.     "O our Lord! truly Thou dost know what we conceal and what we reveal: for nothing whatever is hidden from Allah, whether on earth or in heaven.
39.  *     الحمد لله الذي وهب لي على الكبر اسماعيل واسحاق ان ربي لسميع الدعاء     alHmd llh alXy whb ly `li alkbr asma`yl wasHaq an rby lsmy` ald`a'     The praise/gratitude, (is) to God who granted to me on (in) the old age Ishmael and Isaac, that my Lord (is) hearing/listening (to) the call/prayer.     "Praise be to GOD for granting me, despite my old age, Ismail and Isaac. My Lord answers the prayers.     "Praise be to Allah, Who hath granted unto me in old age Isma'il and Isaac: for truly my Lord is He, the Hearer of Prayer!
40.  *     رب اجعلني مقيم الصلاة ومن ذريتي ربنا وتقبل دعاء     rb aj`lny mqym alSla+ wmn Xryty rbna wtqbl d`a'     My Lord make me continuing/keeping up the prayers, and from my descendants, our Lord, and accept my call/prayer.     "My Lord, make me one who consistently observes the Contact Prayers (Salat), and also my children. Our Lord, please answer my prayers.     O my Lord! make me one who establishes regular Prayer, and also (raise such) among my offspring O our Lord! and accept Thou my Prayer.
41.  *     ربنا اغفر لي ولوالدي وللمؤمنين يوم يقوم الحساب     rbna aGfr ly wlwaldy wllmWmnyn ywm yqwm alHsab     Our Lord forgive for me and to my parents and to the believers, (on) the Account Day/Resurrection Day starts.173     "My Lord, forgive me and my parents, and the believers, on the day when the reckoning takes place."     "O our Lord! cover (us) with Thy Forgiveness - me, my parents, and (all) Believers, on the Day that the Reckoning will be established!
42.  *     ولاتحسبن الله غافلا عما يعمل الظالمون انما يؤخرهم ليوم تشخص فيه الابصار     wlatHsbn allh Gafla `ma y`ml alZalmwn anma yWKrhm lywm t$KS fyh alabSar     And do not think/suppose that God (is) ignoring/neglecting from what the unjust/oppressive make/do, but God delays them to a day the eye sights/knowledge stare/gaze in it.     Do not ever think that GOD is unaware of what the transgressors are doing. He only respites them until a day where the eyes stare in horror.     Think not that Allah doth not heed the deeds of those who do wrong. He but giveth them respite against a Day when the eyes will fixedly stare in horror,-
43.  *     مهطعين مقنعي رؤوسهم لايرتد اليهم طرفهم وافئدتهم هواء     mhT`yn mqn`y rWwshm layrtd alyhm Trfhm wafYdthm hwa'     Humiliated/humble raising their heads humiliated and humbly, their eyes/eye lids do not return to them, and their hearts (are) emptiness.     As they rush (out of the graves), their faces will be looking upward, their eyes will not even blink, and their minds will be horrified.     They running forward with necks outstretched, their heads uplifted, their gaze returning not towards them, and their hearts a (gaping) void!
44.  *     وانذر الناس يوم ياتيهم العذاب فيقول الذين ظلموا ربنا اخرنا الى اجل قريب نجب دعوتك ونتبع الرسل اولم تكونوا اقسمتم من قبل مالكم من زوال     wanXr alnas ywm yatyhm al`Xab fyqwl alXyn Zlmwa rbna aKrna ali ajl qryb njb d`wtk wntb` alrsl awlm tkwnwa aqsmtm mn qbl malkm mn zwal     And warn/give notice, on a day the torture comes to them, so those who were unjust/oppressive say: "Our Lord delay us to a near/close term/time, we answer/reply (to) your call/request, and we follow the messengers." Did you not be sworn/made oath (swear/make oath) from before (that there is) none from vanishment/termination for you?     You shall warn the people of the day when the retribution comes to them. Those who transgressed will say, "Our Lord, give us one more respite. We will then respond to Your call and follow the messengers." Did you not swear in the past that you will last forever?     So warn mankind of the Day when the Wrath will reach them: then will the wrong-doers say: "Our Lord! respite us (if only) for a short term: we will answer Thy call, and follow the apostles!" "What! were ye not wont to swear aforetime that ye should suffer no decline?
45.  *     وسكنتم في مساكن الذين ظلموا انفسهم وتبين لكم كيف فعلنا بهم وضربنا لكم الامثال     wskntm fy msakn alXyn Zlmwa anfshm wtbyn lkm kyf f`lna bhm wDrbna lkm alamxal     And you resided in those who were unjust/oppressive (to) themselves' residences, and how We made/did with them was clarified/shown for you, and We gave to you the examples/proverbs.     You dwelled in the homes of those before you, who wronged their souls, and you have seen clearly what we did to them. We have set many precedents for you.     "And ye dwelt in the dwellings of men who wronged their own souls; ye were clearly shown how We dealt with them; and We put forth (many) parables in your behoof!"
46.  *     وقد مكروا مكرهم وعند الله مكرهم وان كان مكرهم لتزول منه الجبال     wqd mkrwa mkrhm w`nd allh mkrhm wan kan mkrhm ltzwl mnh aljbal     And they had cheated/deceived/schemed their cheatery/deceit/schemes, and at God (is) their cheatery/deceit/schemes, and if their cheating/deceit/schemes (was to make) the mountains vanish/terminate (E) from it.     They schemed their schemes, and GOD is fully aware of their schemes. Indeed, their schemes were sufficient to erase mountains.     Mighty indeed were the plots which they made, but their plots were (well) within the sight of Allah, even though they were such as to shake the hills!
47.  *     فلا تحسبن الله مخلف وعده رسله ان الله عزيز ذو انتقام     fla tHsbn allh mKlf w`dh rslh an allh `zyz Xw antqam     So do not think/suppose (E), (that) God (is) breaking His promise (to) His messengers, that God (is) glorious/mighty, (capable) of revenge/punishment.     Do not think that GOD will ever break His promise to His messengers. GOD is Almighty, Avenger.     Never think that Allah would fail his apostles in His promise: for Allah is Exalted in power, - the Lord of Retribution.
48.  *     يوم تبدل الارض غير الارض والسماوات وبرزوا لله الواحد القهار     ywm tbdl alarD Gyr alarD walsmawat wbrzwa llh alwaHd alqhar     A day the earth/Planet Earth be exchanged/substituted instead (of) the earth/Planet Earth, and the skies/space, and they emerged/appeared (went out) to God the one, the defeater/conqueror.     The day will come when this earth will be substituted with a new earth, and also the heavens, and everyone will be brought before GOD, the One, the Supreme.     One day the earth will be changed to a different earth, and so will be the heavens, and (men) will be marshalled forth, before Allah, the One, the Irresistible;
49.  *     وترى المجرمين يومئذ مقرنين في الاصفاد     wtri almjrmyn ywmYX mqrnyn fy alaSfad     And you see/understand the criminals/sinners (on) that day tied to each other in the ties/shackles/chains.     And you will see the guilty on that day chained in shackles.     And thou wilt see the sinners that day bound together in fetters;-
50.  *     سرابيلهم من قطران وتغشى وجوههم النار     srabylhm mn qTran wtG$i wjwhhm alnar     Their shirts/clothes (are) from oily fluid from some trees (tar), and the fire covers/darkens their faces/fronts.     Their garments will be made of tar, and fire will overwhelm their faces.     Their garments of liquid pitch, and their faces covered with Fire;
51.  *     ليجزي الله كل نفس ماكسبت ان الله سريع الحساب     lyjzy allh kl nfs maksbt an allh sry` alHsab     (So) God rewards/reimburses (E) each self what (it) gained/acquired, that God (is) fast (in) the account/calculation.     For GOD will pay each soul for whatever it earned; GOD is the most efficient reckoner.     That Allah may requite each soul according to its deserts; and verily Allah is swift in calling to account.
52.  *     هذا بلاغ للناس ولينذروا به وليعلموا انما هو اله واحد وليذكر اولوا الالباب     hXa blaG llnas wlynXrwa bh wly`lmwa anma hw alh waHd wlyXkr awlwa alalbab     That (is) information/communication to the people, and to be warned/given notice with it, and to know that He is a one God, and (to owners) of the pure minds/hearts to remember/mention/praise/glorify.174     This is a proclamation for the people, to be warned herewith, and to let them know that He is only one god, and for those who possess intelligence to take heed.     Here is a Message for mankind: Let them take warning therefrom, and let them know that He is (no other than) One Allah. let men of understanding take heed.