* | quran | * | 71. nuh. noah      <   > 

1.  *     سورة نوح بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ٛــــ انا ارسلنا نوحا الى قومه ان انذر قومك من قبل ان ياتيهم عذاب اليم     swr+ nwH bsm allh alrHmn alrHym ? ana arslna nwHa ali qwmh an anXr qwmk mn qbl an yatyhm `Xab alym     That We sent Noah to his nation, that (E) warn/give notice (to) your nation from before that (E) a painful torture comes to them.     We sent Noah to his people: "You shall warn your people before a painful retribution afflicts them."     We sent Noah to his People (with the Command): "Do thou warn thy People before there comes to them a grievous Penalty."
2.  *     قال ياقوم اني لكم نذير مبين     qal yaqwm any lkm nXyr mbyn     He said: "My nation, that I am for you a clear/evident warner/giver of notice."     He said, "O my people, I am a manifest warner to you.     He said: "O my People! I am to you a Warner, clear and open:
3.  *     ان اعبدوا الله واتقوه واطيعون     an a`bdwa allh watqwh waTy`wn     That (E) worship God and fear and obey Him, and obey me.     "To alert you that you shall worship GOD, reverence Him, and obey me.     "That ye should worship Allah, fear Him and obey me:
4.  *     يغفر لكم من ذنوبكم ويؤخركم الى اجل مسمى ان اجل الله اذا جاء لايؤخر لو كنتم تعلمون     yGfr lkm mn Xnwbkm wyWKrkm ali ajl msmi an ajl allh aXa ja' layWKr lw kntm t`lmwn     He forgives for you from your crimes, and He delays you to a named/identified (specified) term/time, that truly God's term/time if (it) came (it) does not be delayed, if you were knowing.     "He will then forgive you your sins and respite you for a predetermined period. Most assuredly, GOD's appointment can never be delayed, once it is due, if you only knew."     "So He may forgive you your sins and give you respite for a stated Term: for when the Term given by Allah is accomplished, it cannot be put forward: if ye only knew."
5.  *     قال رب اني دعوت قومي ليلا ونهارا     qal rb any d`wt qwmy lyla wnhara     He said: "My Lord, that I, I called my nation at night/nightly and day time."     He said, "My Lord, I have invited my people night and day.     He said: "O my Lord! I have called to my People night and day:
6.  *     فلم يزدهم دعائي الا فرارا     flm yzdhm d`aYy ala frara     So my call did not increase them except escape/fleeing.     "But my invitation only increased their aversion.     "But my call only increases (their) flight (from the Right).
7.  *     واني كلما دعوتهم لتغفر لهم جعلوا اصابعهم في اذانهم واستغشوا ثيابهم واصروا واستكبروا استكبارا     wany klma d`wthm ltGfr lhm j`lwa aSab`hm fy aXanhm wastG$wa xyabhm waSrwa wastkbrwa astkbara     And that I, whenever I called them (for You) to forgive for them, they made/put their fingers in their ears, and they covered/darkened themselves (with) their clothes/garments, and they persisted/insisted, and they became arrogant, arrogantly.     "Whenever I invited them to be forgiven by You, they placed their fingers in their ears, covered themselves with their clothes, insisted, and turned arrogant.     "And every time I have called to them, that Thou mightest forgive them, they have (only) thrust their fingers into their ears, covered themselves up with their garments, grown obstinate, and given themselves up to arrogance.
8.  *     ثم اني دعوتهم جهارا     xm any d`wthm jhara     Then, that I, I called them publicly.     "Then I invited them publicly     "So I have called to them aloud;
9.  *     ثم اني اعلنت لهم واسررت لهم اسرارا     xm any a`lnt lhm wasrrt lhm asrara     Then, that I, I declared/publicized for them, and I confided for them secretly.     "Then I proclaimed to them loudly, and I spoke to them privately.     "Further I have spoken to them in public and secretly in private,
10.  *     فقلت استغفروا ربكم انه كان غفارا     fqlt astGfrwa rbkm anh kan Gfara     So I said: 'Ask for forgiveness (from) your Lord, that He truly was/is a forgiver/often, forgiving.'     "I said, `Implore your Lord for forgiveness; He is Forgiving.     "Saying, 'Ask forgiveness from your Lord; for He is Oft-Forgiving;
11.  *     يرسل السماء عليكم مدرارا     yrsl alsma' `lykm mdrara     'He sends the sky/space on you flowing/pouring abundantly.'     " `He will then shower you generously with rain.     "'He will send rain to you in abundance;
12.  *     ويمددكم باموال وبنين ويجعل لكم جنات ويجعل لكم انهارا     wymddkm bamwal wbnyn wyj`l lkm jnat wyj`l lkm anhara     'And He extends/spreads you with properties/possessions, and sons and daughters, and He makes/puts for you treed gardens/paradises, and He makes/puts for you rivers/waterways.'     " `And provide you with money and children, and orchards, and streams.'     "'Give you increase in wealth and sons; and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers (of flowing water).
13.  *     مالكم لاترجون لله وقارا     malkm latrjwn llh wqara     'Why for you, you do not hope/expect for God a glory/respect ?'     Why should you not strive to reverence GOD?     "'What is the matter with you, that ye place not your hope for kindness and long-suffering in Allah,-
14.  *     وقد خلقكم اطوارا     wqd Klqkm aTwara     'And He had created you (in) parallels/varieties/stages.'     He is the One who created you in stages.     "'Seeing that it is He that has created you in diverse stages?
15.  *     الم تروا كيف خلق الله سبع سموات طباقا     alm trwa kyf Klq allh sb` smwat Tbaqa     'Do you not see, understand how God created seven skies/space(s) (in) stages/layers/plates ?'     Do you not realize that GOD created seven universes in layers?     "'See ye not how Allah has created the seven heavens one above another,
16.  *     وجعل القمر فيهن نورا وجعل الشمس سراجا     wj`l alqmr fyhn nwra wj`l al$ms sraja     'And He made/put the moon in them (as) a light, and He made/put the sun (as) a lamp.'     He designed the moon therein to be a light, and placed the sun to be a lamp.     "'And made the moon a light in their midst, and made the sun as a (Glorious) Lamp?
17.  *     والله انبتكم من الارض نباتا     wallh anbtkm mn alarD nbata     'And God sprouted/grew you from the earth/Planet Earth (as) plants/growth.'     And GOD germinated you from the earth like plants.     "'And Allah has produced you from the earth growing (gradually),
18.  *     ثم يعيدكم فيها ويخرجكم اخراجا     xm y`ydkm fyha wyKrjkm aKraja     Then He returns/repeats you in it, and He brings you out bringing out.'"     Then He returns you into it, and He will surely bring you out.     "'And in the End He will return you into the (earth), and raise you forth (again at the Resurrection)?
19.  *     والله جعل لكم الارض بساطا     wallh j`l lkm alarD bsaTa     'And God made/put for you the earth/Planet Earth outstretched/widened.'     GOD made the earth habitable for you.     "'And Allah has made the earth for you as a carpet (spread out),
20.  *     لتسلكوا منها سبلا فجاجا     ltslkwa mnha sbla fjaja     To pass/thread from it wide mountain paths roads/paths."'     That you may build roads therein.     "'That ye may go about therein, in spacious roads.'"
21.  *     قال نوح رب انهم عصوني واتبعوا من لم يزده ماله وولده الا خسارا     qal nwH rb anhm `Swny watb`wa mn lm yzdh malh wwldh ala Ksara     Noah said: "My Lord, that they truly disobeyed me, and they followed who his properties/possessions, and his children/child did not increase him except loss."     Noah said, "My Lord, they disobeyed me, and followed those who were even more corrupted when blessed with money and children.     Noah said: "O my Lord! They have disobeyed me, but they follow (men) whose wealth and children give them no increase but only Loss.
22.  *     ومكروا مكرا كبارا     wmkrwa mkra kbara     And they cheated/deceived, a great/magnified cheatery/deceit.     "They schemed terrible schemes.     "And they have devised a tremendous Plot.
23.  *     وقالوا لاتذرن الهتكم ولاتذرن ودا ولاسواعا ولايغوث ويعوق ونسرا     wqalwa latXrn alhtkm wlatXrn wda wlaswa`a wlayGwx wy`wq wnsra     And they said: "Do not leave (E) your gods, and do not leave (E) Waddan (could be an idol god), and nor Sowa'an (a female idol god, worshipped by Hothail tribe of Arabs in pre-Islam), and nor Yaghootha (an idol god), and Yaooka (an idol god), and Nasran (an idol god)."     "They said, `Do not abandon your gods. Do not abandon Wadd, Suwaa`, Yaghouth, Ya`ooq, and Nasr.'     "And they have said (to each other), 'Abandon not your gods: Abandon neither Wadd nor Suwa', neither Yaguth nor Ya'uq, nor Nasr';-
24.  *     وقد اضلوا كثيرا ولاتزد الظالمين الا ضلالا     wqd aDlwa kxyra wlatzd alZalmyn ala Dlala     And they had misguided many, and (my Lord), do not increase the unjust/oppressive except misguidance.     "They misled many. Therefore, let the wicked plunge deeper into loss."     "They have already misled many; and grant Thou no increase to the wrong- doers but in straying (from their mark)."
25.  *     مما خطيئاتهم اغرقوا فادخلوا نارا فلم يجدوا لهم من دون الله انصارا     mma KTyYathm aGrqwa fadKlwa nara flm yjdwa lhm mn dwn allh anSara     From what their sins/wrongs they were drowned/sunken, so they were made to enter fire, so they did not find for them from other than God victoriors/saviors.     Because of their sins they were drowned and assigned to the hellfire. They found no helpers to protect them from GOD.     Because of their sins they were drowned (in the flood), and were made to enter the Fire (of Punishment): and they found- in lieu of Allah. none to help them.
26.  *     وقال نوح رب لاتذر على الارض من الكافرين ديارا     wqal nwH rb latXr `li alarD mn alkafryn dyara     And Noah said: "My Lord, do not leave on the earth/Planet Earth from the disbelievers a resident/inhabitant."     Noah also said, "My Lord, do not leave a single disbeliever on earth.     And Noah, said: "O my Lord! Leave not of the Unbelievers, a single one on earth!
27.  *     انك ان تذرهم يضلوا عبادك ولايلدوا الا فاجرا كفارا     ank an tXrhm yDlwa `badk wlayldwa ala fajra kfara     That You, if You leave them, they misguide Your worshippers/servants, and they do not give birth except (to a) debaucher/corrupter, disbeliever.     "For if you let them, they will only mislead your servants and give birth to nothing but wicked disbelievers.     "For, if Thou dost leave (any of) them, they will but mislead Thy devotees, and they will breed none but wicked ungrateful ones.
28.  *     رب غفر لي ولوالدي ولمن دخل بيت مؤمنا وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات ولاتزد الظالمين الا تبارا     rb Gfr ly wlwaldy wlmn dKl byt mWmna wllmWmnyn walmWmnat wlatzd alZalmyn ala tbara     My Lord forgive for me and to my parents, and to who entered my house/home believing, and to the believers (M), and the believers (F), and do not increase the unjust/oppressive except destruction/ruin     "My Lord, forgive me and my parents, and anyone who enters my home as a believer, and all the believing men and women. But do not give the disbelievers anything but annihilation."     "O my Lord! Forgive me, my parents, all who enter my house in Faith, and (all) believing men and believing women: and to the wrong-doers grant Thou no increase but in perdition!"