* | quran | * | 88. al-ghashiya. the overwhelming calamity      <   > 

1.  *     سورة الغاشية  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ٛــــ هل اتاك حديث الغاشية     swr+ alGa$y+  bsm allh alrHmn alrHym ? hl atak Hdyx alGa$y+     Did the disaster's/pericardium's/Resurrection's information/news come to you ?     Are you aware of the Overwhelming?     Has the story reached thee of the overwhelming (Event)?
2.  *     وجوه يومئذ خاشعة     wjwh ywmYX Ka$`+     Faces/fronts (on) that day (are) humble/submissive.     Faces on that day will be shamed.     Some faces, that Day, will be humiliated,
3.  *     عاملة ناصبة     `aml+ naSb+     Making/doing/working, fatigued/exhausted.     Laboring and exhausted.     Labouring (hard), weary,-
4.  *     تصلى نارا حامية     tSli nara Hamy+     It roasts/suffers a hot fire.     Suffering in a blazing Hellfire.     The while they enter the Blazing Fire,-
5.  *     تسقى من عين انية     tsqi mn `yn any+     Being given drink/being watered from (a) present/near water well/spring.     Drinking from a flaming spring.     The while they are given, to drink, of a boiling hot spring,
6.  *     ليس لهم طعام الا من ضريع     lys lhm T`am ala mn Dry`     Food/feeding is not for them except from Dareigh/gland (excretion).     They will have no food except the useless variety.     No food will there be for them but a bitter Dhari'
7.  *     لايسمن ولايغني من جوع     laysmn wlayGny mn jw`     (It) does not fatten (nourish), and nor enriches/suffices from starvation/hunger.     It never nourishes, nor satisfies hunger.     Which will neither nourish nor satisfy hunger.
8.  *     وجوه يومئذ ناعمة     wjwh ywmYX na`m+     Faces/fronts (on) that day (are) comfortable and eased/happy/smooth.     Other faces on that day will be full of joy.     (Other) faces that Day will be joyful,
9.  *     لسعيها راضية     ls`yha raDy+     Accepting/approving for its striving/endeavor.     Satisfied with their work.     Pleased with their striving,-
10.  *     في جنة عالية     fy jn+ `aly+     In an elevated/dignified treed garden/paradise.     In an exalted Paradise.     In a Garden on high,
11.  *     لاتسمع فيها لاغية     latsm` fyha laGy+     You do not hear/listen (to) nonsense/senseless talk in it.     In it, no nonsense is heard.     Where they shall hear no (word) of vanity:
12.  *     فيها عين جارية     fyha `yn jary+     In it (is a) flowing/running water well/spring.     In it, a spring flows.     Therein will be a bubbling spring:
13.  *     فيها سرر مرفوعة     fyha srr mrfw`+     In it (are) raised royal beds/sofas.     In it, there are luxurious furnishings.     Therein will be Thrones (of dignity), raised on high,
14.  *     واكواب موضوعة     wakwab mwDw`+     And laid/raised cups.     And drinks made available.     Goblets placed (ready),
15.  *     ونمارق مصفوفة     wnmarq mSfwf+     And lined/arranged small pillows/cushions.     And pitchers in rows.     And cushions set in rows,
16.  *     وزرابي مبثوثة     wzraby mbxwx+     And scattered/distributed carpets/rugs.     And carpets throughout.     And rich carpets (all) spread out.
17.  *     افلا ينظرون الى الابل كيف خلقت     afla ynZrwn ali alabl kyf Klqt     Do they not look/wonder about to the camels how it was created?     Why do they not reflect on the camels and how they are created?     Do they not look at the Camels, how they are made?-
18.  *     والى السماء كيف رفعت     wali alsma' kyf rf`t     And to the sky/space how it was raised?     And the sky and how it is raised.     And at the Sky, how it is raised high?-
19.  *     والى الجبال كيف نصبت     wali aljbal kyf nSbt     And to the mountains how it was erected and raised/affixed?     And the mountains and how they are constructed.     And at the Mountains, how they are fixed firm?-
20.  *     والى الارض كيف سطحت     wali alarD kyf sTHt     And to the earth/Planet Earth how it was outspread/surfaced ?     And the earth and how it is built.     And at the Earth, how it is spread out?
21.  *     فذكر انما انت مذكر     fXkr anma ant mXkr     So remind, truly you are a reminder.     You shall remind, for your mission is to deliver this reminder.     Therefore do thou give admonition, for thou art one to admonish.
22.  *     لست عليهم بمصيطر     lst `lyhm bmSyTr     You are not on them with dominating/controlling.     You have no power over them.     Thou art not one to manage (men's) affairs.
23.  *     الا من تولى وكفر     ala mn twli wkfr     Except who turned away and disbelieved.     As for those who turn away and disbelieve.     But if any turn away and reject Allah,-
24.  *     فيعذبه الله العذاب الاكبر     fy`Xbh allh al`Xab alakbr     So God tortures him the torture, the greatest.     GOD will commit them to the great retribution.     Allah will punish him with a mighty Punishment,
25.  *     ان الينا ايابهم     an alyna ayabhm     That truly to Us (is) their return.     To us is their ultimate destiny.     For to Us will be their return;
26.  *     ثم ان علينا حسابهم     xm an `lyna Hsabhm     Then that truly on Us (is) their account/calculation.     Then we will call them to account.     Then it will be for Us to call them to account.