* | quran | * | 88. al-ghashiya. the overwhelming calamity      <   > 

1.  *     Has the news of the over shadowing event of resurrection reached you?[1]
2.  *     On that  Day some faces shall be downcast,[2]
3.  *     in hard labor, worn out,[3]
4.  *     scorching in the  blazing fire,[4]
5.  *     given to drink from a boiling fountain.[5]
6.  *     They shall have no food  except bitter thorny fruit,[6]
7.  *     which will neither provide nourishment nor satisfy  hunger.[7]
8.  *     While some faces on that Day shall be radiant,[8]
9.  *     well pleased with their  endeavors,[9]
10.  *     in a lofty garden.[10]
11.  *     Therein they shall hear no loose talk.[11]
12.  *     Therein  they shall have running springs.[12]
13.  *     Therein they shall be reclining on raised soft  couches,[13]
14.  *     with goblets placed before them;[14]
15.  *     silky cushions ranged in order[15]
16.  *     and fine carpets richly spread.[16]
17.  *     Do they not look at the camels, how they were created?[17]
18.  *     The heaven, how it was  raised high?[18]
19.  *     The mountains, how they were firmly set?[19]
20.  *     And the earth, how it  is spread out?[20]
21.  *     So keep on giving admonition, for you are an admonisher[21]
22.  *     not  a taskmaster over them.[22]
23.  *     As for those who turn their backs and disbelieve,[23]
24.  *     Allah will punish them with the mighty punishment.[24]
25.  *     Surely to Us is their  return,[25]
26.  *     then surely it is for Us to take their account.[26]