* | quran | * | 69. al-haqqah. the inevitable      <   > 

1.  *     The Sure Reality!     The incontestable (event).     سورة الحاقة بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ٛــــ الحاقة     swr+ alHaq+ bsm allh alrHmn alrHym ? alHaq+
2.  *     What is the Sure Reality?     What an incontestable (event)!     ماالحاقة     maalHaq+
3.  *     And what will make thee realise what the Sure Reality is?     It is truly incontestable.     وماادراك ماالحاقة     wmaadrak maalHaq+
4.  *     The Thamud and the 'Ad People (branded) as false the Stunning Calamity!     Thamoud and `Aad disbelieved in the Shocker.     كذبت ثمود وعاد بالقارعة     kXbt xmwd w`ad balqar`+
5.  *     But the Thamud,- they were destroyed by a terrible Storm of thunder and lightning!     As for Thamoud, they were annihilated by the devastating (quake).     فاما ثمود فاهلكوا بالطاغية     fama xmwd fahlkwa balTaGy+
6.  *     And the 'Ad, they were destroyed by a furious Wind, exceedingly violent;     As for `Aad, they were annihilated by a persistent, violent storm     واما عاد فاهلكوا بريح صرصر عاتية     wama `ad fahlkwa bryH SrSr `aty+
7.  *     He made it rage against them seven nights and eight days in succession: so that thou couldst see the (whole) people lying prostrate in its (path), as they had been roots of hollow palm-trees tumbled down!     He unleashed it upon them for seven nights and eight days, violently. You could see the people tossed around like decayed palm trunks.     سخرها عليهم سبع ليال وثمانية ايام حسوما فترى القوم فيها صرعى كانهم اعجاز نخل خاوية     sKrha `lyhm sb` lyal wxmany+ ayam Hswma ftri alqwm fyha Sr`i kanhm a`jaz nKl Kawy+
8.  *     Then seest thou any of them left surviving?     Can you find any trace of them?     فهل ترى لهم من باقية     fhl tri lhm mn baqy+
9.  *     And Pharaoh, and those before him, and the Cities Overthrown, committed habitual Sin.     Pharaoh, others before him, and the sinners (of Sodom) were wicked.     وجاء فرعون ومن قبله والمؤتفكات بالخاطئة     wja' fr`wn wmn qblh walmWtfkat balKaTY+
10.  *     And disobeyed (each) the apostle of their Lord; so He punished them with an abundant Penalty.     They disobeyed the messenger of their Lord. Consequently, He requited them a devastating requital.     فعصوا رسول ربهم فاخذهم اخذة رابية     f`Swa rswl rbhm faKXhm aKX+ raby+
11.  *     We, when the water (of Noah's Flood) overflowed beyond its limits, carried you (mankind), in the floating (Ark),     The flood was devastating, so we carried you on the floating (ark).     انا لما طغى الماء حملناكم في الجارية     ana lma TGi alma' Hmlnakm fy aljary+
12.  *     That We might make it a Message unto you, and that ears (that should hear the tale and) retain its memory should bear its (lessons) in remembrance.     We rendered it a lesson for you, that any listening ear may understand.     لنجعلها لكم تذكرة وتعيها اذن واعية     lnj`lha lkm tXkr+ wt`yha aXn wa`y+
13.  *     Then, when one blast is sounded on the Trumpet,     When the horn is blown once     فاذا نفخ في الصور نفخة واحدة     faXa nfK fy alSwr nfK+ waHd+
14.  *     And the earth is moved, and its mountains, and they are crushed to powder at one stroke,-     The earth and the mountains will be carried off and crushed; utterly crushed.     وحملت الارض والجبال فدكتا دكة واحدة     wHmlt alarD waljbal fdkta dk+ waHd+
15.  *     On that Day shall the (Great) Event come to pass.     That is the day when the inevitable event will come to pass.     فيومئذ وقعت الواقعة     fywmYX wq`t alwaq`+
16.  *     And the sky will be rent asunder, for it will that Day be flimsy,     The heaven will crack, and fall apart.     وانشقت السماء فهي يومئذ واهية     wan$qt alsma' fhy ywmYX wahy+
17.  *     And the angels will be on its sides, and eight will, that Day, bear the Throne of thy Lord above them.     The angels will be all around, and Your Lord's dominion will then encompass eight (universes).     والملك على ارجائها ويحمل عرش ربك فوقهم يومئذ ثمانية     walmlk `li arjaYha wyHml `r$ rbk fwqhm ywmYX xmany+
18.  *     That Day shall ye be brought to Judgment: not an act of yours that ye hide will be hidden.     On that day, you will be exposed, nothing of you can be hidden     يومئذ تعرضون لاتخفى منكم خافية     ywmYX t`rDwn latKfi mnkm Kafy+
19.  *     Then he that will be given his Record in his right hand will say: "Ah here! Read ye my Record!     As for the one who receives his record with his right hand, he will say, "Come read my record.     فاما من اوتي كتابه بيمينه فيقول هاؤم اقرؤوا كتابيه     fama mn awty ktabh bymynh fyqwl haWm aqrWwa ktabyh
20.  *     "I did really understand that my Account would (One Day) reach me!"     "I did believe that I was going to be held accountable."     اني ظننت اني ملاق حسابيه     any Znnt any mlaq Hsabyh
21.  *     And he will be in a life of Bliss,     He has deserved a happy life.     فهو في عيشة راضية     fhw fy `y$+ raDy+
22.  *     In a Garden on high,     In an exalted Paradise     في جنة عالية     fy jn+ `aly+
23.  *     The Fruits whereof (will hang in bunches) low and near.     Its fruits are within reach.     قطوفها دانية     qTwfha dany+
24.  *     "Eat ye and drink ye, with full satisfaction; because of the (good) that ye sent before you, in the days that are gone!"     Eat and drink happily in return for your works in days past.     كلوا واشربوا هنيئا بما اسلفتم في الايام الخالية     klwa wa$rbwa hnyYa bma aslftm fy alayam alKaly+
25.  *     And he that will be given his Record in his left hand, will say: "Ah! Would that my Record had not been given to me!     As for him who is given his record in his left hand, he will say, "Oh, I wish I never received my record     واما من اوتي كتابه بشماله فيقول ياليتني لم اوت كتابيه     wama mn awty ktabh b$malh fyqwl yalytny lm awt ktabyh
26.  *     "And that I had never realised how my account (stood)!     "I wish I never knew my account.     ولم ادر ماحسابيه     wlm adr maHsabyh
27.  *     "Ah! Would that (Death) had made an end of me!     "I wish my death was eternal     ياليتها كانت القاضية     yalytha kant alqaDy+
28.  *     "Of no profit to me has been my wealth!     "My money cannot help me.     مااغنى عني ماليه     maaGni `ny malyh
29.  *     "My power has perished from me!"...     "All my power is gone."     هلك عني سلطانيه     hlk `ny slTanyh
30.  *     (The stern command will say): "Seize ye him, and bind ye him,     Take him and shackle him.     خذوه فغلوه     KXwh fGlwh
31.  *     "And burn ye him in the Blazing Fire.     Burn him in Hell.     ثم الجحيم صلوه     xm aljHym Slwh
32.  *     "Further, make him march in a chain, whereof the length is seventy cubits!     In a chain that is seventy arms long, tie him up.     ثم في سلسلة ذرعها سبعون ذراعا فاسلكوه     xm fy slsl+ Xr`ha sb`wn Xra`a faslkwh
33.  *     "This was he that would not believe in Allah Most High.     For he did not believe in GOD, Most Great.     انه كان لايؤمن بالله العظيم     anh kan layWmn ballh al`Zym
34.  *     "And would not encourage the feeding of the indigent!     Nor did he advocate the feeding of the poor.     ولايحض على طعام المسكين     wlayHD `li T`am almskyn
35.  *     "So no friend hath he here this Day.     Consequently, he has no friend here.     فليس له اليوم هاهنا حميم     flys lh alywm hahna Hmym
36.  *     "Nor hath he any food except the corruption from the washing of wounds,     Nor any food, except the bitter variety.     ولاطعام الا من غسلين     wlaT`am ala mn Gslyn
37.  *     "Which none do eat but those in sin."     Food for the sinners.     لاياكله الا الخاطئون     layaklh ala alKaTYwn
38.  *     So I do call to witness what ye see,     I swear by what you see     فلا اقسم بما تبصرون     fla aqsm bma tbSrwn
39.  *     And what ye see not,     And what you do not see.     ومالاتبصرون     wmalatbSrwn
40.  *     That this is verily the word of an honoured apostle;     This is the utterance of an honorable messenger.     انه لقول رسول كريم     anh lqwl rswl krym
41.  *     It is not the word of a poet: little it is ye believe!     Not the utterance of a poet; rarely do you believe.     وماهو بقول شاعر قليلا ماتؤمنون     wmahw bqwl $a`r qlyla matWmnwn
42.  *     Nor is it the word of a soothsayer: little admonition it is ye receive.     Nor the utterance of a soothsayer; rarely do you take heed.     ولابقول كاهن قليلا ماتذكرون     wlabqwl kahn qlyla matXkrwn
43.  *     (This is) a Message sent down from the Lord of the Worlds.     A revelation from the Lord of the universe.     تنزيل من رب العالمين     tnzyl mn rb al`almyn
44.  *     And if the apostle were to invent any sayings in Our name,     Had he uttered any other teachings.     ولو تقول علينا بعض الاقاويل     wlw tqwl `lyna b`D alaqawyl
45.  *     We should certainly seize him by his right hand,     We would have punished him.     لاخذنا منه باليمين     laKXna mnh balymyn
46.  *     And We should certainly then cut off the artery of his heart:     We would have stopped the revelations to him.     ثم لقطعنا منه الوتين     xm lqT`na mnh alwtyn
47.  *     Nor could any of you withhold him (from Our wrath).     None of you could have helped him.     فما منكم من احد عنه حاجزين     fma mnkm mn aHd `nh Hajzyn
48.  *     But verily this is a Message for the Allah.fearing.     This is a reminder for the righteous.     وانه لتذكرة للمتقين     wanh ltXkr+ llmtqyn
49.  *     And We certainly know that there are amongst you those that reject (it).     We know; some of you are rejectors.     وانا لنعلم ان منكم مكذبين     wana ln`lm an mnkm mkXbyn
50.  *     But truly (Revelation) is a cause of sorrow for the Unbelievers.     It is but sorrow for the disbelievers.     وانه لحسرة على الكافرين     wanh lHsr+ `li alkafryn
51.  *     But verily it is Truth of assured certainty.     It is the absolute truth.     وانه لحق اليقين     wanh lHq alyqyn
52.  *     So glorify the name of thy Lord Most High.     Therefore, you shall glorify the name of your Lord, Most Great.     فسبح باسم ربك العظيم     fsbH basm rbk al`Zym