* | quran | * | 81. at-takwir. the cessation      <   > 

1.  *     When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up;     When the sun is rolled.     سورة التكوير  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ٛــــ اذا الشمس كورت     swr+ altkwyr  bsm allh alrHmn alrHym ? aXa al$ms kwrt
2.  *     When the stars fall, losing their lustre;     The stars are crashed into each other.     واذا النجوم انكدرت     waXa alnjwm ankdrt
3.  *     When the mountains vanish (like a mirage);     The mountains are wiped out.     واذا الجبال سيرت     waXa aljbal syrt
4.  *     When the she-camels, ten months with young, are left untended;     The reproduction is halted.     واذا العشار عطلت     waXa al`$ar `Tlt
5.  *     When the wild beasts are herded together (in the human habitations);     The beasts are summoned.     واذا الوحوش حشرت     waXa alwHw$ H$rt
6.  *     When the oceans boil over with a swell;     The oceans are set aflame.     واذا البحار سجرت     waXa albHar sjrt
7.  *     When the souls are sorted out, (being joined, like with like);     The souls are restored to their bodies.     واذا النفوس زوجت     waXa alnfws zwjt
8.  *     When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned -     The girl who was buried alive is asked:     واذا الموؤودة سئلت     waXa almwWwd+ sYlt
9.  *     For what crime she was killed;     For what crime was she killed?     باي ذنب قتلت     bay Xnb qtlt
10.  *     When the scrolls are laid open;     The records are made known.     واذا الصحف نشرت     waXa alSHf n$rt
11.  *     When the world on High is unveiled;     The heaven is removed.     واذا السماء كشطت     waXa alsma' k$Tt
12.  *     When the Blazing Fire is kindled to fierce heat;     Hell is ignited.     واذا الجحيم سعرت     waXa aljHym s`rt
13.  *     And when the Garden is brought near;-     Paradise is presented.     واذا الجنة ازلفت     waXa aljn+ azlft
14.  *     (Then) shall each soul know what it has put forward.     Every soul will know everything it brought.     علمت نفس مااحضرت     `lmt nfs maaHDrt
15.  *     So verily I call to witness the planets - that recede,     I solemnly swear by the galaxies.     فلا اقسم بالخنس     fla aqsm balKns
16.  *     Go straight, or hide;     Precisely running in their orbits.     الجوار الكنس     aljwar alkns
17.  *     And the Night as it dissipates;     By the night as it falls.     والليل اذا عسعس     wallyl aXa `s`s
18.  *     And the Dawn as it breathes away the darkness;-     And the morn as it breathes.     والصبح اذا تنفس     walSbH aXa tnfs
19.  *     Verily this is the word of a most honourable Messenger,     This is the utterance of an honorable messenger.     انه لقول رسول كريم     anh lqwl rswl krym
20.  *     Endued with Power, with rank before the Lord of the Throne,     Authorized by the Possessor of the Throne, fully supported.     ذي قوة عند ذي العرش مكين     Xy qw+ `nd Xy al`r$ mkyn
21.  *     With authority there, (and) faithful to his trust.     He shall be obeyed and trusted.     مطاع ثم امين     mTa` xm amyn
22.  *     And (O people!) your companion is not one possessed;     Your friend (Rashad) is not crazy.     وماصاحبكم بمجنون     wmaSaHbkm bmjnwn
23.  *     And without doubt he saw him in the clear horizon.     He saw him at the high horizon.     ولقد راه بالافق المبين     wlqd rah balafq almbyn
24.  *     Neither doth he withhold grudgingly a knowledge of the Unseen.     He is not holding back any news.     وماهو على الغيب بضنين     wmahw `li alGyb bDnyn
25.  *     Nor is it the word of an evil spirit accursed.     It is not the talk of a rejected devil.     وماهو بقول شيطان رجيم     wmahw bqwl $yTan rjym
26.  *     When whither go ye?     Now then, where will you go?     فاين تذهبون     fayn tXhbwn
27.  *     Verily this is no less than a Message to (all) the Worlds:     This is a message for all the people.     ان هو الا ذكر للعالمين     an hw ala Xkr ll`almyn
28.  *     (With profit) to whoever among you wills to go straight:     For those who wish to go straight.     لمن شاء منكم ان يستقيم     lmn $a' mnkm an ystqym
29.  *     But ye shall not will except as Allah wills,- the Cherisher of the Worlds.     Whatever you will is in accordance with the will of GOD, Lord of the universe.     وماتشاؤون الا ان يشاء الله رب العالمين     wmat$aWwn ala an y$a' allh rb al`almyn