* | quran | * | 51. adh-dhariyat. the scatterers      <   > 

1.  *     سورة الذاريات  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ٛــــ والذرايات ذروا     swr+ alXaryat  bsm allh alrHmn alrHym ? walXrayat Xrwa     And/by the scatterers/spreaders, scattering/spreading.     The blowing winds.     By the (Winds) that scatter broadcast;
2.  *     فالحاملات وقرا     falHamlat wqra     So the clouds carrying rain, a heavy weight.     Bearing rain.     And those that lift and bear away heavy weights;
3.  *     فالجاريات يسرا     faljaryat ysra     So the flowing/orbiting, easily/flexibly.     Bringing provisions.     And those that flow with ease and gentleness;
4.  *     فالمقسمات امرا     falmqsmat amra     So the apportioners/distributors a matter/affair/order/command.     Distributing them as commanded.     And those that distribute and apportion by Command;-
5.  *     انما توعدون لصادق     anma tw`dwn lSadq     Truly/indeed what you are being promised is truthful/true (E).     What is promised to you will surely come to pass.     Verily that which ye are promised is true;
6.  *     وان الدين لواقع     wan aldyn lwaq`     And that truly the religion/debt/rule/might (is) happening/landing (E).     The Day of Judgment is inevitable.     And verily Judgment and Justice must indeed come to pass.
7.  *     والسماء ذات الحبك     walsma' Xat alHbk     And the sky/space (owner) of the paths/courses (movements/orbits).     Despite the perfectly created sky.     By the Sky with (its) numerous Paths,
8.  *     انكم لفي قول مختلف     ankm lfy qwl mKtlf     That you truly are in (E) (a) different word/statement.     You continue to dispute the truth.     Truly ye are in a doctrine discordant,
9.  *     يؤفك عنه من افك     yWfk `nh mn afk     Who was lied to/turned away from it, he (will) be lied to/turned away.     Deviating therefrom are the deviators.     Through which are deluded (away from the Truth) such as would be deluded.
10.  *     قتل الخراصون     qtl alKraSwn     The liars/speculators were killed.     Woe to the falsifiers.     Woe to the falsehood-mongers,-
11.  *     الذين هم في غمرة ساهون     alXyn hm fy Gmr+ sahwn     Those who, they are in an intoxication/hatred (are) careless/negligent.     In their blundering, they are totally heedless.     Those who (flounder) heedless in a flood of confusion:
12.  *     يسألون ايان يوم الدين     ysAlwn ayan ywm aldyn     They question/ask when (is) the Judgment Day/the Resurrection Day.     They question the Day of Judgment.     They ask, "When will be the Day of Judgment and Justice?"
13.  *     يوم هم على النار يفتنون     ywm hm `li alnar yftnwn     A day/time they are on the fire they are being tortured.     The day they are presented to the fire.     (It will be) a Day when they will be tried (and tested) over the Fire!
14.  *     ذوقوا فتنتكم هذا الذي كنتم به تستعجلون     Xwqwa ftntkm hXa alXy kntm bh tst`jlwn     Taste/experience your misguidance/seduction this, which you were with it hurrying/hastening.     Taste the retribution; this is what you used to challenge.     "Taste ye your trial! This is what ye used to ask to be hastened!"
15.  *     ان المتقين في جنات وعيون     an almtqyn fy jnat w`ywn     That truly the fearing and obeying (are) in treed gardens/paradises and water springs/wells.     The righteous have deserved gardens and springs.     As to the Righteous, they will be in the midst of Gardens and Springs,
16.  *     اخذين مااتاهم ربهم انهم كانوا قبل ذلك محسنين     aKXyn maatahm rbhm anhm kanwa qbl Xlk mHsnyn     Taking what their Lord gave them, that they were before that good doers.     They receive their Lord's rewards, for they used to be pious.     Taking joy in the things which their Lord gives them, because, before then, they lived a good life.
17.  *     كانوا قليلا من الليل مايهجعون     kanwa qlyla mn allyl mayhj`wn     They were little from the night what they (spend in) sleep.     Rarely did they sleep the whole night.     They were in the habit of sleeping but little by night,
18.  *     وبالاسحار هم يستغفرون     wbalasHar hm ystGfrwn     And at the times at end of night before dawn they ask for forgiveness.     At dawn, they prayed for forgiveness.     And in the hour of early dawn, they (were found) praying for Forgiveness;
19.  *     وفي اموالهم حق للسائل والمحروم     wfy amwalhm Hq llsaYl walmHrwm     And in their properties/possessions (is) a share/duty for the asker/questioner/beggar and the deprived.     A portion of their money was set aside for the beggar and the needy.     And in their wealth and possessions (was remembered) the right of the (needy,) him who asked, and him who (for some reason) was prevented (from asking).
20.  *     وفي الارض ايات للموقنين     wfy alarD ayat llmwqnyn     And in the earth/Planet Earth (are) evidences/signs for the sure/certain.     The earth is full of signs for those who are certain.     On the earth are signs for those of assured Faith,
21.  *     وفي انفسكم افلا تبصرون     wfy anfskm afla tbSrwn     And in your selves, so do you not see/look/understand?     And within yourselves; can you see?     As also in your own selves: Will ye not then see?
22.  *     وفي السماء رزقكم وماتوعدون     wfy alsma' rzqkm wmatw`dwn     And in the sky/space (is) your provision and what you are being promised.     In the heaven is your provision, and everything that is promised to you.     And in heaven is your Sustenance, as (also) that which ye are promised.
23.  *     فورب السماء والارض انه لحق مثل ماانكم تنطقون     fwrb alsma' walarD anh lHq mxl maankm tnTqwn     So with/by the skies'/space's and the earth's/Planet Earth's Lord, that it truly is true (E), equal/alike (to) what that you, you speak.     By the Lord of the heaven and the earth, this is as true as the fact that you speak.     Then, by the Lord of heaven and earth, this is the very Truth, as much as the fact that ye can speak intelligently to each other.
24.  *     هل اتاك حديث ضيف ابراهيم المكرمين     hl atak Hdyx Dyf abrahym almkrmyn     Did information/speech (of) Abraham's guests, the honoured, come to you?     Have you noted the history of Abraham's honorable guests?     Has the story reached thee, of the honoured guests of Abraham?
25.  *     اذ دخلوا عليه فقالوا سلاما قال سلام قوم منكرون     aX dKlwa `lyh fqalwa slama qal slam qwm mnkrwn     When they entered on him, so they said: "A greeting/security/peace." He said: "A greeting/security/peace (you) unknown/disguised nation."     They visited him, saying, "Peace." He said, "Peace to you, strangers!"     Behold, they entered his presence, and said: "Peace!" He said, "Peace!" (and thought, "These seem) unusual people."
26.  *     فراغ الى اهلـه فجاء بعجل سمين     fraG ali ahl_h fja' b`jl smyn     So he conned his way to his family/relation, so he came with a fat/fleshy (M) calf.     He asked his family to prepare a fat calf.     Then he turned quickly to his household, brought out a fatted calf,
27.  *     فقربه اليهم قال الاتاكلون     fqrbh alyhm qal alataklwn     So he neared/approached it to them, he said: "Do you not eat?"     When he offered it to them, he remarked, "Do you not eat?"     And placed it before them.. he said, "Will ye not eat?"
28.  *     فاوجس منهم خيفة قالوا لاتخف وبشروه بغلام عليم     fawjs mnhm Kyf+ qalwa latKf wb$rwh bGlam `lym     So he felt inner horror/fear from them, they said: "Do not fear." And they announced good news to him with a knowledgeable boy (son).     He harbored fear of them. They said, "Have no fear," and they gave good news of a knowledgeable son.     (When they did not eat), He conceived a fear of them. They said, "Fear not," and they gave him glad tidings of a son endowed with knowledge.
29.  *     فاقبلت امراته في صرة فصكت وجهها وقالت عجوز عقيم     faqblt amrath fy Sr+ fSkt wjhha wqalt `jwz `qym     So his woman (wife) approached/came in an outcry/frown, so she hit/struck (an act of surprise) her face/front and she said: "Old/weak, infertile."     His wife was astonished. Noting her wrinkled face: "I am a sterile old woman."     But his wife came forward (laughing) aloud: she smote her forehead and said: "A barren old woman!"
30.  *     قالوا كذلك قال ربك انه هو الحكيم العليم     qalwa kXlk qal rbk anh hw alHkym al`lym     They said: "As/like that your Lord said, that He truly, He is the wise/judicious, the knowledgeable."     They said, "Thus said your Lord. He is the Most Wise, the Omniscient."     They said, "Even so has thy Lord spoken: and He is full of Wisdom and Knowledge."
31.  *     قال فما خطبكم ايهاالمرسلون     qal fma KTbkm ayhaalmrslwn     He said: "So what (is) your matter/affair/concern, oh you the messengers?"     He said, "What are you up to, O messengers?"     (Abraham) said: "And what, O ye Messengers, is your errand (now)?"
32.  *     قالوا انا ارسلنا الى قوم مجرمين     qalwa ana arslna ali qwm mjrmyn     They said: "That we, we were sent to a nation committing crimes/sins."     They said, "We have been dispatched to criminal people.     They said, "We have been sent to a people (deep) in sin;-
33.  *     لنرسل عليهم حجارة من طين     lnrsl `lyhm Hjar+ mn Tyn     To send on them stones from mud/clay.     "We will shower them with rocks of clay.     "To bring on, on them, (a shower of) stones of clay (brimstone),
34.  *     مسومة عند ربك للمسرفين     mswm+ `nd rbk llmsrfyn     Marked/identified/distinguished at your Lord for the spoilers/extravagators/wasters.     "Marked by your Lord for the transgressors."     "Marked as from thy Lord for those who trespass beyond bounds."
35.  *     فاخرجنا من كان فيها من المؤمنين     faKrjna mn kan fyha mn almWmnyn     So We brought out who was in it from the believers.     We then delivered all the believers.     Then We evacuated those of the Believers who were there,
36.  *     فما وجدنا فيها غير بيت من المسلمين     fma wjdna fyha Gyr byt mn almslmyn     So We did not find in it other than (a) house/home from the submitters/Moslems.     We did not find in it except one house of submitters.     But We found not there any just (Muslim) persons except in one house:
37.  *     وتركنا فيها اية للذين يخافون العذاب الاليم     wtrkna fyha ay+ llXyn yKafwn al`Xab alalym     And We left in it an evidence/sign to those who fear the torture, the painful.     We set it up as a lesson for those who fear the painful retribution.     And We left there a Sign for such as fear the Grievous Penalty.
38.  *     وفي موسى اذ ارسلناه الى فرعون بسلطان مبين     wfy mwsi aX arslnah ali fr`wn bslTan mbyn     And in Moses when We sent him to Pharaoh with a clear/evident proof/evidence.     In Moses (there is a lesson). We sent him to Pharaoh with manifest proofs.     And in Moses (was another Sign): Behold, We sent him to Pharaoh, with authority manifest.
39.  *     فتولى بركنه وقال ساحر او مجنون     ftwli brknh wqal saHr aw mjnwn     So he turned away at his corner/strong support, and he said: "A magician/sorcerer, or mad/insane."     But he turned away, in arrogance, and said, "Magician, or crazy."     But (Pharaoh) turned back with his Chiefs, and said, "A sorcerer, or one possessed!"
40.  *     فاخذناه وجنوده فنبذناهم في اليم وهو مليم     faKXnah wjnwdh fnbXnahm fy alym whw mlym     So We punished/took him and his soldiers/warriors, so We discarded them/casted them off in the body of water, and he is blameworthy/blamed.     Consequently, we punished him and his troops. We threw them into the sea, and he is the one to blame.     So We took him and his forces, and threw them into the sea; and his was the blame.
41.  *     وفي عاد اذ ارسلنا عليهم الريح العقيم     wfy `ad aX arslna `lyhm alryH al`qym     And in Aad, when We sent on them the wind/breeze, the infertile/sterile.     In `Aad (there is a lesson). We sent upon them disastrous wind.     And in the 'Ad (people) (was another Sign): Behold, We sent against them the devastating Wind:
42.  *     ماتذر من شئ اتت عليه الا جعلته كالرميم     matXr mn $Y att `lyh ala j`lth kalrmym     It does not leave from a thing it came on it, except it made it as/like the decomposed/decayed.     Anything that it came upon was utterly destroyed.     It left nothing whatever that it came up against, but reduced it to ruin and rottenness.
43.  *     وفي ثمود اذ قيل لهم تمتعوا حتى حين     wfy xmwd aX qyl lhm tmt`wa Hti Hyn     And in Thamud, when (it) was said to them: "Live long/enjoy until a time/period of time."     In Thamoud (there is a lesson). They were told, "Enjoy temporarily."     And in the Thamud (was another Sign): Behold, they were told, "Enjoy (your brief day) for a little while!"
44.  *     فعتوا عن امر ربهم فاخذتهم الصاعقة وهم ينظرون     f`twa `n amr rbhm faKXthm alSa`q+ whm ynZrwn     So they become arrogant/disobedient from their Lord's order/command, so the death/destructive torture punished/took them, and (while) they are looking/watching.     They rebelled against the command of their Lord. Consequently, the lightning struck them as they looked.     But they insolently defied the Command of their Lord: So the stunning noise (of an earthquake) seized them, even while they were looking on.
45.  *     فما استطاعوا من قيام وماكانوا منتصرين     fma astTa`wa mn qyam wmakanwa mntSryn     So they were not able from getting up/standing, and they were not victorious.     They could never get up, nor were they helped.     Then they could not even stand (on their feet), nor could they help themselves.
46.  *     وقوم نوح من قبل انهم كانوا قوما فاسقين     wqwm nwH mn qbl anhm kanwa qwma fasqyn     And Noah's nation from before, that they truly were a nation (of) debauchers.     And the people of Noah before that; they were wicked people.     So were the People of Noah before them for they wickedly transgressed.
47.  *     والسماء بنيناها بايد وانا لموسعون     walsma' bnynaha bayd wana lmws`wn     And the sky/space We built/constructed it with power/support, and We (E) are extending/spreading (E).     We constructed the sky with our hands, and we will continue to expand it.     With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace.
48.  *     والارض فرشناها فنعم الماهدون     walarD fr$naha fn`m almahdwn     And the earth/Planet Earth We spread it out so the levelers/preparers (are) blessed/praise.     And we made the earth habitable; a perfect design.     And We have spread out the (spacious) earth: How excellently We do spread out!
49.  *     ومن كل شئ خلقنا زوجين لعلكم تذكرون     wmn kl $Y Klqna zwjyn l`lkm tXkrwn     And from every thing We created a pair/couple, maybe/perhaps you mention/remember.     We created a pair (male and female) of everything, that you may take heed.     And of every thing We have created pairs: That ye may receive instruction.
50.  *     ففروا الى الله اني لكم منه نذير مبين     ffrwa ali allh any lkm mnh nXyr mbyn     So escape/flee to God, that I am for you from Him a clear/evident warner/giver of notice.     You shall escape to GOD. I am sent by Him to you as a manifest warner.     Hasten ye then (at once) to Allah. I am from Him a Warner to you, clear and open!
51.  *     ولاتجعلوا مع الله الها اخر اني لكم منه نذير مبين     wlatj`lwa m` allh alha aKr any lkm mnh nXyr mbyn     And do not make/put with God another god, that I am for you from Him a clear/evident warner/giver of notice.     KHALIFA:Do not set up beside GOD any other god. I am sent by Him to you as a manifest warner.     And make not another an object of worship with Allah. I am from Him a Warner to you, clear and open!
52.  *     كذلك مااتى الذين من قبلهم من رسول الا قالوا ساحر اومجنون     kXlk maati alXyn mn qblhm mn rswl ala qalwa saHr awmjnwn     As/like that none from a messenger came to those from before them except (that) they said: "A magician/sorcerer, or mad/insane."     Consistently, when a messenger went to the previous generations, they said, "Magician," or, "Crazy."     Similarly, no apostle came to the Peoples before them, but they said (of him) in like manner, "A sorcerer, or one possessed"!
53.  *     اتواصوا به بل هم قوم طاغون     atwaSwa bh bl hm qwm TaGwn     Do they command/entrust with it? But they are a tyrannizing/arrogant nation.     Did they make an agreement with each other? Indeed, they are transgressors.     Is this the legacy they have transmitted, one to another? Nay, they are themselves a people transgressing beyond bounds!
54.  *     فتول عنهم فما انت بملوم     ftwl `nhm fma ant bmlwm     So turn away from them, so you are not with being blamed/reprimanded.     You may disregard them; you cannot be blamed.     So turn away from them: not thine is the blame.
55.  *     وذكر فان الذكرى تنفع المؤمنين     wXkr fan alXkri tnf` almWmnyn     And remind, so that the reminder/remembrance benefits/becomes useful (to) the believers.     And remind, for the reminder benefits the believers.     But teach (thy Message) for teaching benefits the Believers.
56.  *     وماخلقت الجن والانس الا ليعبدون     wmaKlqt aljn walans ala ly`bdwn     And I did not create the Jinns and the human/mankind except to worship Me.     I did not create the jinns and the humans except to worship Me alone.     I have only created Jinns and men, that they may serve Me.
57.  *     مااريد منهم من رزق ومااريد ان يطعمون     maaryd mnhm mn rzq wmaaryd an yT`mwn     I do not want/intend from them from provision, and I do not want/intend that (E) they feed Me.     I need no provisions from them, nor do I need them to feed Me.     No Sustenance do I require of them, nor do I require that they should feed Me.
58.  *     ان الله هو الرزاق ذو القوة المتين     an allh hw alrzaq Xw alqw+ almtyn     That truly God, He is the provider, (owner) of the power/strength, the solid/sturdy.     GOD is the Provider, the Possessor of all power, the Supreme.     For Allah is He Who gives (all) Sustenance,- Lord of Power,- Steadfast (for ever).
59.  *     فان للذين ظلموا ذنوبا مثل ذنوب اصحابهم فلا يستعجلون     fan llXyn Zlmwa Xnwba mxl Xnwb aSHabhm fla yst`jlwn     So that to those who were unjust/oppressive (are) crimes, equal/alike (to) their company's/friends' crimes, so do not hurry/hasten Me.386     The transgressors have incurred the same fate as their previous counterparts; they should not challenge.     For the Wrong-doers, their portion is like unto the portion of their fellows (of earlier generations): then let them not ask Me to hasten (that portion)!
60.  *     فويل للذين كفروا من يومهم الذي يوعدون     fwyl llXyn kfrwa mn ywmhm alXy yw`dwn     So calamity/scandal to those who disbelieved from their day/time which they are being promised.387     Woe to those who disbelieved from the day that is awaiting them.     Woe, then, to the Unbelievers, on account of that Day of theirs which they have been promised!